Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 7: February 2008 - May 2010

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May 10, 2006

Welcome to the new current events thread for Princess Madeleine!

The old thread can be found here.

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Have fun ! :flowers:
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Haha the first one! Well it looks like she was a bridesmaid in a wedding for one of her friends a few days ago. The pics are on anp photo
Today Madeleine became the third person from the royal family to ski one of the Vasa ski races. She participated in "tjejvasan" wich is 30km long and did it in 2h,22m,19s and finished at about 900th place out of 7600. Se link to Dagens Nyheter:

Prinsessa i spåren
Today Madeleine became the third person from the royal family to ski one of the Vasa ski races. She participated in "tjejvasan" wich is 30km long and did it in 2h,22m,19s and finished at about 900th place out of 7600. Se link to Dagens Nyheter:

Prinsessa i spåren

It's a decent placement for someone who hasn't been cross country skiing all winter. :flowers:

English article (basically saying the same as the Swedish one): Princess Madeleine competes in long-distance ski race in Sweden - International Herald Tribune
Swedish Princess Madeleine (in sun glasses) finished the 30KM ski race "Tjejvasan", a precursor for the Vasa marathon ski race next weekend together with 7392 other women in Falun Saturday Feb. 23 2008. (ANP)

pic 1 -- pic 2 -- pic 3 -- pic 4 -- pic 5
pic 6 -- pic 7 -- pic 8 -- pic 9 -- lovely smile

Good for her. Plus the pictures during the wedding are lovely. I always thought blue brings out the color of her eyes. I love the gown.:wub:
:crown6:Does Madeleine have contact lents???:ohmy:...And if she has...Are them the same colour as the original ones?? Thanks people!:flowers:
hey yes she have sometimes she wear it and the contacts are more blue than her real
There are some new pics of Madeleine on ANP from a dinner last night at the Royal Palace. The Romanian president and his wife are in sweden. She looks lovely and I love her hair now it looks so natural.
party princess

I typed Madeleine Bernadotte into, looking for something to post and what came up was a 5 or 6 part celebrity-documentary ( I think recent) all about Madde and her life! It was fun to watch- even if I don't speak the language! :lol:
I typed Madeleine Bernadotte into, looking for something to post and what came up was a 5 or 6 part celebrity-documentary ( I think recent) all about Madde and her life! It was fun to watch- even if I don't speak the language! :lol:

thanks for the info I liked it!!!
It looks like she and her brother accompanied their parents to the opera. The pics are on anp photo
Is it just me or does anyone else think Madeleine doesn't like doing royal events at all? Like she didn't go to the state visit from Greece. It seems quite convenient that she had to be in NYC at that time. I also highly doubt that she had to be in New York at that time nor could she have scheduled it differently. Its not like the family didn't know when these two events were taking place.

I'm sorry if I sound irritated, but I am. Like others I have noticed that the King, Queen and CP Victoria have events piled up on top of each other. It seems like their schedules get worse every week, yet Madeleine does take part very often nor does Carl Philip. I understand that some of them may not choose to be a royal, but with these benefits and privileges comes some responsibility.
I attended the Dolly Parton concert in Stockholm and I did see Princess Madeleine and she did really have a good time. She is a good dancer, that I already know thoug. But what struck me as a surprise was that Emma Pernald smokes.
I attended the Dolly Parton concert in Stockholm and I did see Princess Madeleine and she did really have a good time. She is a good dancer, that I already know thoug. But what struck me as a surprise was that Emma Pernald smokes.

I hope you had a great time too! :)
We have seen Emma with a ciggy before (the pix were taken at a wedding) And I was also ":eek:" in the first moment...even though smoking in her age and work group is surely nothing unusal. But somehow the press had always painted this image of the nature girl with cheeks to pinch ;)
OMG!!!,she went to a Dolly Parton concert,they must have been the only people there under 50.
Did Dolly sing in Swedish?:D
I wish I could have gone.
Yes, I think it so:princess3:.I think she is more beutiful than Victoria.

I don’t agree. You are right, Madeleine is beautiful, but Victoria is more. She is natural beauty.
I apologize if this has already been posted and talked about but I happened to run across this pic accidentily. Can you believe Madeleine is older than Victoria? Look at the caption it says the King and Victoria leave the restaurant after celebrating Madeleine's 31 year birthday. What a huge mistake that is!

ANP Beeldbank
Some people do not know who is older and a lot of other things. For example in our country I could read that Andrea Casiraghi (Monaco) is a woman. What shocking news:)
According to Åsa Bönnelyche from Svensk Damtidning, princess Madeleine was pushing baby pram along with friend Katarina von Horn and her little 3-month baby Nathalie next Strandvägen yesterday afternoon. Madeleine was in a bright mood, as well as the dog Zorro, which happily jumped around them.
Svensk Damtidning/Madeleine ute med barnvagnen igår
thanks lady finn for the information but for some reason the picture of madeleine does not come up with that link.
There wasn´t a photo of Madeleine, at the photo was Katarina von Horn and her husband.
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