Young Royals: Where and How Should They Marry?

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Jun 2, 2003
What would Victoria's engagement & wedding be like?

One thing I'm wondering is if they will follow the Swedish tradition that is that the couple exchanges engagement rings and that only the woman gets a wedding ring. And in Sweden the engagement rings are just plain without stones and the wedding ring has some stones. (We do it the opposite way to the rest of the world).

most Swedish couples therefore choose the engagement rings together which means that they will go to a jeweller together.
Cissan said:
One thing I'm wondering is if they will follow the Swedish tradition that is that the couple exchanges engagement rings and that only the woman gets a wedding ring. And in Sweden the engagement rings are just plain without stones and the wedding ring has some stones. (We do it the opposite way to the rest of the world).

most Swedish couples therefore choose the engagement rings together which means that they will go to a jeweller together.
How was it in the case of Victoria´s parents?
Interesting. I'm not sure.... In that case on of the parties (Silvia) was not Swedish, so it's possible they did it in another way... But both Victoria and Daniel is Swedish so... hmmm... I will look into that.
there was a article a few days ago in aftonbladet telling how victorias wedding will be planned and i tougt that it could be fun to read but all it was a summery and mish mash of the crown prince wedding we have seen it was the worse journalism i have seen. I think it was made by daniel N his aricles are just getting worse
Så blir bröllopet - this is how the wedding will be

Daniel Nyhlén can tell how the wedding will be planned
when aftonbladet talked to the crown princess she said that she will not get married this summer. But he writes that everything is pointing that it will be to the summer which is victorias favirite time of the year.
the same church as her father and mother got married in its called Storkyrkan then he say that it can also be Slottskyrkan.
the kiss
they will kiss eachother infron of the cameras in the church and her father has walked her down the aile
K G Hammar will be the archbichip that will take care of the cermony.
Around sweden
the wedding will be celebrated several weeks before the actully wedding with different celebration coints and other stuff sold.
after the cermony
they will go with horse and carrige around stockholm with them is the "livgardet" cermonial soldiers
svt and tv4 will clean out their programmes and are just airing the wedding and the part after.
millions all over the world will se the wedding 500 saw her mom and dads wedding
there will be 1000 journalists working in sweden due to the wedding.
The party
the wedding part will be held at stockholm castle but the party the night before will be held at drottningholm castle just for the special guests.
there may be a concert gala also with music
the families and the royal houses of europe the nordic royal houses will be special guests and will be placed in fron row then there are people from the goverment
bachlerette and bachler parties
victoria will be kidnapped and have aprty with her girlfriends in stockholm
daniels friends will do the same for him
the wedding dress
if victoria will do the same as her mother she will chooce a dress from dior and the cameo tiara the flowers will then be white orkidés
there will be very much secority
Caroline Dinkelspiels Josephine Genetay and Caroline Kreuger.
his business partner Benny Johansson, Martin Björk orNiclas Engsäll.

En härlig folkfest väntar när kronprinsessan Victoria gifter sig med Daniel Westling.
Alla Europas kungahus bjuds in till de pampiga festligheterna som pågår under flera dagar.
Aftonbladets Daniel Nyhlén har kartlagt hur Victoria och Daniels bröllop kan komma att bli.
Att Victoria vill gifta sig med Daniel är ingen hemlighet. Men när är svårare att säga. När Aftonbladet i veckan talade med kronprinsessan förklarade hon att det inte kommer att ske till sommaren.
–?Det stämmer inte. När är inte bestämt än, sa hon.
Det mesta tyder däremot på att vigseln kommer att äga rum under sommaren – Victorias favoritårstid – då hon också har sin födelsedag.

Storkyrkan i Gamla stan i Stockholm, där kungen och Silvia gifte sig, är den hetaste kandidaten. Men det finns alternativ.
– Slottskyrkan kan nog också vara aktuell, säger domkyrkoklockare Hans Carlo, ansvarig för bokningar i Domkyrkoförsamlingen.

Efter att Victoria och Daniel har sagt ja kysser de varandra inför tv-kamerorna. Dessförinnan har kungen eskorterat fram Victoria genom altargången. Vigselförrättare blir ärkebiskopen som heter K G Hammar.

