Apologies what I meant was will his 50th Birthday celebrations clash with the jubilee and perhaps will be celebrated at a later date?
The Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll said already on 29th November 2022 to Svensk Damtidning: "Prince Daniel will be celebrated - but not on that particular day".
Svensk Dam avslöjar_ Prins Daniel stoppas – får ingen 50-årsfest _*Svensk Dam
When Carina starts to interview Daniel, Oscar comes there.
- Oscar has been to training camp today, in football, says Daniel and lovingly pats Oscar on the back.
When Carina asks how it went, Oscar answers with a curt "good".
- Nice that you came up. We'll get started right away here. Then dad feels a little calm when you bring great energy, Daniel says..
Carina asks Oscar if his summer vacation has started yet.
- Yes, yesterday, Oscar says.
Prins Oscars oväntade drag mitt under intervjun – förvånar alla _*Svensk Dam
And it is an honest prince that we get to meet in SVT's 50th anniversary interview:
A father of two who responds with a surprised "Yes!" when Carina Bergfeldt asks if it happens that he and Crown Princess Victoria cook the food themselves.
Who wants milk in his coffee and who tells us that he is having a bit of a so-so sleep:
- I go to bed far too late and wake up too early.
So do the royal kids ever get hot dogs and instant macarons?
- Instant macaroni - not so often. But macaroni!
Prins Daniels ärliga ord – talar ut i SVT-intervju _*Svensk Dam
Daniel spoke about his kidney transplant and says that as he received his father's kidney, they were able to plan for it. Then it's difficult to plan it perfectly, so he had a few weeks where he went on dialysis and then he was feeling very bad.
Today, Daniel has lived with his father's kidney for 14 years. After the transplant, everything felt good and he says that there have been no direct setbacks since the operation took place.
- I don't notice it today, any more than you take medicine every day for the kidney to thrive. I was lucky, there are hundreds of people waiting in line to get an organ.
- This stress... it's terrible not to be healthy and then have to wait year after year. Some do not survive because of the wait for their organ, says Daniel.
Daniel talar ut om svåra sjukdomen_ ”Tar mediciner varje dag” _*Svensk Dam
Prince Daniel's poignant words about his serious illness in a big interview
Prins Daniels gripande ord om sin svåra sjukdom i stor intervju - Allt om kungligt
Prince Daniel appearing for a longer, more exclusive interview is nothing out of the ordinary.
Therefore, the news that Carina Bergfeldt, who chased the court for 13 years after an interview with the prince, hit like a bomb.
The journalist and presenter had the opportunity to sit down in front of Daniel for an entire documentary about everything between growing up in Ockelbo and life as a prince over Sweden.
Svensk Damtidning's editor-in-chief Johan T Lindwall visited this morning SVT's "Morgonstudion" to discuss the conversation between Carina Bergfeldt and Daniel.
According to Lindwall, the prince gets "five out of five royal crowns":
- Very open, very private, very unexpected. Skillfully executed, very relaxed. There is a lot of training behind it. To sit in an interview like this and not slip up for such a long time, which Daniel does not do, is impressive.
According to the media, the documentary came out just this year because the prince turns 50 on September 15. Lindwall believes that there is also another reason:
- The interest that existed for the royal family around the wedding between Daniel and Victoria no longer exists. In the past, a number of media companies went on state visits and published articles every day to portray their lives and how they work. Today it is very quiet around the royal house, and it bothers them that now no one reports on what they are doing. Then they have to find the media themselves. This interview would never have taken place ten years ago, because then the mass media interest was so great.
- I also think it is this exclusivity surrounding the royal house, that mystery. It must not be too often because then everyone gets interviews. We're talking about this interview because it's so unique. If Daniel had done five interviews like this, then we wouldn't be standing here talking about them.
Johan T Lindwall_ Därför ställde prins Daniel upp på unika intervjun i SVT _*Svensk Dam
Johan T Lindwall was as a guest also at TV4's Efter Fem-program
Lindwall said:
- He has never been this private, open and honest. This is perhaps the most bald interview he has ever done. He gives himself out a lot and talks a lot about his private life. Unusual for royalty.
Lindwall pays tribute to Daniel for his courage and honesty.
- Daniel is a man of the people who has entered the royal family and he goes his own way. I think he is doing very well, excellently well I would say, he says.
Johan T Lindwall hyllar prins Daniel efter sällsynta intervjun_ _Aldrig varit såhär privat_ _*Svensk Dam
Daniel has previously said that it is no problem to walk one, two or ten steps behind Victoria and still retain his self-esteem. Daniel says in the interview:
- It's really simple. I know my role. Most people want to hear and see Victoria, and I'm fine with that. I think she's amazing. She has such a nice connection with people and sees people and makes them feel good. I go behind and enjoy and try to contribute, but have no problem seeing my role and my situation in the whole thing.
Victoria says:
- I have been incredibly lucky to meet someone who wants to share the commitment I have. And I then met someone who wants to be on this journey and be a support, but who also enthusiastically and wholeheartedly commits himself so genuinely to his role. He has an easy way of taking people. For me, he has meant a lot, an awful lot, not only because he is my husband and father to our children, but also as my closest work colleague and support.
Carina asks Daniel about Ockelbo and Daniel tells how much Ockelbo means to him. He speaks so warmly about his childhood and parents, how he had a great childhood. What kind of upbringing his parents have given him. He has five childhood friends from there, a tight group. Just a couple of weeks ago these friends were at Haga Palace, they spent a couple of days together. At the veranda of Haga Palace there are 12 photographs from Ockelbo, taken by Gunnar Smoliansky. Daniel says that then he has a group from friends also from that time he moved to Stockholm about 30 years ago. And that he has a couple of best friends, whom he can call any time and speak about everything.
Daniel says:
- I feel incredibly privileged. I have two amazing children and an amazing wife. I have a very exciting role where I can do things I'm passionate about. I can influence society to some extent, at least try to do so. I try to make good things out of the situation. I am very focused on what I see as my calling.
Carina asks: Sometimes your children are used as an argument for the abolition of the monarchy, that they would be prisoners in a golden cage. What does the prince think about it?
- I can feel incredible concern for children who live in difficult environments, in dysfunctional families. Vulnerable children. Our children live in a safe environment, they are endlessly loved and are doing very well. Then there will surely come periods like for most children and young people when you have a hard time and maybe are depressed. You have to count on that in our case as well. But I believe so much in this thing about love and security, that it creates the conditions for children to feel good, Daniel says.
Daniel speaks also about the importance art has for him. He tells he visits art galleries, at least once a month. And Daniel has bought and chosen many pieces of art to Haga Palace. They walk at a room at Haga Palace and Carina says "beautiful painting" and Daniel tells he loves it, it's his favourite: Karin Mamma Andersson's painting "Svandamm" (Swan Pond)
Photos at a table at the veranda
Unseen photo of Daniel and Oscar beside the main door of Haga Palace
Some screenshots