Its occurred to me that many are seeing all of this as Harry and Meghan walking away from royal duties and the royal family. That's exaggeration. Its no where near what is actually happening. No where is it said that they will not ever do any royal duties or engagements. They're not being exiled out of the family at all or giving the Queen the British equivalent of the Bronx cheer.
They want to live part time in Canada. How much different is that from the Queen living for a few months at Balmoral or at Sandringham for her private time? Only difference I see is that the Queen's private times away are on her estates in the UK whereas Harry and Meghan's would be in a Commonwealth country. The muss and fuss about who's going to finance this or that will be sorted out and come to an agreement. I don't see it costing the British taxpayer a dime anywhere. All of this is where it takes time to work things out and be feasible from all angles and the pertinent people are the ones that are consulting and trying to come up with solutions and they're definitely not running to the media and TV stations and telling us what's what.
I think the main "break" here seems to be that they wish to differentiate between their "royal duties and engagements" and their philanthropic work through their foundation. This is shown by them stating that their foundation would not receive funding from the Sovereign Grant. It gives them more freedom on how to run their foundation. They're not going to, all of a sudden, drop the patronages that the Queen has asked them to take on at all. They're not going to become avid "red carpet strutters" as they've never been that way even during their courtship, engagement period and after their wedding.
I honestly don't see them doing this for personal fame and fortune and bright lights but rather changing and adapting just how they do things in a different manner that perhaps would be more successful for everything they choose to back as an incentive or an organization or a cause.
Until we actually know without a doubt what is fact away from the media stories and the reporter's points of view and everyone else's opinion, I'm going to give these two the benefit of the doubt that what they're trying to accomplish is for the good and not because of mental health issues, or ego stroking or any of the bazillion thoughts floating around these days around these two people.
Yeps... I do hope the clear heads prevail.