KING OF NORWAY : King Harald diagnosed with cancer
The Norwegian King Harald has been diagnosed with cancer of the bladder.
According to the specialists, the King will fully recover after the operation where his bladder will be removed.
“He has cancer in the urine bladder,” said Trygve Talset, chief physician at Radiumhospitalet. “The treatment is to remove the bladder. Thankfully, he has gotten medical attention at an early stage and there is no reason to believe that the illness has spread. After the surgery the King will be fully cured.”
Home for Christmas
The King will go through the surgery to remove the bladder December 8, and he will be hospitalize for two to three weeks, followed by two to three months on sick leave. According to the plan, the King will be released from the hospital December 22, and His Majesty will celebrate Christmas as usual with his family.
The King was admitted to the hospital November 25 and was diagnosed with blood in the urine. The king was released the next day, but for the second time in six days, the Norwegian King was once more admitted to the hospital Sunday night, and then released again at 07:45 Monday morning.
“The King is good considering the circumstances,” stated Wenche Rasch, head of information at the Royal Court to the Norwegian news bureau (NTB).
Haakon as regent
Crown Prince Haakon will function as regent while King Harald is on sick leave, according to the Royal Court.