Fashion and Style of Royal Men, Part 5: October 2018 - October 2019

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Well, Harry looks good from ankle up. :lol:

I have no issues with the shoes itself, but it’s just out of place. :lol:
Well, Harry looks good from ankle up. :lol:

I have no issues with the shoes itself, but it’s just out of place. :lol:

The shoes are okay. However, since my grandfather was a shoemaker and expertly trained in the business, he would recommend a pair of black leather shoes.
Droit du seigneur

Harry looks fine to me. Tan shoes with a light gray suit are perfectly acceptable. And if they weren’t, then the Duke will have displayed a new style combination, and half the young gentlemen in the Realm will be dressing that way next week. But there’s nothing outre’ or even unique about Harry’s ensemble. A Prince may ignore or follow fashion, but if a Prince is wearing it, it’s fashionable.

Woopsie, I meant “the king can do no wrong”, not the other thing (droit du seigneur), which showed my rapidly failing memory at work,
IMO [and it is just an opinion] pale grey colour reduces any pair of Men's shoes to a level of informality comparable to trainers..They just look cheap.

A smart pair of formal black shoes would have been more appropriate, in my book.
I have to give Harry credit for trying though. His tie kind of matches his shoes. Perhaps that's the effect he was going for.

Then again, I don't think that tie and suit go well together either. :D
I don't mind Harry's outfit, but would rather have seen it during a day event than an evening one.
Yes, a very casual look for Harry. I actually like his grey top, but the Windsor boys never cause a stir of admiration for their leisure wear. Just no flair, really.
I don't mind Harry's outfit, but would rather have seen it during a day event than an evening one.

I’d characterize it as an arrival event rather than a daytime or evening event though. I feel like the arrival ceremonies are the same no matter the time of day.
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Suede shoes with a suit - any suit = :verysad::verysad::verysad:

And such a pale, boring tie with a light suit... There are white-painted walls that are more exciting! He gets ?? from me.
:previous: Now let's be fair. He is being weaned off the perpetual 'blue suits' and that has to be a bit of a shock to the system. After all, we are talking about a man who was happy to walk around with holes in the soles of his shoes. As to the tie, well it's a damned sight better than his boring old school or regimental ties and I think it is part of his new look. But, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the ability to coordinate. Le sigh . . .
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Poor Harry. And he used to have some cute ties. I remember one with running and jumping rabbits... Perhaps a mini tour of Denmark could be arranged and then Frederik could show how smart dressing with a sense of style and fun is really done!
Poor Harry. And he used to have some cute ties. I remember one with running and jumping rabbits... Perhaps a mini tour of Denmark could be arranged and then Frederik could show how smart dressing with a sense of style and fun is really done!

Not if Frederik is going to introduce him to red trousers. I dread to think what Harry might pair with those.
:previous: Fear not, Meghan will open the parcel and say "Darling, red pants! They're just what I wanted . . . . . but I'll just have to change the size. :lol:
:previous: Now let's be fair. He is being weaned off the perpetual 'blue suits' and that has to be a bit of a shock to the system. After all, we are talking about a man who was happy to walk around with holes in the soles of his shoes. As to the tie, well it's a damned sight better than his boring old school or regimental ties and I think it is part of his new look. But, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the ability to coordinate. Le sigh . . .

As I see it, if there is one thing that Harry's recent formal outings on this trip has demonstrated is that the old "uniform" of blue suits and formal black shoes works well, in almost every situation.

And such a pale, boring tie with a light suit... There are white-painted walls that are more exciting! He gets ?? from me.

Perhaps Harry too is being given sartorial advice by Meghan's Canadian stylist. ?
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There is of course a perfectly rational explanation for Harry's bland attire recently.
It's a typical case of "my wife is pregnant, she be crazy syndrome!"

As we all, especially husbands, know, pregnant wives can be quite emotional!
We have learned, but without really comprehending anything, about swollen legs, back aches, emotional roller coasters, weird cravings and so on - and we don't understand a hoot. :ermm:
That's how it is with Harry these days.
He has seen the gentle woman he fell in love with at times turning into a bloated monster, who is convinced she is carrying an Alien inside her - and it's all his fault!
Now, how do you be supportive, while at the same time try to avoid having your head bashed in and just as important leave center stage to your wife? (She's after all going through nine months of this, so she deserves the attention.)
- You tone down. And that's what Harry is doing.
He dress not too merrily, lest his wife does not see the fact that she is currently feeling as attractive as a zeppelin as something remotely merry.
Nor should he upstage his wife, if she feels glowing and beautiful. - So boring ties and dull suits that blends in with the wallpaper is often the safest option.

