What's with all the grey? She looks so fantastic in bright colours, all this grey is a bit disappointing to me. The dress (or is it top and skirt?) is nice though.
I totally agree with you! We need to see her in colour again!!!
What's with all the grey? She looks so fantastic in bright colours, all this grey is a bit disappointing to me. The dress (or is it top and skirt?) is nice though.
Crown Princess Mathilde at a New Year's reception in Brussels today, January 31, 2012, looking lovely and elegant in gold:
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Yes I agree, a belt would have been useful for this outfit.That's a beautiful matted gold top, but she could have used a belt by looks of that second photo.
Crown Princess Mathilde visited 'HUB Brussels' in Brussels today, February 9, 2012 wearing a leather dress
and black accessories.
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