King Harald diagnosed with Cancer '03

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Apr 14, 2003
San Diego
United States
King Harald V has been hospitalized due to hematuria (blood in the urine) according to the official press release by the palace. He has taken sick leave for the week and Crown Prince Haakon has been sworn in as regent.
Crown Prince Haakon has been sworn in as regent.
That happened when he turned 18 - not necessary to do it more times as Crown Prince :) Since then Haakon has often acted as regent.

Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Princess Märtha Louise was with the King at the hospital 19.30 - 21.00 this evening.

Front page of VG has a photo
Besøkte kong Harald

This article has some more :
Familien besøkte sykmeldt kong Harald
Hopefully he will be all right. Checked and it is a symptom of a lot of things. Some serious(Kidney stones, bladder infection) and some alot more worrisome.
Has King Harald had any other health concerns? Is he generally considered to be in good health (apart from this)?
What not too pleasant news. I hope the King has a speedy recovery soon and that it is not a big deal.
im hope so His Majesty will get well soon!

when my step-dad got that before because he cant go into the bathroom he had largest tube for urine but my mom little worried about him! but my step-dad had failure health for several years before he died.

my step-dad went to dr office for check-up but he would still used that tube but the lab research his urine but he looks normal!

my step-dad had dialysis like as kidney failure but he used to out of posion to clean-up in his lungs but my step-dad had heart failure about years ago but he not have heart surgery but he had little!

Sara Boyce
Starr  Posted: Nov 25th, 2003 - 5:55 pm

some alot more worrisome.
Oh dear .... in which way, if you don't mind me asking ?

25. November 2003

King Harald in hospital for medical check-up

King Harald was admitted to the National Hospital Tuesday aafternoon in Oslo for a medical examination. He will be on sick leave for the rest of the week.

The King is said to be suffering from an infection of the urinary system.

Crown Prince Haakon will act as regent in the King's absence.

He will also lead Friday's meeting of the Cabinet at the Royal Palace.

Queen Sonja and the other members of the Royal Family visited the King Tuesday evening.
King Harald was released from Rikshospitalet after one day.

His diagnose will not be ready before next week
- then the doctors will have the results from his tests.

Last night it was decided that Queen Sonja should go alone to Stavanger thursday as King Harald is on sick leave.
Today the programme at the official site was corrected accordingly.
At noon however - a new decision was made - to cancel her trip ...

The official press release 26.11.2003 :

H.M. Kongen utskrevet

Hans Majestet Kongen ble utskrevet fra Rikshospitalet i dag klokken 12.45.

Sykehuset opplyser at endelig konklusjon på de gjennomførte undersøkelsene først vil foreligge i begynnelsen av neste uke.
Hello Magazine

26 NOVEMBER 2003
King Harald V of Norway has been released from Oslo's National Hospital, where he was admitted on Tuesday.

Few details of his condition have been revealed to the public, but the 66-year-old monarch is said to be suffering from haematuria, which, in layman's terms, is blood in the urine. The condition can be a symptom of many disorders, from a simple infection to cancer.

Because King Harald will be shelving official duties this week – taking the first sick leave of his 12-year reign – the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Haakon, act as regent.

Thirty-year-old Haakon, along with his wife Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Princess Martha Louise and Queen Sonja, visited the king in hospital late Tuesday evening, a few hours after the monarch was admitted.
Polfoto 26-11-2003 Oslo: King Harald emerged from the National Hospital in Oslo at 12:45 pm after being released on Wednesday. Although he entered his car and drove away without saying anything, he did smile and wave to the gathered photographers and journalists. Dr. Anstein Bergan follows him out.


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im so glad he got out of hospital! im so happy for him! than my step-dad!

Sara Boyce
Sunday evening King Harald was at Rikshospitalet for new examinations (!!!) - he was admitted - expected to be released monday - info on test results and further programme monday afternoon.

Official press release 30.11.2003 (midnight)

H.M. Kongen til nye undersøkelser

Hans Majestet Kongen var i kveld til nye undersøkelser på Rikshospitalet, som resulterte i at Kongen blir liggende over natten. Sykehuset regner med at han blir skrevet ut i morgen tidlig.

