Thanks, Eya.
A nice speech and the corporate sector really need a touch of conscience and consideration on a little more than immediate profit.
A pity such a mindset doesn't seem to have rubbed off on the finance sector, not least in the light of the infuriating and bizarre scandal that has hit (at least so far) Europe very hard where sheer and unrestricted greed by a number of people, backed by otherwise reputable banks, have plundered a number of countries for taxpayer money on a monumental scale!
The behavior of the finance sector in recent years have almost made me consider becoming a socialist!
Anyway, don't know how it is in your countries, but around here it has become high fashion to save the planet! And we all have to join in - whether we want to or not... ?
A great idea BTW, but some of the initiatives
are a little comical IMO.
Fortunately this idea of helping to save the planet from calamity has been picked up by the industry and commerce - except for the banks of course...
And that's basically what this summit is all about.
So with a little bit of luck our grandchildren may after all not need boats to get around the streets in the future.