Queen Margrethe II announces Abdication for January 14, 2024

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Archduchess Zelia

Heir Apparent
Jun 12, 2009
Queen Margrethe II just announced in her live broadcast New Years speech that she intends to abdicate on 14 January 2024 – the 52nd anniversary of her ascension to the throne.
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Surprising as she has always said she would never abdicate.
First i thought i had not understand it right.
Her address has been posted on the royal website;

I have decided that now is the right time. On 14th January, 2024 – 52 years after I succeeded my beloved father – I will step down as Queen of Denmark. I will hand over the throne to my son Crown Prince Frederik.

BBC News now reporting - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67854395
Sky News also reporting - https://news.sky.com/story/denmarks...s-abdication-in-new-years-eve-speech-13040139
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Just flashed up on Sky News. I really wasn't expecting that.
In shock! I wasn't really expecting it. All the best to the new monarchs, Frederik and Mary!
As everyone else, I am stunned, did not see that coming!
Sweet Daisy was close to tears at "God bless you all" and so was I.

I have to say, I'm no fan of abdications. I just hope this was her own choice (given that she has long maintained that being Denmark's monarch is her vocation and not something she would just retire from) and she didn't feel forced to do it.
I was watching her speech live and couldn’t believe it - I wasn’t certain if I’d understood it correctly. I’m sad and happy at the same time (hope you all understand!)
Wooow! I think no one see that coming honestly. What a big surprise to start a new year.

We are stepping into the "no queen" era.
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Two weeks from now?! Holy crap, that's so soon!

Do you think this was planned, or that she's just decided relatively out of the blue? And I hope it's not because she's ill.
Well i thought there was something tellling that the whole family was together for Christmas personally. So either she told them in advance or it was strongly hinted imo
Two weeks from now?! Holy crap, that's so soon!

Do you think this was planned, or that she's just decided relatively out of the blue? And I hope it's not because she's ill.

That’s my hope too Would be interested to know if there is a precedent for this within the Royal Family.

That came as a shock here at home!

I hope it's not for health reasons and that she will live long and well enough to see her son on throne with great pride.

I also, as I have said often enough here, think this is the right decision. Let Frederik get on the throne while he is in his prime.

And QMII, she will forever be remembered and respected.
She left while she was on top. - After a reign anyone would look back at with pride.

That’s my hope too Would be interested to know if there is a precedent for this within the Royal Family.

Yes, there is. Once.
A King Erik in the 1200s.
He abdicated because he became paralyzed.
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Unexpected , to say the least, or is it ?
The Danish Crown has been somewhat shaken lately by various "affairs". Maybe i't time, ideed, to bring some fresh air and let Frederik faces his responsabilities.

Thank you and well done Ma'am.
I wonder if Prince Christian's age had anything to do with it - she was waiting until he turned 18, because she didn't want him becoming Crown Prince until he was legally an adult...
I watched some of the speech. She spoke about how her back surgery (and recovery) gave her time to think. Perhaps it's a combination of health issues and other things.
Christian now joins Elisabeth, Amalia and Leonor as an actual heir, no longer the heir's heir. It's going to be so different for him at the military academy now, arriving as CROWN PRINCE Christian.
Wow! I could not have been more shocked when I saw. An incredibly admirable 52 years on the throne.

I always thought the Scandinavian and British monarchs would hold the line on reigning for life. There is something very noble about doing so, but I would have to agree that in the world of modern medicine it is probably for the best to abdicate, spend the end of your life in comfort and peace and allow men and women in the primes of their life to reign.

Good luck to the entire family for this change, particularly Frederik, Mary and Christian!

January 14? So soon. The family and government would have been informed and whatever abdication ceremony already planned.

Best wishes to Queen Margrethe for a restful and enjoyable retirement. Good luck to soon-to-be King Frederik and Queen Mary!
What a surprise for us all!

I wish Queen Margrethe a wonderful retirement and Queen Frederik X and Queen Mary an amazing reign.
I think we can take QMII's words for exactly what they are.

In the aftermath of her back surgery she did some serious reflection.

We have discussed before in these threads that outgoing state visits clearly were hard on her (can't blame her!) and it is no secret that she isn't as mobile as before.
I think QMII is a woman who prides herself in doing her very best when she is on. Its her duty.
And if she feels she can't live up to her own (no doubt high) demands then there is a logic solution.
Also, abdications for retirement isn't a sensational thing anymore. Even popes do it!

I don't think there are any deeper motives behind this than this.

Good opinions pools for Frederik are nice, but not decisive.
That there have been a few small controversies here and there doesn't really matter. They weren't big to really rock the boat. And there have been other and worse things in her reign.
Christian's age doesn't really matter either. She could still step in as Rigsforstander if need be. (I actually don't think she will, unless it's an emergency.)
This comes as a surprise. She was someone who said that she’d never abdicate. I fear and hope I’m wrong, but it seems to be for health reasons. Don’t think she’s have abdicated otherwise.
Very unexpected! I don't think anyone had this on their list of royal predictions for 2024. This feels like a surprisingly short time from announcement to abdication - I've just checked and Beatrix of the Netherlands left 3 months between announcement and abdication. Like other posters I hope that this hasn't been hurried for health reasons and that the Queen is able to enjoy her retirement.
I will shock a lot but it is very clever of her , it is the best way to make now Frederik a popular King and she knows that Mary will be a perfect consort.
Wow, that's a big change from her past comments. I remember a few years ago after Prince Henrik died, she said she would abdicate only if she were mentally incompetent or had some other disabling illness. I hope that's not the case.

She's had some big things to contemplate in the past year or so: Queen Elizabeth's death, King Constantine's death, the flap about Joachim's children's titles, her surgery, etc. Sounds like all that changed her perspective.

Big headlines across the pond, too:


Well i thought there was something tellling that the whole family was together for Christmas personally. So either she told them in advance or it was strongly hinted imo

Retrospectively, I think it was hinted at many times throughout 2023.

From the little celebration of QMII becoming the longest reigning monarch (I think we can all agree that reach needed some stretching :cool:) to the weird wording that Christian "will not have a seat in the Council of State before a succession to the throne has taken place" in announcement of his first Council of State (as clearly, he would've got Frederik's seat, had he either died or renounced his succession rights while QMII was still Queen).
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