Nationella yran
Innan bröllopet äger en flera veckor lång folkfest rum i hela landet. Jubileumstallrikar, mynt, chokladaskar, flaggor och vykort med brudparets bild säljs över hela landet.
Efter vigseln kommer Victoria och Daniel att vinka till tusentals människor som kantar den traditionella kortegevägen genom centrala Stockholm. Färden sker med häst och vagn och eskorteras av det beridna livgardet.

Både SVT och TV?4 rensar sina tablåer och sänder direkt under hela dagen. Det blir expertkommentarer, dokumentärer och direktrapportering från bröllopsfesten under kvällen.
Miljontals människor runt om i världen kommer att följa bröllopet i tv. Flera tusen journalister från hela världen kommer också att arbeta i Stockholm för att bevaka bröllopet.
När kungen och Silvia gifte sig 19 juni 1976 såg 500 miljoner människor tv-sändningarna från vigseln.

Den stora bröllopsfesten med tårta, tal och dans hålls på Stockholms slott. Någon dag innan anordnas antagligen en exklusiv mottagning för speciella vip-gäster och kungligheterna på Drottningholms slott. Det är också möjligt att det blir en tv-sänd artistgala i samband med vigseln.
Efter kungaparets bröllop var det en stor show på Operan där bland andra Alice Babs uppträdde.

Familjerna förstås, vänner och trotjänare inom hovet. Alla Europas kungahus kommer att vara representerade. Hedersgäster blir de nordiska kungligheterna som placeras längst fram. Statsministern och företrädare ur regeringen får självklart platser i kyrkan.

Möhippan och svensexan
Victoria kommer att överraskas och kidnappas av sina väninnor för en helfestlig kväll och natt i Stockholm. Daniel Westling slipper heller inte undan. Hans vänner fixar ett lika vilt som kul party för honom.
Vem vet? Babsan kanske klär ut honom i dragshowutstyrsel? Lars-Åke Wilhelmsson var nämligen med och skojade under Carl-Philips studentskiva för några år sedan.

Om Victoria gör som sin mamma 1976 väljer hon en benvit klänning från modehuset Dior, ett diadem med kaméer och en brudbukett av vita orkidéer. Stylisten Lars-Fredrik Svedberg tycker att kronprinsessan skulle passa i en klänning som Alber Elbaz designat, gärna i benvitt.
– Victoria måste också tänka på skorna för hon har en tendens att ha alldeles för låga klackar. Lite högre framhäver hennes ben på ett snyggare sätt, säger han.

Tusentals poliser kommer att bevaka kortegevägen i centrala Stockholm. Säpo kommer att arbeta intensivt i flera månader för att förbereda vigseln och alla celebra gäster som anländer till Stockholm.
Stockholms city blir ett hårdbevakat område med bland annat prickskyttar på taken.

Victoria var själv tärna under väninnan Caroline Dinkelspiels bröllop i juni 2003. Andra tänkbara tärnor är nära kompisarna Josephine Genetay och Caroline Kreuger.

Best man
Daniel Westling kommer antingen ha sin kompanjon Benny Johansson som best man. Andra alternativ är kompisen och programledaren Martin Björk eller parets vän Niclas Engsäll.
Such a stereotypical sheet by Nyhlén - this must really be one of the worst texts he has ever written!

Josefine said:
the same church as her father and mother got married in its called Storkyrkan then he say that it can also be Slottskyrkan.
Just a clarification:

Storkyrkan = the Cathedral of Stockholm, the seat of the Bishop of Stockholm, and traditionally were all the big royal weddings take place.

