He threw the temper tantrum in February, over being placed after his son at the Queen's New Year's party, after the Queen was forced to not attend by her bad health.
Something that had built up for many years, and was, in my opinion, while it should never have made it as far as into an interview in the newspaper in the first place, something that should have been caught by the court, and most especially Margrethe long before it exploded like that.
And I think that the whole thing was handled badly by the court from the beginning, as well. Especially if Henrik expected in his wife's stead to be host, and had to defer to his son. I think that there was some mixing up with whether it was a state-affair, in which Frederik should be the stand in, or if the party was something more personal of Margrethe, in which it would only be fair that the husband was host when the wife couldn't attend. Or maybe I'm just remembering it wrong. (I couldn't believe it was back in 2002... It seems so recent.)
To be fair, Henrik seem pretty jovial about his role, in most of the biographies I've read about him, he's been joking about how he, Prince Claus and Prince Phillip had their own little club of the Queens' husbands.
This tantrum also brings to light the fact that the situation in Europe in, hopefully, many years, will see many new prince consorts. Perhaps in countries where they haven't been all that common in recent years, and that the royal families in those countries, along with the courts, will have to make a brand new protocol for what will happen. The first to come is probably in Sweden, hopefully the title of prince consort not for many years, and that will probably shape a bit for the rest.