Very unflattering with those open darts on the skirt. The horizontal pattern of the fabric does't help either. She's such a pretty woman, but these last two hats she's worn do nothing for her. I have to wonder what she's thinking...
So many of the "stock" designs are made with the coat-hanger models in mind so very few take "the girls" of more average-proportioned women into account.Are you thinking Natan? I suspect so too. I've never understood why the top part of his dresses or tops are always so tight and small looking. Just throws the proportion off and makes for a very unflattering look.
Lovely! Is it Armani?
I thought Mathilde looked perfect for the occasion with her coat of many colors! I liked the combo of the coat with the white top and pants. Nicely done.
You are right. It was quite inventive of Queen MathildePerfect for a visit to an emergency-services organization, except it's not. It appears that she's wearing a bandage in tribute..... [snipped]
Mathilde lovely in stripes during a visit to Cliniclowns in Mortsel today, July 15.
** Full view ** Upper part ** Close up **