So are suede shoes.
Your wife can't wear her Gucci heels she loves, you'd better not wear your shining black shoes either! Unless you want to see your favorite shoes nailed to a pole. On top of a picture of you, in place of your ears! Because your wife woke up one night, because the critter inside her, once again, decided to tap dance half the night away - and you are just lying there sleeping... :frazzled:?:mad::voodoo:

But Harry will learn. ?
When their second child is on the way, he will know that no matter what he does, it will make no difference, so he will dress more normally. ?
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Harry looks good in any suit. The pale colour was nice for a change. I didn't find the suede shoes to be formal enough worn with the suit and tie. They looked perfect with trousers and shirt and acceptable with the jacket without a tie at the market place.
I would have to agree.

Felipe wearing a double breasted suit (have not seen him wearing one in ages) what makes him look massive/heavy.

Au contraire, it makes him look stylish.
Note the festive tie and the handkerchief. :cool::cool:

It's not often we talk about royal men's jewelry, but I'm curious about Haakon's star ring
Ugly watch by the way

Hmm, the Polar Star?
Reward for burning his shoes?

Reminds me of my great-grandfather. Back in the 30's he managed to convince a distinguished lady that he only owned one set of suit, so that he had to stay in bed when it was washed.
Needless to say my great-grandmother did not appreciate the prank. ?

Perhaps William is thinking: If I bring two sets of suits they'll only need to be washed, so it's more sensible to wear one set.
- And before you say anything, I have come across quite a few men in my time who thought just like that!
One of the men in question was a co-worker of mine who had an alternative approach to personal hygiene.
He reasoned that it wasn't necessary for him to shower if he hadn't been at work, so he didn't shower during weekends. So come Monday on hot summer days you could smell him meters away!
Did I mention that he suffered from perfume-allergy and as such didn't use shower gel? - Except when it was free... - Apparently he could switch off his allergy.
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Muhler, You mentioned about Prince William having 2 sets of suits to be washed. Would not the suits have to be drycleaned?

What do you think of William not wearing a tie?
Sometimes I find it acceptable, even preferable, but often it makes Catherine seem over dressed.
It is a mark of respect to wear a tie. Were other men wearing ties to the functions?
It would never be a mistake for a royal man to wear a tie.
Muhler, You mentioned about Prince William having 2 sets of suits to be washed. Would not the suits have to be drycleaned?

Quite, CyrilVladista, quite. ?
I plead incompetence. :D

What do you think of William not wearing a tie?
Sometimes I find it acceptable, even preferable, but often it makes Catherine seem over dressed.
It is a mark of respect to wear a tie. Were other men wearing ties to the functions?
It would never be a mistake for a royal man to wear a tie.

We have some time back, judged on William's attire, established that he has a secret dream about being a country-vicar. ?
It's positively Freudian.
If we look at his white shirts, they could very well resemble a vicar's collar.
And the suede shoes, he is so fond of, is another indication. That's the kind of practical footwear a country-vicar would wear patrolling his parish keeping an eye on his flock.
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Quite, CyrilVladista, quite. [emoji2]
I plead incompetence. [emoji3]

We have some time back, judged on William's attire, established that he has a secret dream about being a country-vicar. ?
It's positively Freudian.
If we look at his white shirts, they could very well resemble a vicar's collar.
And the suede shoes, he is so fond of, is another indication. That's the kind of practical footwear a country-vicar would wear patrolling his parish keeping an eye on his flock.
Suede shoes on a country road??
Suede shoes on a country road??

Oh Yes. If the Savior could walk on water, what's to prevent a country vicar from wearing suede shoes on a country road, eh? ;)
I believe most roads in English villages are paved nowadays, so no big problem there.
A country vicar who runs out of paved roads will simply mount his clerical bicycle and proceed on his steady course that way. ?
It's true, I saw a documentary about an English priest doing just that. Even though the priest was Catholic. Father Brown was his name, I believe.
I can easily envision William doing just that - and by happy. With Kate at home in the vicarage.
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