Princess Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 12: February 2010 - April 2010

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Princess Letizia's Daytime Fashion

Part 12
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Well, I must say that I actually LOVE the leather pants with the boots for myself, but I totally agree that they´re inappropriate for a princess in such a formal event. Besides, I quite like the jacket, very elegant and stylish worn with the scarf, but I think the whole look is a bit mismatched: elegant and formal top part and casual and too modern bottom part. :whistling:
Honestly, what does this woman think when she gets dressed in the morning? "I'm going to wear something horrible so the atention is on me cause otherwise I'm just an accesory of my husband".

I don't know in what universe leather pants are "fashionable" for a business/official ocassion when you are way into your thirties.

Probably just :
"I am going to dress simple , i am from middle class, i married a Prince OK, i am the future Queen ok, but i dress simply for going to work, i am not a model, not an actress on red carpet i am middle class woman going to work, like millions spanish women everyday going at work, you like the syle of some of them, you dislike the style of others "...
same for Letizia, she dresses herself with her taste, her desire of confort she doesn't want to be stunning or spectacular every days her message is clear I think
The problem is, she is not a middle class woman going to work, like millions spanish women...
She doesn't have to be "stunning or spectacular", as you said ikram, I think she just has to be appropriate and be aware that, whether she likes it or not, she is the future Queen and although she may like leather pants, all the media attention is focused on her. She just has to be elegant and appropriate, not too much to ask to such a beautiful woman like her :)
Probably just :
"I am going to dress simple , i am from middle class, i married a Prince OK, i am the future Queen ok, but i dress simply for going to work, i am not a model, not an actress on red carpet i am middle class woman going to work, like millions spanish women everyday going at work, you like the syle of some of them, you dislike the style of others "...
same for Letizia, she dresses herself with her taste, her desire of confort she doesn't want to be stunning or spectacular every days her message is clear I think

I cant imagine millions of Spanish women go to work in leather pants and if so I wonder what their profession might be :whistling:

This was a business event with the advisory board of Prince of Girona foundation and I have yet to see a woman who would turn up to a business meeting in leather pants and biker boots in everyday life ... maybe once and never again because her boss would sack her on the spot.
Its plain tacky for a woman of her age and position plus the massive scarf indoors :wacko:
Leather pants were probably not for the occasion, but definitely not the age issue. These days a 40-year-old can have a young body for leather pants or leather skirts.
It could be cold inside. The woman on the right wore a coat too.
Another day, another inappropriate outfit for Letizia.
Probably just :
"I am going to dress simple , i am from middle class, i married a Prince OK, i am the future Queen ok, but i dress simply for going to work, i am not a model, not an actress on red carpet i am middle class woman going to work, like millions spanish women everyday going at work, you like the syle of some of them, you dislike the style of others "...
same for Letizia, she dresses herself with her taste, her desire of confort she doesn't want to be stunning or spectacular every days her message is clear I think

Agree! when it is necessary to be stunning she is the best...
I´m happy that she can represent her country very dignified with normal street brands...but inside I would love to see her with an Elio Berhanyer master piece...she could be terrific
It is obvious that Crown Princess Letizia's trendy ensemble stood out among other attendees of this meeting. If she likes to wear leather trousers, that is fine. At the least the trousers fit her well, whereas other pieces of clothes from Spanish designers leaves much to be desired.
I cant imagine millions of Spanish women go to work in leather pants and if so I wonder what their profession might be :whistling:

This was a business event with the advisory board of Prince of Girona foundation and I have yet to see a woman who would turn up to a business meeting in leather pants and biker boots in everyday life ... maybe once and never again because her boss would sack her on the spot.

leather pants, leather skirts, high heels are very fashionable in Spain now...maybe we are tacky or maybe we are more advanced in fashion trends than other countries...
Agree! when it is necessary to be stunning she is the best...
I´m happy that she can represent her country very dignified with normal street brands...but inside I would love to see her with an Elio Berhanyer master piece...she could be terrific

I love Elio Berhanyer, not a single designer in Spain now is coming close to his work IMO. If I were Letizia, he would be my first choice. I wonder why Letizia hadn't worn a single piece from his collection. Maybe someone from Zarzuela didn't/doesn't like him. Not long ago, he had an article criticizing Sofia and Elena for prefering foreign brands.
She doesn't have to be "stunning or spectacular", as you said ikram, I think she just has to be appropriate and be aware that, whether she likes it or not, she is the future Queen and although she may like leather pants, all the media attention is focused on her. She just has to be elegant and appropriate, not too much to ask to such a beautiful woman like her :)
elegance is a so personnal notion ...for a lot of people here she doesn't seem elegant today, for me she is...simple and elegant...because for me Elegance is very much more than just a wardrobe topic

The problem is, she is not a middle class woman going to work, like millions spanish women...
there is no problem there another Style of princess ...

