Mary Donaldson, Current Events 1: September 2002 - May 2004

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Sep 29, 2002
Everyone knows that Mary has been frequenting all of these weddings of Fred's friends, and that she apparently is a sure thing when it comes to being the next CP of Denmark (at least the media believes so), but does anyone think she stands a chance of accompanying him to the baptism of the new little prince? I'm curious to know what you all think.

Jacqueline :D
From the BT article mentioned above by the lovely jmj. She looks good here. Ugh....did I just say that?

She always seems to look good when her eyes are kinda closed and her head is slightly tipped down. I know my description of the pose isn't very flattering, but....she does look nice when the camera captures her like that.
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well--it only makes sense, I think...It would have been TACKY for her to attend and I think everyone involved knows it. Or should at least know it.

It would have taken all the attention away from the baby and Alexandra and Joaquim.
Since the Danish press is only focused on Fred and her nowadays...
Thanks for the link JMJ. Tisha you're right. Mary usually looks great when she isn't looking directly into to the camera or the photograph of her isn't a closeup. Strange isn't it?

Is it just me or does she look like she has gained some of the initial weight she lost back? She was looking svelter at the weddings. Perhaps its the cut of the pants--for her hips and thighs.

One poster on the SRMB as a synopsis of the article saying that mary is not attending the baptism.

It says that the court is annoyed about the rumors of engagement, that Frederik is upset about the rumors and that Frederik will be engaged one day and it perhaps might be to mary but nothing will be announced today or tomorrow.
So if THIS is true--it squashes the Oct 2nd story ---poor tabloids---they missed the mark again... :wink: Oh--and now the May 24th date is thrown off--what are they to do?

I find it funny that they said that there is chance it could be to Mary. that is going to keep the rumors going.
The talk will continue until they actually DO get engaged OR break up.
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The press is so utterly ridiculous. :roll: It seems that they just look at the list of scheduled events of the royal family and then they pick a day in which not much or nothing is going on and decide that an engagemnet announcement will take place on that day. They start selling the papers and magazines and it starts all over again. Obviously, they must know better. It's all about financial gain-at least I hope so. Wouldn't it be extremely pathetic if some members of the media really thought that they had the scoop? :wink:

Jacqueline :D
If Miss Mary is Not present for the babys baptism were is is she going to be ? ? ride the horses , shop ... WORK (what's that?) nah [:?] The press with really ride Fred on this one ! Like coundn't he pull stings with his brother or Marys' "boss" I can't picture her sulking inside the apartment ![:roll:] [:(] he will look the bad guy !
Hey Kelly, Jackie-O, Robb, JMJ,Tisha and everyone.

How are you all? Have I missed something, please help this thick girl make sense of everything, please. In regards to relationships - if Fred is truly going to get engaged one day to Mary or "is in love" with her, wouldn't he be proud that the media is focusing in on the relationship and every chance he gets wouldn't he want to talk about her and show her off to the world? What is stopping them from getting engaged? Sorrry, but he should know at this point how he feels about Mary. This is so confusing to me and I'm suppose to be doing -love, men and relationships. :? I bid you all a very beautiful day. Have fun and take care! :D
Hey Kelly,

How are you? Thanks so much for your excellent insight. Well said as usual. I can't remember where I read it but this article, but it said that Mary's parents have told everyone to prepare for a wedding next year and to close friends and relatives to be ready for a holiday and wedding. :shock:

I wonder what happened to Mr Donaldson's August visit to Denmark and his "taking a leave of absence" from work? and if he did take the absence - where did he go?. :? I agree that the press is most probably once again making up all these crappy stories to sell another paper. But Fred is beginning to appear as an idiot and loser (press stories) and like he is lucky that Mary is even interested in him. Poor Fred. :cry:
Over on the Fred/Flip board, it was posted in a Billed Bladet atricle that Mary's new pad is being decorated with furniture paid for by YOU KNOW WHO?

