Princess Benedikte: Give Mary some privacy
6. maj 2004 12:20
Give Mary some peace. She needs and is entitled to a private life. Thus sounds the request from the Crown Prince’s aunt, Princess Benedikte, to the press previous to the royal wedding.
-We cannot insist that Mary shall be exposed day and night. She also needs a private life to be able to recharge and give what she herself feels she shall give. So I heartily hope, and I cannot stress this enough, that the press will allow her to have her privacy, says Princess Benedikte.
Sympathy from the Press
Princess Benedikte hopes that the press will understand that a human being cannot stand to constantly be in the full blaze of publicity.
She needs a private life in which the press takes no part. She needs to be able to leave her hair down, to let the smile fade from time to time and not just smile around the clock, because that is mentally unbearable, says the Princess.
-She needs to be able to let the smile fade from time to time and not just smile around the clock, because that is mentally unbearable.
A harmonic couple
Princess Benedikte has spent time with the couple several times and she believes that it is a harmonic couple, who among other things has a mutual interest in different sports. She believes they can be a tremendous support to each other, which Princess Benedikte has already noticed on several occasions.
-They both have extroverted personalities and they are glad and openminded persons. I believe they can be a good team. I hope that they will develop this teamwork, so that we in Denmark will appreciate the effort, which I am sure they will both put into the future.
A good advice
Princess Benedikte herself has moved to a foreign country and has some good advice for Mary Donaldson. It is important to stand aside first and become familiar with the Danish mentality. Therefore it is good that Mary has lived in Denmark for a little over a year before the wedding. She will then have become familiar with the country, both its climate and its people.
Mary Donaldson will undertake many official tasks in the future. However, Princess Benedikte is certain that Mary Donaldson is aware that she must also herself form the tasks she undertakes in the future.
-It is a good idea to stand aside first and become familiar with the Danish mentality.