I cant imagine millions of Spanish women go to work in leather pants and if so I wonder what their profession might be :whistling:.
:ROFLMAO: so many women wear leather pant for so many years it's a can dislike, peronaly my body don't allow me this
but it's common
This was a business event with the advisory board of Prince of Girona foundation and I have yet to see a woman who would turn up to a business meeting in leather pants and biker boots in everyday life ... maybe once and never again because her boss would sack her on the spot.
beeing elegant Wearing (fake) leather Pant or "leopard" or "python" prints possible you just have to appear elegant or simple not she is (IMO) elegant, simple and not vulgar and plsu of that the pant is nice on her !
What a look. :shock: I really wish I could say anything nice about it, but no! The jacket may be okay, but the leather trousers and boots? Apart from that it absolutely doesn't suit her IMO, I find it inappropriate for a Princess. Horrible outfit, I'm sorry. :nonono:
What a look. :shock: I really wish I could say anything nice about it, but no! The jacket may be okay, but the leather trousers and boots? Apart from that it absolutely doesn't suit her IMO, I find it inappropriate for a Princess. Horrible outfit, I'm sorry. :nonono:

I agree completely. what was she thinking wearing it to a hearing. Where was the prince's head when he saw her? Why did he not ask her to change her pants? Maybe the outfit is good for a private function, not a public one.

Leti is my fav, but lately something has happened to her dress sense.
The pants and boots are totally inappropriate for this meeting. They're best left for shopping or very casual outing especially the pants. I don't think we'll see any other Princess showing up for an official function in leather pants. Mathilde has worn a leather skirt before and it looked classic on her. Leather pants....leave them in the closet if there's an official function.
leather pants, leather skirts, high heels are very fashionable in Spain now...maybe we are tacky or maybe we are more advanced in fashion trends than other countries...
I disagree. Spain isn't more or less advanced in fashion trends then many other European country, imo. Many countries are lining with the leather trend. You can find leather pants/skirt in every fashion store. However you see them on young women on a night out with friends (like Annie_S said). I don't remember seeing leather clothes on any business woman or woman at work though.
Imo it's not appropriate for Letizia's position, age and the event she atteded.
I disagree. Spain isn't more or less advanced in fashion trends then many other European country, imo. Many countries are lining with the leather trend. You can find leather pants/skirt in every fashion store. However you see them on young women on a night out with friends (like Annie_S said). I don't remember seeing leather clothes on any business woman or woman at work though.
Imo it's not appropriate for Letizia's position, age and the event she atteded.

Its fashionable with young women and celebrities

Fashion , dressing in general has nothing to do with Age or social Class, is just a question of elegance, Princess Letizia is pretty, she has a very nice body and shape , so she can wear a lot of outfits (more or less Fashion, couture or expensive) when a lot of woman can not .
IMO I find her much more elegant in "cheap" or "average" clothes than others (royal or not) ladies who spend Millions and Millions for their clothes....
Probably just :
"I am going to dress simple , i am from middle class, i married a Prince OK, i am the future Queen ok, but i dress simply for going to work, i am not a model, not an actress on red carpet i am middle class woman going to work, like millions spanish women everyday going at work, you like the syle of some of them, you dislike the style of others "...
same for Letizia, she dresses herself with her taste, her desire of confort she doesn't want to be stunning or spectacular every days her message is clear I think

I don't think the class is in question here, I actually praise that she wears now and then Mango and Zara, because they have good clothes, elegant and fashionable. I don't see taste in leather pants, no matter how trendy or in they are. (Honestly if all of the sudden designers decide that wearing a Carmen Miranda hat, made out of fresh fruit is fashionable are you expecting princesses to wear them, or would you wear them?).

I do think she wants to outstand with her wardrobe otherwise why wear miniskirts? and funny shoes and leather pants?. Unfortunately her choice of outfits are not correct

I personally love Spanish Fashion and I usually find it trendy and elegant at the same time, actually, if you like that kind of fashion, those pants might be awesome, if she had wore them to a cocktail or an unformal party. IMO they were unappropiate for the ocassion.

About celebrities wearing those pants, uhm well I don't see them in business meetings, more like in night events. Aaaand I've think we've said this before somewhere. They are celebrities, not crown princesses, they do not represent their countries or a royal household and princesses are not celebrities.

I think we are going to have to agree to disagree, those who like her style and us who think is dreadful
YES Avrilo it's very intersting discussion , personnaly, i don not find any problems with CP Letizia style , most af alla compared to some others princesses ...
i am not choking by far by this leather pants or her miniskirts, I just find Her Just ...very less choking by some horribles (natan) outfits wore sometimes by somes princesses for exemple....
personally, about her leather pants i just don't find them suitable for going to work(for princess or commoner) but I'm not shoking since she seems to do her job with a lot of serious, personally, I am shoking when I see princesses of some countries who dress with very expensive clothes when their people have very big difficulties to provide to their needs
personally, about her leather pants i just don't find them suitable for going to work(for princess or commoner) but I'm not shoking since she seems to do her job with a lot of serious, personally, I am shoking when I see princesses of some countries who dress with very expensive clothes when their people have very big difficulties to provide to their needs
and this without any elegance sometimes ;)
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