Svaret på prøvene som ble tatt i forrige uke vil foreligge mandag ettermiddag.

Det vil bli nærmere informert om resultatet av prøvene og Kongens videre program i morgen ettermiddag.


Kongen tilbake på sykehuset
Originally posted by anna@Nov 30th, 2003 - 6:37 pm
Sunday evening King Harald was at Rikshospitalet for new examinations (!!!) - he was admitted - expected to be released monday - info on test results and further programme monday afternoon.
Does this mean that these examinations were expected? When King Harald left the hospital the first time was he expected to return for the hospital for more tests? Or did doctors see something in his original tests that they wanted to test again or look at again?

And does this mean that the results of his tests will be made public? I don't know how I would feel about that if I were him and that were the case! :( It seems a bit personal to be revealing the results of your medical tests to the public, even if you are "working" for them.
Any need for more tests was not what the palace informed about on King Harald's release wednesday !

Then they said they would inform on his diagnose week 49 - nothing more.

His sick leave was until monday morning.

Perhaps it will be extended ?

Then Crown Prince Haakon's regency will be prolonged as well.
King Harald was released from Rikshospitalet 07.45 monday :

Official press release 1.12.2003

H.M. Kongen utskrevet

Hans Majestet Kongen er i morges, klokken 07.45 skrevet ut fra Rikshospitalet. Kongen tilbrakte natten på sykehuset etter å ha gjennomgått nye undersøkelser søndag kveld.

Informasjon om resultatet av prøvene fra forrige uke og Kongens program vil bli gitt i ettermiddag


This article says probably something unexpected and acute happened sunday :

Sannsynligvis uventet og akutt - av FRANK ERTESVÅG, ELLEN LIMSTRAND - VG 01.12.03 kl. 05:33


In connection with King Harald's illness the norwegian royal court will hold a press conference at 13.00 today.

Official press release 1.12.2003 :


Det Kongelige Hoff inviterer til pressekonferanse om Hans Majestet Kongens helse, i dag mandag 1. desember 2003, kl. 13.00.

Pressekonferansen finner sted på møterom 131, Det Kongelige Slott. Fremmøte i nordre inngang innen kl. 12.50

hmmm, just forgot to add the link
anna keep us updated and thank you for the information....
dreadful news. :( I wish him all the best and that he is fine soon.
But I´m sure he will be supported by his family and Maud and the new baby will give him power to get healthy :huh:

King Harald diagnosed with cancer

King Harald of Norway has been diagnosed with cancer of the bladder, doctors revealed on Monday.

The 66-year-old monarch will undergo surgery to remove his bladder on December 8, and will need up to three weeks to recuperate. King Harald, who shelved official duties last week leaving his son Crown Prince Haakon as regent, will continue sick leave for two to three months.

However, doctors said the cancer had been detected early and the king should be able to lead a normal life after treatment.

The announcement, made by the king's physicians during a Monday afternoon press conference, came nearly one week after King Harald checked into hospital suffering from haematuria, which, in layman's terms, is blood in the urine. Though he was released last Wednesday after undergoing a series of tests, he returned on Sunday for an overnight stay.

The Norwegian monarch, who will undergo surgery to remove his bladder on December 8, is expected to shelve royal duties for the next two to three months
Photo: © AFP


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Well,Cp Haakon will overtake the official functions.That´s not good for Mette-Marit because Haakon has a lot of work now and won´t be with her very often...
Bad situation
Originally posted by liv@Dec 1st, 2003 - 8:25 am
Well,Cp Haakon will overtake the official functions.That´s not good for Mette-Marit because Haakon has a lot of work now and won´t be with her very often...
Bad situation
Yes, that's right. I think so too... But I beleive that King Harald is fine very soon.

KING OF NORWAY : King Harald diagnosed with cancer

The Norwegian King Harald has been diagnosed with cancer of the bladder.