Slottskyrkan = the Palace Church of the Royal Palace of Stockholm, the seat of the Royal Court Parish, where many weddings within the Royal Family has been held (smaller ones though, the church is not very big).
I would be beyond suprised if Victoria chose a dress by Dior, I just do not see that happen (Does Victoria even know about Dior??), and why would she want to copy her mothers wedding look?? (Which I was disappointed by BTW, Only Silvas beauty and the historic vail saved the look, the dress looked like a expensive nightgown with a train)

To suggest that they would hold the wedding in the Palace church is also absurd, seriously Daniel Nyhlen needs to shape up his writing...
Larzen said:
and why would she want to copy her mothers wedding look?? (Which I was disappointed by BTW, Only Silvas beauty and the historic vail saved the look, the dress looked like a expensive nightgown with a train)
Absolutely, Larzen! I'm also not very pleased with what the Queen wore on her wedding day - but I guess it was very 70's like, the wedding fashion of that time (I was not born yet though, so I can't say)... Indeed it would look like a night gown, or a Lucia robe even... :D

(Does Victoria even know about Dior??)
Yes, does she know? :) Perhaps she recognized the name Dior from one of those magazines she apprently goes through, when she "tries to stay up to date" about design...

Larzen said:
To suggest that they would hold the wedding in the Palace church is also absurd, seriously Daniel Nyhlen needs to shape up his writing...
Yes, the suggestion that a wedding of this dignity could be held in the Palace Church if frankly a load of crap! It's a small church, and only used for small family weddings or other occasions.
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here is a photo of the Palace Church

where is it located in the palace


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Victoria's future wedding

will Victorias wedding be a Tiara event like the recent Danish and Norwegian weddings since Scandinavian Monarchies throw the best weddings!....
will Victorias wedding be a Tiara event like the recent Danish and Norwegian weddings since Scandinavian Monarchies throw the best weddings!....

I am agreeing! The Scandinavian weddings were indeed best. In the case of Victoria no one knows. Her parent´s wedding was no tiara event, but Victoria and Daniel have mainly attended evening weddings in the past years...and this would then mean gala gowns and tiaras in the "Royal version". And adding the Danish and Norwegian CP weddings as measure, I´d say, that an evening wedding is most likely
I am agreeing! The Scandinavian weddings were indeed best. In the case of Victoria no one knows. Her parent´s wedding was no tiara event, but Victoria and Daniel have mainly attended evening weddings in the past years...and this would then mean gala gowns and tiaras in the "Royal version". And adding the Danish and Norwegian CP weddings as measure, I´d say, that an evening wedding is most likely
Let´s all hope that it will be an evening wedding, the glitter adds another dimension to the festivity imo...
Just thought it would be useful to get everybody's thoughts on where and how we would like to see Prince William marry. I personally think the wedding should be at the Abbey and have the traditional balcony appearance and reception thereafter. I would like to see most of the pomp and ceremony usually involved in a royal wedding being maintained, and woul like to see the European royalty invited.
St Georges at Windsor but with all the foreign royals & their heirs present. (and preferably without his maternal uncle & whatever bit of skirt he's chasing lately):ROFLMAO:
In my humble opinion: A carriage procession from BP for The Queen, crowned heads, foreign royals, our royals etc. Then Carriages form Clarence Hosue for William and co. To The Abbey, full, proper wedding with a full Abbey broadcast live, streetliners form forces, Balcony appearance, Statement from HM making him a Duke/ Earl / Proper title for him and his wife (whoever she may be!) A carriage procession from the Palace to the trainstation in proper form for the honeymoon departure, perhaps also another order for William on his wedding day, though he already has the Garter so perhaps not.
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William And Catherine she in a wonderful wedding gown he in Army Attire Prince Henry and James as Bestmen at the abbey in the Spring or Summer Balcony Apreance ect ect Pomp and Pagentry!
William And Catherine she in a wonderful wedding gown he in Army Attire Prince Henry and James as Bestmen at the abbey in the Spring or Summer Balcony Apreance ect ect Pomp and Pagentry!

but James is only 1 year old now....;)
Definitely the Abbey...I can't imagine it anywhere else.
I see William's wedding in St Paul's more. The cathedral is larger and seats more, and I love the light it lets in, the Abbey seems much darker. I hope he has a very beautiful wife, with a very royal wedding dress. It should be large since William will be king.
It would also be nice if there could be a tiara event for the gathered European royals. Perhaps a reception at Windsor the night before the wedding?
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