Svensk Damtidning
"Time goes by so fast..."
A gallery of Victoria and Daniel's visit to Dalarna County, 11th November 2021.
2021_11_11Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visits Falun _ Flickr
Visit to Gävleborg County, 22nd September 2021.
2021_09_22 Crown Princess Victoria visits Gävleborg län _ Flickr
Gala Magasin
13 years since the engagement - see nice pictures of Love of the Crown Princess Couple
13 år sedan förlovningen - se fina kärleksbilder på kronprinsessparet - GALA magasin
Some days ago this photo was published at social media
"About a year ago I went for a walk in a forest park in Stockholm, in front of me a couple approached and greeted me.
This couple was none other than the Crown Princess of Sweden, Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel.
After a short conversation we took a picture together (with Corona Distance of course ) A vey nice memory"
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Svensk Damtidning called this man to speak about his meeting with Victoria and Daniel.
They were out walking in Haga park, just the two of them. The children were not present, and even dog Rio had been allowed to stay at home. This was simply a bit of a rare time, far from their official sphere. But Victoria and Daniel are always genuinely curious about those they meet and when they bumped into the nice Joni Sanderovitch, they cheered happily and stopped.
- They greeted and so we started talking, Joni says when we reach him on the phone.
Joni, who was born in Jerusalem but now lives in Stockholm and works as a tour guide and event coordinator, says that he did not recognize them at first.
- But then I understood that it was Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. They had their bodyguards with them, but otherwise it was just the two of them. They asked where I came from and what I do in Stockholm. They were really super nice!
Privata bilden på Victoria och Daniel – alla ser samma sak! _*Svensk Dam
At the Royal Court's website is now a bigger version of the family photo taken on 26th November 2019, only a small photo was published at the old website:
The photo has been taken by photographer Anna-Lena Ahlström.