According to the specialists, the King will fully recover after the operation where his bladder will be removed.

“He has cancer in the urine bladder,” said Trygve Talset, chief physician at Radiumhospitalet. “The treatment is to remove the bladder. Thankfully, he has gotten medical attention at an early stage and there is no reason to believe that the illness has spread. After the surgery the King will be fully cured.”

Home for Christmas

The King will go through the surgery to remove the bladder December 8, and he will be hospitalize for two to three weeks, followed by two to three months on sick leave. According to the plan, the King will be released from the hospital December 22, and His Majesty will celebrate Christmas as usual with his family.

The King was admitted to the hospital November 25 and was diagnosed with blood in the urine. The king was released the next day, but for the second time in six days, the Norwegian King was once more admitted to the hospital Sunday night, and then released again at 07:45 Monday morning.

“The King is good considering the circumstances,” stated Wenche Rasch, head of information at the Royal Court to the Norwegian news bureau (NTB).

Haakon as regent

Crown Prince Haakon will function as regent while King Harald is on sick leave, according to the Royal Court.


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Originally posted by jun5+Dec 1st, 2003 - 8:35 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (jun5 @ Dec 1st, 2003 - 8:35 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-liv@Dec 1st, 2003 - 8:25 am
Well,Cp Haakon will overtake the official functions.That´s not good for Mette-Marit because Haakon has a lot of work now and won´t be with her very often...
Bad situation
Yes, that's right. I think so too... But I beleive that King Harald is fine very soon. [/b][/quote]
The Court indicated that King Harald was likely to be on "sick-leave" for several months, probably until the end of Fenruary. The Crown Prince will have to be Regent throughout the period, and is likely to have a rather busy schedule. He has earlier indicated that he wanted to take take a couple of weeks off to spend with his family after the baby is born (due in January). I suppose this will be difficult to arrange now that he has to be regent.
Is there any way that Queen Sonja could take over regent duties for even a week after the baby is born so Haakon could spend time with Mette-Marit, their baby and Marius? I don't know what the constitutional abilities of this are, but just a thought.
The Constitution only allows the heir (is the first in line) to the throne to act as Regent. A Queen Consort is not able to act as regent. If there is no heir, or if the immediate heir is not available as Regent, the Cabinet will act jointly as regents. Thus Princess Märtha-Louise, as second-in-line to the throne is not available as Regent.
Very sad to hear this! I hope he will recover. I´m surprised that the doctors are talking of an early stage, but at the same time they say, that they will remove his bladder.
Is this with the regent really such a problem? I know, that one of the Royal family has to be OFFICIALLY regent, but I guess the king can call off some dates, especially when Haakon is busy with his role as father of a new born baby. But Haakon would be in Oslo if there would be a serious situation, which needs a healthy regent.
I wish that he is fine soon. The Emperor Akihito of Japan also did an operation for the cancer of a prostate gland on January, this year. And he returned to official duties in February. He returned too much early. It turned out that he has got a little tired as a result of the latest periodic inspection in him. He is 69 years old now. His children has stated at an interview that they would like their father to reduce his official duties. So I would like The King Harald to rest well. The Crown Prince would become very busy, though...
Hopefully they have caught it early enough. Very sad as we just had the 1st anniversary of my mother's passing from cancer.
that so sad for him!

mostly people have it like as bladder my great-Aunt have ovarian cancer she died before i was born in 1981 its so long time ago my grandmother's sister who died in 1960's

Crown Prince Haakon would sure so busy will replace for his dad's to become king to be when his dad sick or His Majesty King will takes test im hope so i read in Hello this morning about it!

Sara Boyce
They seem to be trying to plan letting Crown Prince Haakon have a easier programme around the baby's birth, and some of the events can be delegated...

It's the constitutional duties that are harder to take leave from... There was some discussion in VG about it, as some law-specialists meant that the crown prince couldn't take paternity leave and let the cabinet run the country... while others stated that the constitution was written when paternity-leaves were unheard of, and it hadn't been an issue before now.
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