Summary of interview with QMII in Alt for Damerne #15, 2020.
Interviewer: Marie-Louise Truelsen.
The interview is based on a number of photos of QMII wearing a dress or an outfit, then the questions gradually shift to other topics.
I will in this summary omit the dresses, unless relevant, and instead focus on answers from QMII that are of more general interest in regards to QMII's personality and opinions.
If you wish I may write a little about what QMII has to say about the photos.
Here we go.
QMII is asked about her thought about turning 80.
QMII: "Yes, time flies and then all of a sudden you are going to turn 80. I can't quite understand it myself. But when I look back I can see a tremendous lot has happened. A lot happens in 80 years.
You are used to regard people of 80 as very old and I don't that at all myself. But of course I probably am. (Laughing)"
A: Do You feel people look at You differently today?
Not really, responds QMII, probably because she has reached the age where people don't that much from year to year.
"I feel the same as I have for the past many years."
A: Do You still feel young inside?
QMII: "I certainly don't feel like an old person. I have never pondered much about my age. After all it's no secret. Everybody in the country knows when I was born and makes it all very easy."
A: Is there an age You look back on as something especially nice?
QMII is more thinking about that she has now been more than 50 for 30 years. She doesn't really thing at was that long ago she was 50.
A: What thoughts do You have about the coming ten years?
QMII: "I don't think there are ten years ahead of me. I really don't. But we shall see. I don't feel time is running out, but with a certain degree of realism you have to acknowledge that there isn't ten years ahead of me."
A: But You are healthy and well?
QMII: "Yes, and that's good as long as it lasts."
A: How is it to think that there are perhaps not ten years ahead of You?
QMII: "I'm actually very at ease with that. I'm busy because I do 117 things (= a zillion) all the time, so no, that doesn't play a big role as the years go by, I think."
A: "What's the best part of the age You have now?
QMII points to her experience build up over many years doing what she does.
A: Is there another calm or overview?
QMII: "Yes, perhaps there is, that might be."
A: I watched the documentary about Frederik IX, about Your father recently, how was it for You to take part and look back on history in that way?
QMII: "It was fun to be reminded about many things from that period. I actually think they did the series very well, but at the same time I can also see that the interior is undeniable somewhat made up. Apart from the scenes that really does take place in the real places, I couldn't help thinking from time to time: Well, that's NOT how it looked at my parents home. (Laughing.)"
A: What's the worst part of being Your age?
QMII responds that no longer being able to ski does annoy her, but apart from some physical limitations, she's pretty well.
A: Do You pick all the clothes You are seen wearing Yourself?
She does.
A: What does it mean to You to gather the whole family?
QMII: "It's nice when the whole family can gather. We were all gathered during Christmas 2018 and that was very, very cozy. We are so fortunate that we have pretty good room where we live, so there is room enough for people can be both together and not sit on each others lap all the time. And that's fine. And all the kids are outside most of the time, especially at Cayx, because the weather is usually summely. And during Christmas we gather around all the traditions and enjoy that."
A: How is it to see all the grandchildren together?
QMII: "I have noticed that Prince Joachim's two big boys are fantastically sweet towards their younger siblings. There is a very lovely relationship between Prince Joachim's four children, that I'm very impressed with. And the little ones look up to the two big ones, and that's so utterly charming/sweet."
A: How are You as farmor (paternal grandmother)?
QMII: "I'm certainly no exemplary farmor. I really am not. I think it's difficult to see as much to the children as I really would like to or ought to. And that's probably because I still have a lot to do, which is probably is the big difference between me and other grandmothers. I still have my hands full, so that's why there isn't quite as much time for the grandchildren. As it is now, most of the grandchildren out abroad. In Paris and Switzerland. Fortunately both teams are tremendously happy with their schools and that's nice to see.
Unfortunately I don't think I will have time to visit any of them while they are abroad."
- Okay, I'm taking a break.
There is much more though.
- Overcoming the loss of her husband.
- The last years of PH and how it was for the best he died.
- Her friends.
- The balance between being a royal, and being normal.
You may enjoy the scans here, and those who can understand Danish may enjoy the text as well: