Imperial Majesty
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Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Finland on September 20-21.
The court hasn't published a program of the visit yet. Victoria is listed to attend an event on September 20, she attends the celebration of 50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari/Hanaholmen Cultural Centre in Espoo. The court tells at their calendar that Victoria and Daniel visit Finland on September 21.
September 20
Finland and Sweden together
50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari
From the program:
Greetings from Finland and Sweden
* President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö, video greeting
* H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria
Suomi ja Ruotsi yhdessä - Hanaholmen
September 21
On September 21 Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa.
Press release from the City of Loviisa
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa on Thursday afternoon 21.9. The Crown Princess will inaugurate the open space on Kuningattarenranta in Loviisa, which will be named Victorianaukio.
- It is a great joy and honor for us to be able to welcome our neighboring country's future queen and her husband, says the Mayor of the City of Loviisa, Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Kuningattarenranta is a new residential area located on the eastern shore of Loviisa Bay, where the Finnish Housing Fair was arranged in the summer of 2023. The modern and high-class district with its extensive parks and beach areas. A floating footbridge connects the western and eastern shores and leads the visitor directly from the center of Loviisa to the future Victorianaukio/Victoria Square.
- The city that is named after a former Swedish queen will now have a place named by and after Sweden's future queen, Jan D. Oker-Blom is delighted.
More detailed program and timetable for the visit will be announced later.
Kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel vierailevat Loviisassa 21.9.2023 - Loviisan kaupunki
Crown Princess Victoria inaugurates the square in Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta as Victoria Square.
- Of course, this is a great honor for us. Relations between Finland and Sweden have always been at the center, but perhaps even more so at the moment, says the Mayor of the City of Loviisa Jan Oker-Blom.
According to Oker-Blom, it is important to meet the townspeople during the visit.
- They are especially interested in Loviisa's old town. We are going to do a walking tour there. The townspeople and others can also follow this. We felt that it would be excellent if we could create a connection to the present day and the future queen in the area. After discussions, Victoria and Daniel answered in the affirmative.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel saapuvat Loviisaan syyskuussa _ Yle Uutiset
Mayor Jan D. Oker-Blom tells to the media, that he has met Daniel previously at Slush in Finland. He hopes that there will be a lot of people at the streets and schoolchildren with flags waving to Victoria and Daniel.
Victoria arrives at the 50th anniversary of the founding agreement of the Hanasaari Cultural Center on September 20. The next day, the trip continues to Loviisa, where Victoria, together with Daniel, will inaugurate the Victoria square that bears her name on Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta.
The roots of the Hanasaari Cultural Center lie deep in the cooperation between Finland and Sweden. The Center was officially opened in June 1975. The inauguration ceremony was performed by King Carl Gustaf together with President Urho Kekkonen.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria saapuu vierailulle Hanasaareen
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland says today that in addition to a visit to Loviisa, Victoria and Daniel will at least visit Suomenlinna Sea Fortress and the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki and the Fazer visitor center in Vantaa.
Victoria ja Daniel vierailevat myös pääkaupunkiseudulla _ Yle Uutiset
Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will visit Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki on Thursday 21 September. The programme includes a tour of Hanken's historic building in Etu-Töölö and lunch with Hanken students.
“It is a great honour that Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel are going to visit us at Hanken. We look forward to welcoming them and showing them around," says Hanken's rector Ingmar Björkman.
The Swedish Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit Hanken School of Economics _ Svenska handelshögskolan
What is required to get the Crown Princess of Sweden to inaugurate a square in a small Finnish town?
Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta had a Housing Fair last summer.
Loviisa is named after the queen of Sweden, Lovisa Ulrika, and in the new residential area, the addresses draw on a royal theme. (..)
Näin kruununprinsessa Victoria houkuteltiin harvinaiselle vierailulle suomalaiseen pikkukaupunkiin - Kotimaa _
Loviisa gets ready for Victoria and Daniel
The secrecy around the visit is still great just under a week before the high-profile guests arrive. That is also the intention, for security reasons, exact times, routes or other arrangements are not revealed until the very last moment.
- The naming ceremony at Kuningattarenranta takes place in the afternoon, that much I can say, reveals Mayor Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Lovisa gör sig redo för Victoria och Daniel
Lunch with students, a trip to Suomenlinna, a walk in Loviisa's Lower Town - this is what we know about the crown princess's visit
Victoria _ Lounas opiskelijoiden kanssa, retki Suomenlinnaan, kävely Loviisan Alakaupungissa – tämä tiedetään kruununprinsessan vierailusta _ Paikalliset _ Loviisan Sanomat
The court hasn't published a program of the visit yet. Victoria is listed to attend an event on September 20, she attends the celebration of 50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari/Hanaholmen Cultural Centre in Espoo. The court tells at their calendar that Victoria and Daniel visit Finland on September 21.
September 20
Finland and Sweden together
50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari
From the program:
Greetings from Finland and Sweden
* President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö, video greeting
* H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria
Suomi ja Ruotsi yhdessä - Hanaholmen
September 21
On September 21 Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa.
Press release from the City of Loviisa
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa on Thursday afternoon 21.9. The Crown Princess will inaugurate the open space on Kuningattarenranta in Loviisa, which will be named Victorianaukio.
- It is a great joy and honor for us to be able to welcome our neighboring country's future queen and her husband, says the Mayor of the City of Loviisa, Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Kuningattarenranta is a new residential area located on the eastern shore of Loviisa Bay, where the Finnish Housing Fair was arranged in the summer of 2023. The modern and high-class district with its extensive parks and beach areas. A floating footbridge connects the western and eastern shores and leads the visitor directly from the center of Loviisa to the future Victorianaukio/Victoria Square.
- The city that is named after a former Swedish queen will now have a place named by and after Sweden's future queen, Jan D. Oker-Blom is delighted.
More detailed program and timetable for the visit will be announced later.
Kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel vierailevat Loviisassa 21.9.2023 - Loviisan kaupunki
Crown Princess Victoria inaugurates the square in Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta as Victoria Square.
- Of course, this is a great honor for us. Relations between Finland and Sweden have always been at the center, but perhaps even more so at the moment, says the Mayor of the City of Loviisa Jan Oker-Blom.
According to Oker-Blom, it is important to meet the townspeople during the visit.
- They are especially interested in Loviisa's old town. We are going to do a walking tour there. The townspeople and others can also follow this. We felt that it would be excellent if we could create a connection to the present day and the future queen in the area. After discussions, Victoria and Daniel answered in the affirmative.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel saapuvat Loviisaan syyskuussa _ Yle Uutiset
Mayor Jan D. Oker-Blom tells to the media, that he has met Daniel previously at Slush in Finland. He hopes that there will be a lot of people at the streets and schoolchildren with flags waving to Victoria and Daniel.
Victoria arrives at the 50th anniversary of the founding agreement of the Hanasaari Cultural Center on September 20. The next day, the trip continues to Loviisa, where Victoria, together with Daniel, will inaugurate the Victoria square that bears her name on Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta.
The roots of the Hanasaari Cultural Center lie deep in the cooperation between Finland and Sweden. The Center was officially opened in June 1975. The inauguration ceremony was performed by King Carl Gustaf together with President Urho Kekkonen.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria saapuu vierailulle Hanasaareen
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland says today that in addition to a visit to Loviisa, Victoria and Daniel will at least visit Suomenlinna Sea Fortress and the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki and the Fazer visitor center in Vantaa.
Victoria ja Daniel vierailevat myös pääkaupunkiseudulla _ Yle Uutiset
Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will visit Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki on Thursday 21 September. The programme includes a tour of Hanken's historic building in Etu-Töölö and lunch with Hanken students.
“It is a great honour that Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel are going to visit us at Hanken. We look forward to welcoming them and showing them around," says Hanken's rector Ingmar Björkman.
The Swedish Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit Hanken School of Economics _ Svenska handelshögskolan
What is required to get the Crown Princess of Sweden to inaugurate a square in a small Finnish town?
Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta had a Housing Fair last summer.
Loviisa is named after the queen of Sweden, Lovisa Ulrika, and in the new residential area, the addresses draw on a royal theme. (..)
Näin kruununprinsessa Victoria houkuteltiin harvinaiselle vierailulle suomalaiseen pikkukaupunkiin - Kotimaa _
Loviisa gets ready for Victoria and Daniel
The secrecy around the visit is still great just under a week before the high-profile guests arrive. That is also the intention, for security reasons, exact times, routes or other arrangements are not revealed until the very last moment.
- The naming ceremony at Kuningattarenranta takes place in the afternoon, that much I can say, reveals Mayor Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Lovisa gör sig redo för Victoria och Daniel
Lunch with students, a trip to Suomenlinna, a walk in Loviisa's Lower Town - this is what we know about the crown princess's visit
Victoria _ Lounas opiskelijoiden kanssa, retki Suomenlinnaan, kävely Loviisan Alakaupungissa – tämä tiedetään kruununprinsessan vierailusta _ Paikalliset _ Loviisan Sanomat
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