She was buying her furniture at a store called Ilvare? (not that matter to anyone reading unless you are familiar with Danish furniture, I guess)

Good to know that the Danish taxpayers money is being put to good use.
:shock: :roll:
If that is true, then that does say something about their relationship doesn't it? Drats, Drats, Drats! Frederik has probably paid for a whole bunch of other things too. If he's so willing to shell out for her new furniture (and maybe rent too?), I wonder if HE asked her to move to Denmark instead of what we've been thinking-that she took matters into her own hands and flew over there herself.
Hey Kelly and Tisha,

How are you? Thanks Kelly for the news. I agree that if the article is correct that means there is definitely going to be a wedding soon. I can't remember who mentioned it, but Mary's parents are telling all their family and friends to prepare for a wedding next year. So this is only my prediction, but I think that an engagement could occur as early as December this year or early next February. Possibly an August wedding? I hope there are no journalists amoungst us here. :D

If Fred is paying for the furniture as well as all expenses that means he is very serious about Mary and LOVESTRUCK and wants her to be there beside him in Denmark?. Men can go nuts and become generous when they want to spoil a woman. Lucky Mary. :D

That means her job with Navavison was a waste of time. But why did she work there if it was going to be for such a short time?. She would have been better off spending quite times together and whatever spare time then work, if a engagement is on its way or going to happen. :D

Did Fred buy maria, Katja and Bettina furniture when they were dating?If no, that means I just got my question answered about relationships. :D

So lets all get ready for another Royal wedding soon. Its a pity that because of the copyright breaches we are unable to post the pics of the Wedding here. :(

Have fun and take care everyone! :D :D :D
Hey Everyone,

The name of this article is Australia's Cinderella: Mary Donaldson, The tassie girl who may become Queen of Denmark. Page 24 - 28. The Australian Women's weekly (Its suppose to be a monthly magazine, but they didn't want to change the name) November issue.

Article by Rennie Bruce

Mary, 30, a Commerce/Law graduate from the University of Tasmania, shares the Prince's passion for the piste and is very sporty. At her former Alma mater, Taroona High school, she was a keen track-and-field athlete and a talented runner, as well as astudent councillor and prefect.

At Hobart college, where Mary attended Years 11 and 12 in 1988 and 1989, she was a member of the School's basketball team and played hockey. As well as skiing and also waterski's.

"It couldn't be a better match, a Dane and an Australian," says Torben Ebbesen, pastor of Sydney's Danish Church. "Prince Frederik is a very nice person, very down to earth and that is why I think he has fallen for an Australian. He is very much into being a pilot, doing all the adventures and sports is one of his passions. Mary is very sporty, too,which is good".

The young Mary Elizabeth Donaldson's childhood gave no indication of her future destiny as a would be Royal. The youngest of four children of Heinrietta 9Etta) and John Donaldson, she was born in Hobart in 1972 and lived briefly in Texas, USA before her family returned to Tasmania and Taroona, where Mary attended high school. A gifted student, Mary enrolled in law at the University of Tasmani, where both her parents worked, Etta (mother) as a secretary and father John as head of the mathematics department.

Mary's stepmother, Susan says 'All that matters to the family is that mary is happy. We have no idea if she is getting married or not. and frankly, we wouldn't presume to ask her. I am sure she will tell us anything we need to know. I understand completely the interest and, as a matter of fact, I share it. But you would imagine she is under enough pressure without us demanding to know what is going on".

Kim Brett, who worked with mary at Belle Property in Sydney's Kings Cross, says the romace between the Danish Prince and the property manager was a closely guarded secret. "I used to try to persuade her to come out with us more, but she would say she had a boyfriend overseas and he would phone everynight", She says. "I would say, forget about him, come out and have some fun' Then I found out who it was, I thought,"He's a bloody Prince. No wonder she didn't want to come out with us".

"She was so discreet about it. She's one of those girls who'll never tell anyone anything. She never gossiped. You knew you could tell her your deepest, darkest secrets and she would never tell anyone.

