The Duchess of Sussex's Maternity Fashion: October 2018 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That little bit about McQueen (where the profits go) is ignored here and elsewhere from what I have seen. This is one of the reasons why I roll my eyes when people start in about British fashion. If it's okay for the ladies (plural!!) of the BRF to wear McQueen then it makes no sense to get up in arms about Givenchy.

I'm going to sound weird here but to me, a person that isn't really all into designers and brands but looks at the article of clothing itself mostly, the items that Meghan wore on the tour that stood out for me were the ones that made a difference.

The Outland jeans (which a report says she wore 6 times) gave a boost to the women in Cambodia that make the jeans to avoid poverty. She wore Veja shoes that were made from plastic bottles and other materials. Seeing those, I bet she felt Charles smile from oceans away. Then there's the unique piece of macaroni jewelry which skyrocketed Gavin to international fame and boosted his work for a stillborn children cause.

What Meghan wears *does* matter and its seeing the impact of these items I've mentioned that has cemented an opinion for me that Meghan *would* be wise to up her game with British made clothing. When people pay attention to even the smallest detail, the smallest details need paying attention to.

As far as the DF goes, know what I'd like to see? Someone actually writing an article on Meghan's clothing but along with listing the price paid for an item (say Outland jeans for example), do a bit of research and figure out just how much revenue the Outland women brought in because she wore the jeans. Like her joint effort for the cookbook, her initiative with the project skyrocketed the sale of that cookbook and benefited the Hubb Kitchen immensely. Could the DF do a check and balance article? I doubt it. They'd have to do actual research. :D

Very well put, Osipi. Being a royal Duchess brings attention, and it is up to the holder of the title to choose what they want to bring focus on. AS you said, details matter!

Like I said, it’s not just limited to Aussies. People around the world, including Canadians, are watching as well. This isn’t touring in the 80s or 90s.

It does not matter if the Canadians are watching, or the Japanese. The Australasian tour in about the countries visited, and to support businesses from there, or British businesses. Canada is not relevant as far as this trip goes.
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i would also expect meghan to wear primarily british labels, although commonwealth labels particularly on tour could be a a good choice too - but i would think she should support 70-80% british brands for the most part. it makes sense and i am sure she can also find sustainable / human rights focused brands made by british designers. givenchy, although designed by a british person, shouldn't count as it is still a company which reports earnings in france - ie. the UK, apart from VAT tax, does not get any advantages over that.

people didn't know who jenny packham was before kate started using her designs. now she is in the podium for gala wear not just in UK but also abroad. that is the kind of power royals have to boost their country's economic activity and meghan could be using her presence to bring forward new designers in need of some help for better economic output.
I feel, what people fail to realise here is that most of those 'foreign/American' wear came from secondary items Meghan - A GROWN; SUCCESSFUL, PROFESSIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN IN HER 30s - owned before she even met Harry. She has an extensive pre-royal wardrobe - and a well documented shoe collection to boot, that she continues to use now.

How does one not look at her clothing choices this tour and not see how carefully and thoughtfully they were selected from promoting local designers and ethical manufacturing to incorporating national colours or paying homage to previous royal tours?

People in this thread kept moaning that it's not enough that she always wears British jewellery or accessories and that it's only the dominant clothes that count and now she does exactly that and all of sudden it's no good either?

It also boggles my mind why the dog whistling Fail articles are used to prove a point when they are continuously ripe with misinformation and ill intended misrepresentation. From mixing Australian Dollar in to inflate the number, and counting repeats EACH time they are worn to counting loans and gifts, and estimating ridiculous prices for bespoke pieces or just flat out make up numbers that they refuse to adjust even once they have been debunked.

Fact is, the wast majority of her tour clothes came from a wide array of Australia/NZ designers AND various British fashion houses.

(I am not even sure why Canada and Givenchy is discussed for the uptenth time when I could count the number of times they were featured on one hand)
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Another thing about this is the complaint that Meghan wears British shoes, bags, coats and accessories while not wearing a dress that’s by U.K. designer. If one is really interested in generating U.K. brand sales, that’s is the best way to go. Would I pay $1-2k for a nice coat? Yes. Would I pay t$1k for nice shoes? Yes. Would I pay that amount for a bag? Yes. Would I pay $6k for a dress? HELL NO! Where am I going to wear it to to get my money’s worth?

For clothing, it’s really the knock offs by cheaper brands that benefits.
Another thing about this is the complaint that Meghan wears British shoes, bags, coats and accessories while not wearing a dress that’s by U.K. designer. If one is really interested in generating U.K. brand sales, that’s is the best way to go. Would I pay $1-2k for a nice coat? Yes. Would I pay t$1k for nice shoes? Yes. Would I pay that amount for a bag? Yes. Would I pay $6k for a dress? HELL NO! Where am I going to wear it to to get my money’s worth?

