Auspicious Events for the Gyalsey!

  June 17, 2016 at 7:38 am by

Their Majesties King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan along with His Royal Highness Crown Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck have continued their visit to the East of Bhutan with a number of ceremonial and ritual events.

On Monday, they attended the Rinchen Terzoed Wâng in Lhuentse at the site of a huge statue of Guru Padmasambhava – known also as Guru Rinpoche – an 8th-century Indian Buddhist master. Thousands of people greeted their revered Royal Family, who went inside the statue to say prayers. The event was organised by the Druk Odiyana Foundation, an organisation whose purpose is to fulfil a prophecy that building the statue in the location it is will bring “benefit to Bhutan and to all sentient beings in the world”.

On Tuesday, the Royal Family visited Dungkhar, and small village about an hour’s drive from Lhuentse. It is here where the ancestral home of the Wangchuck Dynasty can found. A Chipdrel ceremony as performed in honour of the baby prince and the King entered the name of his son in an ancient document bearing the names of all the ancestors of the Wangchuck dynasty. The visit of the newest member of the Royal Family to his ancestral home was seen as “a prophetic moment of the coming together of the past and present”

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