Janice Nazario, who worked with Mary at Advertising agents 'Young and Rubicam" around the time of the Olympic games, agrees. 'She was very discreet and never let on that she'd met this fellow. She was very attractive and vivacious. Not the quiet, shy type at all."

Judging by the comments of friends and colleagues, Mary Elizabeth Donaldson was the exactly the sort of girl that Frederik was looking for.

John Donaldson : He recently told a Danish Journalist "It doesn't matter to me if she marries a Prince or a plumber. As far as I am concerned, she and Frederik are simply two people who have fallen in love and, as long as they are happy, so am I. She is a great girl from a good family and I know that whatever she decides to do will be the right thing".

Have fun and take care all!!! :D
Hey Tisha and Jacqueline,

How are you two? Your most welcome Tisha. :D There is more to this Australian magazine. here is it :D Acording to Danish Royal watcher,Mads Jensen of Estra Bladet, Mary Donaldson is by far the most serious amorata to date "Some of the others you could not take too seriously," he says "There was a pop singer and a model, and I am sure Frederik had a nice time with them, but you never felt for a moment thye were Queen material". 'Mary is completely different.Most of the time she keeps a low profile, but when you do see her, she is beautiful dressed and always dignified. If her aim is to marry a Prince, she is playing a perfect game".

However, in order to ascend to the Danish throne, Prince Frederik must gain the approval of his mother the Queen, and also the Danish Parliament. Prince Henrik consort is known to dislike the idea of Princes marrying commoners. "We must preserve the magic which surrounds the Monarchy,: he said "We can't be like everyone else".

The Prince appears to have begun a campaign to have his Aussie love accepted - at first by his inner circle of friends and now the rest of Denmark. Late last year while holidaying in the Whitsundays on the great barried Reef, Frederik asked Mary to return to him to Europe and live there. "She handed in her resignation the next day" remembers Chris Meehan, the owner of Belle Property.

The attractive Brunette Lawyer has recently taken a lease on a $7,000 a month apartment on the Copenhagen waterside overlooking the landmark statute of the Little mermaid and conviently close to Amaliensborg castle.

She has also started work with the Danish subsidiary Microsoft. The firm says that she has the title of "Project leader in Business culture", but a company spokesperson declined to indicate her salary or elaborate on precisely what her role will be in the company.

And then it becomes a rehash of the weddings and christenings they've been to, mentionaing Mary has a official bodyguard and is ready for Royal public life,etc...
Hey Katarina,

How are you? I missed you heaps and was so happy when I saw your name there. Glad you are back and how are things going for you? I agree with what you all have said about Mary. I don't think she would have moved to Denmark if Fred was a toilet cleaner or plumber. I just came back from Netty's forum and from what Beatrice Turnawski (excuse the spelling was saying) I think she was really after a Prince that night as well as a good time. It is vry interesting that her job with microsoft, in another article mentioned it included some travelling overseas. I wonder if this travelling overseas was referring to trips to France, Brazil, Australia, etc.. very interesting. I would love a job like that. Funny how she gets so much special treatments. My dad has three companies and if I worked there I would never be able to take time off whenever I feel bored or need a break, if I wanted to go somewhere I would have to apply just like everyone with no special V.I.P treatments for secret getaways overseas to enjoy some amore with whoever. :shock: :? :roll: :D

I don't see how a big company like microsoft can afford to hire someone with - definitely no experince in the IT field such a high position, plus pay her wages if she is doing nothing but going on holidays all the time. If I worked for my Dad, if I wasn't doing any work and just sitting there like a display item, being the "capitalist pig" he is would have fired on the spot. Funny how dating a Prince could make such a difference to your career. Also when they mentioned that Mary could ski well and loved it, I remember seeing her struggling to keep up with Fred on the slopes when they were on vacation recently in Switzerland. I guess that Journalists will say that you could fly, once they love you. :D :roll:

