Crown Princess Mette-Marit's Daytime Fashion Part 6: August 2012 - June 2013

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 6 of the thread for Crown Princess Mette-Marit's Daytime Fashion!

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** Crown Princess Mette-Marit's Daytime Fashion Part 5: August 2011 - August 2012 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
A perfectly appropriate and nice look considering the event and the venue.
Nice look for the engagement ....
Love the combination of blazer and jeans, and I think the look would be perfect with a different t-shirt (without print).
I love the jeans and blazer combination. It's appropriate, but still casual and comfortable. Love her ballet flats too. As for the second outfit, I like the color of the skirt, but nothing else. Mette-Marit does indeed have a gorgeous and genuine smile. It lights up her entire face.
Do you think, does she buy her clothes sometimes in secondhand-shops? Before her marriage she loved to buy so, and sometimes their clothes seems to be secondhand-clothes... I have the feeling also by this purple rock and the black jacket.
Odd outfit IMO the heavy jacket the flowy skirt the summery shoes all pretty alone but an odd combo.
Love the top and skirt but not together. Love the shoes!
Is there a better picture of the skirt? It looks lovely.
I love this outfit. Everything in it. from the jacket to the shoes and I love when she wears dark colours, it makes her hair (which I love) stand out
Lovely suit! Isnt this recycled?
The detailing on the hem of the skirt and jacket is quite pretty.
Great suit! Love the details!
I don't mind the suit, but do wish that the detailing wasn't there. Not quite to my taste, but she's able to pull it off quite nicely.
I don't mind the suit, but do wish that the detailing wasn't there. Not quite to my taste, but she's able to pull it off quite nicely.

I agree. I would have prefered the suit without the details. It would have been great as a plain blue suit to me.
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I love this suit I am not ctrazy about the heavy hose but the colour of the suit is really flattering and it is a classic IMO
Not bad. Not perfect, but not bad.
Its a noce suit even though recycled a few times. The overall look is too dark, one gets the winter feeling looking at those pictures.
She would've looked 1000 times better if she had done something with her hair and wore a little makeup.
It's a nice suit, I like it on her. A little more effort with her hair would be good indeed.
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