As predicted QMII caused quite a stir!
But let's first learn what she said.
And I will keep my personal opinion to myself about what she said, until later.
These quotes are a part of larger interview in the newspaper Politiken, prior to the Corona lockdown. Politiken is a academic/republican paper.
In the interview QMII is asked about the climate-initiatives and the current public interest and policies in regards to help do something to reverse the ongoing climate changes. The current government won the last general election because it focused on the climate.
To all that QMII says:
"It is quite obviously something very significant and important to be aware of.
But, well... panicking is a very bad way of addressing issues. That won't work. You shouldn't do that" says the Queen.
QMII herself is not among those who see "bigger calamities/disasters" ahead of her. That's what the Queen say in the interview that is made on the occasion of her upcoming 80th birthday.
She explains that her opinion is founded in her all her life having been interested in history and not least prehistory.
"Then you have some pretty long perspectives. And then you know that things change. You also know that the climate has changed and keep changing all the time, she says to Politiken.
"Well, that man/humans play a role in climate-changes, that there is probably no question about. But whether they are man-made - directly - that I'm not quite convinced about. That is, I believe there are changes in the climate and it might be that human activities have played a role" says Queen Margrethe.
Okay, that of course has led to many reactions! Both from scientists, opinion-makers, politicians and not least ordinary Danes (and Norwegians.)
It can basically be divided into a number of categories:
A) Shut up!
B) You don't know what you are talking about.
C) She should be forbidden to speak about the climate in any way that is can be interpreted as remotely critical of the current climate policy.
D) She is a boomer and like all boomers don't understand anything. Probably going senile as well.
E) She's right!
F) She is allowed to have her opinion and she has a point!
G) She is merely questioning an orthodox climate-policy that it has become heresy not to follow blindly.
H) The climate-loons are going nuts! Ha, ha.
I) How cool that we have a Queen who dare speak up and who is not politically correct!
J) She is ruining everything by having such reservations. The climate issue is too important for such things. Influential people like QMII should keep her opinion to herself if she is not in agreement.
K) You shut up! QMII is a wise and deeply respected woman. (More than you!) Don't criticize the Queen!
L) As a politically neutral head of state, QMII should keep her opinion to herself on such a controversial subject.
M) QMII made a rare miss here.
- I think you get the picture.
I have glanced at the comments and not least
who commented where. (To my surprise that includes quite a few Norwegians. Guess they are bored up there as well.)
Interestingly the majority of views tend to be supportive of QMII. Either agreeing with her, or believing she has a right to speak her mind as well even if you don't necessarily agree with her.
And those who have been most vocal in criticizing QMII are really getting a rough treatment!
Also interesting in this issue is that the comments tend to be equally divided between men and women. And just as interesting there is no difference between the opinions of men and women in this. Just as many men as women agree with QMII and express skepticism about the climate-policy. And that's also the case of those who speak against QMII.
I think the political commentator Jens Ringberg summed it up very well, when he wrote:
The Queen celebrates her 80th birthday later this month and she is loved by her people - so she is untouchable, almost no matter what she says. That won't be changed by her statements about the climate in the birthday interview.
Here is the translated text for verification:
Det er ganske givet meget væsentligt og vigtigt at være opmærksom på. Men altså ... at panikke er en meget dårlig måde at tage fat på problemer på. Det går ikke. Det skal man ikke, siger dronningen.
Selv er Margrethe II ikke blandt dem, der ser "de store katastrofer" foran sig. Det fortæller dronningen i interviewet, som er lavet i anledning af hendes kommende 80-års fødselsdag.
Hun forklarer, at hendes holdning bunder i, at hun livet igennem har interesseret sig for historie og ikke mindst forhistorie.
- Så har man nogle ret lange perspektiver. Og så ved man, at ting forandrer sig. Man ved også, at klimaet har forandret sig og forandrer sig hele tiden, siger hun til Politiken.
Jamen, at mennesker spiller en rolle i klimaforandringer, det er der nok ingen tvivl om. Men om de er skabte – direkte – det er jeg ikke ganske overbevist om. Altså, jeg mener, at der er forandringer i klimaet, og det kan da være, at menneskelig aktivitet har spillet en rolle, siger dronning Margrethe.
This is placed here temporarily:
I guess I will be doing a good deal of translations over the next couple of days!
In this interview to the paper Politiken, QMII talks about climate changes, and while she admits there are climate changes, she is far from convinced as to why the climate is changing.
In fact QMII is not in line with the dominating view that the climate changes are man-made.
- Quite a few Danes will agree with her and just as many will disagree completely!
I look forward to writing about that article!
But it will have to wait a couple of days.