For clothing, it’s really the knock offs by cheaper brands that benefits.

I think this has even been pointed out by a couple articles in the past....what the majority of women will buy are the accessories..maybe a pair of jeans. Very few women (comparatively speaking) are going to have the income to get the 4, 5 or 6 thousand/pound dress. A lot more will have the money to splurge on the accessories.

Another thing about this is the complaint that Meghan wears British shoes, bags, coats and accessories while not wearing a dress that’s by U.K. designer. If one is really interested in generating U.K. brand sales, that’s is the best way to go. Would I pay $1-2k for a nice coat? Yes. Would I pay t$1k for nice shoes? Yes. Would I pay that amount for a bag? Yes. Would I pay $6k for a dress? HELL NO! Where am I going to wear it to to get my money’s worth?

For clothing, it’s really the knock offs by cheaper brands that benefits.
One thing that kills me about this discussion is the ludicrious notion that well established fashion houses like Givenchy and McQueen even need the Duchesses to boast their sales. Hell no. They were and are doing just fine. It's exposure, showcasing the talent and firmly asserting Meghan's status as a Duchess, member of the BRF, where the collabs comes to shine. These luxury brands are fine, it's the mid-range and obscure brands that profit here.

Your average buyer will not buy a 10K dress designed by McQueen or Givenchy. The average buyer will not even spend that much on a wedding dress. This discussion of Meghan wearing Givenchy and it being appropriate or not is just pointless as long as Givenchy is still headed by a British designer. (..)
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It's exposure, showcasing the talent and firmly asserting Meghan's status as a Duchess, member of the BRF, where the collabs comes to shine. These luxury brands are fine, it's the mid-range and obscure brands that profit here.

I agree, BRF members showcasing relatively little known brands can have a very positive impact, as we have seen in recent years in the case of designers like Jenny Packham and Erdem - relatively unknown till about 7-8 years ago, but often seen in high places now. The Duchess of Sussex will do well to support some smaller British brands like that.
I bet if Meghan stop wearing US designers at all, naysayers will complain she tries to hard and totally faking her Britishness.
I bet if Meghan stop wearing US designers at all, naysayers will complain she tries to hard and totally faking her Britishness.

Perhaps her extreme critics would complain about anything she'd wear, but should Meghan choose to wear British designs for the majority of her public engagements then I believe she'd receive compliments about supporting and promoting British brands.
Myself I would love to see more of these old classic labels (however many are left) being worn by the Royal ladies (of whatever country).

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How pleasantly ironic that the newest bride in the BRF seems to be widely approved in every way except for what brand clothing she chooses.

Posts about fashion companies, other brands, retail jobs and wages have been removed as off-topic.
I think to factor the Commonwealth into her wardrobe is a no-brainer. HM appointed Harry youth ambassador to the Commonwealth and with Meghan to join him after they married. Their tour of Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand was a resounding success and far exceeded the wildest expectations of BP, CH and KP.

The people that came out to see them didn't care who was wearing what, they loved that Meghan was pregnant, and I think most women sympathised when she suddenly "popped out". But I think the clothes she wears are of interest and some (like me) will like her style and some won't, that's just the way it is. Where it comes from does not factor in unless it is a sweatshop in a third world country.

Meghan is not a show pony for Harry to lead around which, come to think of it, was what I said when William married Catherine. It's sort of insulting to reduce a woman's worth or value to whether or not she buys Britsh. I would argue that Meghan looks great, has reinvigorated many small, ethical manufacturers. She has worn a wide range of designers many pieces of which came with her from the US and Canada, but, more importantly, she has established herself as a woman of influence in many more areas than her wardrobe.
:previous:A lovely coat for tonight's event. I have to admit that I had a little giggle when I saw the bow on her sash. :)Her shape has changed again in a relatively short time, but that's how it can be with pregnancy. You can go to sleep and wake up the next morning to realize that there were some dramatic changes overnight. ;)
Well there should be some praise for Meghan's thrift then, considering this coat is a repeat!
Something unfortunate has happened to her tights.

The coat is very shapeless, I do like the ribbon used to tie it.
Something unfortunate has happened to her tights. ]

Yes I saw that as well and at first thought that someone had spilled a darker colored beverage on it, but now I realize that it is just rainwater. ?
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I love the black jacket. Very beautiful and elegant.
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look like nice coat but ill fitted i am afraid,her dress underneath seems intersting
I love this bow…. Always beautiful and lovely dressed for the circumstance !
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