here is a link to a video as an interview with victoria enjoy it - hallo deutschland
here is a link to a video as an interview with victoria enjoy it - hallo deutschland
Re: Documentary on Daniel Westling. I agree with Commoner that it is disappointing that we cannot all understand Swedish. However, I did find that my opinion of Daniel's feelings for CP Victoria were confirmed. He was entering along the side with a group of CP Victoria's friends. When he saw her exit into the courtyard, he turned away from the group and stood there smiling at her with so much love. She waved at him and touched her lips very briefly. It was a small moment, but said much. She is very lucky to have someone who loves her so much. Very few women have ever had a man break away from his friends and stand there in public looking so lovingly at them. If all the people who downgrade him as unsuitable for a Crown Princess could just look at that small part of the video, they would finally get it. As many mothers-in-law will admit, their sons-in-law were not good enough for their daughters, not suitable. They want their daughters to marry someone they envision. Hopefully, their daughters ignore them, marry for love and are happy with their choice. Marrying someone suitable to please your parents (or critics) usually ends in great unhappiness and divorce.
I am watching the documentary. I was wondering are you referring to the scene near the beginning of the video. Daniel is looking and the footage leads you to believe that Victoria is waving at him. I had thought this part was seperate footage photoshopped to make it seem they were looking at each other - Play landningssida
Here is a link to a video from when Victoria went to the UAE in April 2008. It shows a small clip of her giving a speech in English. The video should pop up. If you have a pop-up blocker you click on "Kronprinsessan Victoria besokte Dubai"
I'm not sure if these have been posted before. I think they're part of a longer documentary, has anyone watched it?
Kronprinsessan och kungariket - Dokumentärfilm |
Klipp: Kronprinsessan och kungariket del 2 - Dokumentärfilm | SVT Play
I'm not sure if these have been posted before. I think they're part of a longer documentary, has anyone watched it?
Kronprinsessan och kungariket - Dokumentärfilm |
Klipp: Kronprinsessan och kungariket del 2 - Dokumentärfilm | SVT Play
The documenturymaker asks Daniel about the first meeting, he hesitates to answer and Victoria interveens: I didnt do any impression, right? and then smiles. He then cools down and answer: You made a big impression even then.
Through the entire interwiew he is a bit defensive and stiff, just like the TV4 interwiew a bit earlier.
I think its strange that SVT play dont have her 18 year birthdayspeach avalible. Cant find it on Youtube either.
I had a feeling that the hesitation of Daniel was a little bit of a joke from him, Victoria has told that they share a same sense of humour. I think that the interview was much better than the TV4 interview before. And I don´t think that Daniel was stiff at all. I liked the way Daniel break the interview and said that he wanted to answer to one question too, to what only Victoria and answered. And when they talked about picking blueberries, Victoria said that Daniel was mostly watching and the documentarymaker asked "what about mushrooms, are they too down too?" Daniel said, laughing "I can bend me".
Is there a translation/transcript of the interview? I saw the interview some time ago and although my father tongue Dutch has similarities, to me it was just too much babble I could not understand.
Thanks LadyFinn, for some info on this interview.
It is cute that Daniel was nevertheless a bit nervous when he proposed to her. They must have of course discussed marriage before, because they were working towards a permanent situation, but still, I can imagine there was still a small voice that said she could have said no (or 'not yet'). But instead she said 'ja,ja,ja, ja'. I am happy for them, it shows that their love is deep.
A short clip from 1980´s: The Westlings meet the King and the Queen, when they visit Ockelbo. Olle Westling gave a speech as a socialchef.
Familjerna Bernadotte och Westling möts - Familjen Bernadotte - TV4 Play -
LadyFinn, Any chance you could summarize/translate this one please? Thanks!
TV4 - Kronprinsessparet vill bilda familj
I'm not sure if these have been posted before. I think they're part of a longer documentary, has anyone watched it?
Kronprinsessan och kungariket - Dokumentärfilm |
Klipp: Kronprinsessan och kungariket del 2 - Dokumentärfilm | SVT Play