Princess Madeleine's Fashion & Style, Part 4: December 2011 - May 2013

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 4 of the thread for Princess Madeleine's Fashion & Style!

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** Princess Madeleine's Fashion & Style, Part 3: November 2010 - December 2011 **

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iceflower said:
Princess Madeleine at the New York Academy of Sciences for the 'Celebrating Women in Science'
dinner on the centennial of Marie Curie's 2nd Nobel Prize on December 10, 2011 in New York City.

Nice white dress and a great black coat - lovely appearance:

** With the coat ** Full view ** Upper part ** Close up **

Not the best choice for Madeleine, if the was still blonde she would look the buxom Swedish girl part a bit too much. Not liking the shoes at all. The dark hair is much better than the barbie-blonde.
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Dress itself is very pretty. On Madeleine looks good. Coat is nice too. I only don't like the shoes, not matching to the dress. For me her hair are a little too dark, she probably still searching the best color. Anyway she seems to be happy, smiling a lot and also lost some weight. But I a=still would like to see her in Sweden.
That dress would look good on a younger girl.
:previous: I agree; that dress is better suited for a younger girl. A little too frilly and lacy for her.
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:previous: We have to remember personal style and Madeleine's is very "girly", all frills and curls. Perhaps someone might persuade her that cool elegance would look fantastic on her.

An elegant shift dress, neat pumps and clutch and most importantly, a chic up do. She'd knock em dead!
Madeleine has on occasion dressed in a cool and elegant manner and I think she should stick to it; she's a knockout with that look. An updo would definitely add to the glamour, in my book.
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I thought she looked girly and cute. Relaxed and not too serious. She looked beautiful but the coat (I believe it's Prada) is not my favorite.
The dress is alright but I love the Prada coat.
I simply love the dress and the entire look! I don't think it's too girly at all.
I think she looked terrific. Great figure, looks slimmer, not too slim, and great posture and smile. The dress fit perfectly and was different, a standout, she could carry how busy it was, how full the skirt was. The darker hair seems to bring out her blue eyes. I would prefer a little more blonde.
I also do not like the coat, too old for her.
Love the shoes, the dress looks white and grey to me, looks to me like they match.
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Thanks for all th close-ups~ I like the shoes, and the dress is just ok~ IMO Madeline is MUCH better as a Blonde, I miss how that made her eyes so blue, oh well~
I agree, a clean look would look mucht nice on her..too mucht ruffles makes her more fat...she needs a fashion clean look...please some help to Madeleine's fashion...:bang:
She looks pretty, but I'd have liked to have seen a sophisticated updo. All that hair and the big earrings create a very distracting look.
I like the dress and the color, but the earrings are a distraction.
Its a shame about those earrings because I really like the dress. Nice color and I like the lacy look at the shoulder.
Not a big fan of Princess Madeline's red Christmas gown, IMO the lace should have been edited out, hair swept up, and bam!, instant glamour. (personally, speaking, I like the earrings)
Not a big fan of Princess Madeline's red Christmas gown, IMO the lace should have been edited out, hair swept up, and bam!, instant glamour. (personally, speaking, I like the earrings)
I think the dress would have been too much, or rather not enough, without the lace. But the lace is definitely Madeleine's frilly, little girl, style!

Now, if the hair had been up the earrings would have looked fantastic, but down they got all tangled up in her hair! Not a good look!
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This dress features not only a marvellous but also a very clever design i.m.o.. Normally, all those details (pleats, ruffles, lace, structures on the fabric) could easily make a person look rather unflattering, yet Madeleine's outfit has been drafted in such a way that its two main divisions with horizontal viz. bulky elements are complemented by vertical ones respectively, hence the Princess appears at her best. Generally, Madeleine owns exactly the right harmonious face shape and features in order to brilliantly pull of feminine, richly decorated fashion, I would say.
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Princess Madeleine arriving in Sweden at Stockholm Arlanda Airport on February 29, 2012 (pictures originally posted by hana):
ImageBam (full view)
ImageBam (upper part)
Blue_ said:
As beautiful as always. I'm kinda jealous of her skin. She's so tanned!!!

Honestly, tans look unhealthy. I love that her hair is dark again but I hope she's at least using self-tanner and not laying in the sun, or worse, using sun beds.
Princess Madeleine arriving in Sweden at Stockholm Arlanda Airport on February 29, 2012 (pictures originally posted by hana):
ImageBam (full view)
ImageBam (upper part)

Thats a Chloe handbag. I really like her coat, looks very warming & comfortable.
Yes, I was admiring her fur-trimmed suede coat and chocolate brown bag. She looks like she had a comfortable trip home.
Honestly, tans look unhealthy. I love that her hair is dark again but I hope she's at least using self-tanner and not laying in the sun, or worse, using sun beds.
I have to agree on the tan. Madeleine's has never, ever, looked natural. And at this time of the year it is so out of place with most people naturally being a little paler than their summer look. But trust Madeleine to go over the top so much so that she looks a tad jaundiced and makes her skin look leathery.
Madeleine looks pretty in these pictures. I like the jacket/coat.
It's funny but I think the new hair color makes her look more mature and younger at the same time.
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