She doesn't seem to have any real career direction as well as no real career so applying for the job of Crown Princess and future Queen is going to be one big promotion which I hope she could handle as it is not going to be easy. With a normal job, when you are bored or want a change you could resign and apply for a better job with better working conditions, pay,etc.. but with the role of CP/Q you are stuck there for the next sixty years whether you like it or not. I am not saying this to be mean, I am speaking for myself as I would never be CP/Q material as I would never or could never stand the thought of being infront of the public and have your every movement monitored by Journalists 24/7/365 until forever, plus I know that I would get bored of the job and want to move on as soon as possible, thats me. :D :D
My mom would think I had lost my mind if I moved across the world with some guy and no commitment. How do these reporters know Fred asked her in the Reef or that he asked at all? Wasn't she in Paris or London for awhile. I thought she moved to London first to be near her dad who packed for Australia shortly after she got there. Then she was supposedly "hidden" in Paris?

She turned her resignation the next day, according to her boss? IF that is true, that speaks volumes.

She really is at his beck-and-call if that is the case. Her friend at Belle Property who tried to invite her out, but Mary wouldn't go out since she was waiting for Fred to call. She started giving up her life already even when she was still in Australia. Fred has to marry her...she has put all her eggs in this basket. Very sad. Call me unromantic...but I don't see any romance of a woman giving up her life and everything to move across the world for a "chance" to marry a CP. It seems sad to me. Fred hasn't made barely any sacrifices in his life for her. It seems very one-way to me.
Hey Kelly B,

How are you? Well said as usual and I totally agree with your post. It is sad to see Mary move to Denmark with no commitment from Fred and I don't think my parents would allow me to move to the other side of the world to be with a Guy - Prince or Plumber, without any commitment or at least a gurantee of one. :roll: :shock: :D

I hope you have a nice evening in NYC. :D
It appears that Mary started taking a course a few weeks after she met Fred in order to make herself more assertive.

Wow! She and Fred go to Australia for the wedding of Mary's friend and the Melbourne Cup and now everyone has a story about Mary...interesting. I wonder who will remember something about her next?

Sydney real estate agent's six-week course to royalty
By Kate Cox
November 10 2002
The Sun-Herald

JUST weeks after Mary Donaldson met the Crown Prince of Denmark she enrolled for an extensive deportment course in the eastern suburbs.

She told organisers she was taking the $1,195 six-week course - called StarQuest - because she "felt that life was passing her by and she had to do something to shift it".

Two years later, the former Sydney real estate agent is living in a $7,000-a-month apartment next door to the Palace of Amalienborg and is rumoured to be marrying the handsome Prince Frederik in May.

If she does, Starmakers agency owner Teresa Page can take some of the credit.

Four hours a week, for six weeks, Ms Page taught the law graduate, now 30, how to walk into a room, turn, stand and shake hands. She learnt to "embrace the spotlight, develop a new self-image, set extraordinarily high goals and manifest dreams".

"Mary wanted to change and she wanted to change her life," said Ms Page, an actor and model who has been conducting the course, now called Supermodel Skills Training, for four years.

"She was definitely on a path of self-development."

Ms Donaldson, who had just completed a creative writing course at the Roland Fishman Studio in Bondi Junction, was a popular student in the StarQuest course.

"She's charming, she's intelligent, she's articulate. She's very switched on," Ms Page said. "She said she didn't like the camera and didn't have any good photos of herself."

In a series of course videos, obtained exclusively by The Sun-Herald, Ms Donaldson is at first shy and nervous, but eventually looks confident and poised. Over the course of the filming, she lost 5kg.

"She really transformed," said Ms Page.

Ms Donaldson enrolled in the course five weeks after meeting, and partying with, the Crown Prince at the Slip Inn bar during the Olympics. They are said to have connected via a mutual love of horses and fitness.

Ms Page was soon to discover just how much her student had learnt. A year later, after the popular prince had made several visits to the harbour city, the romance was outed by Dutch media. Ms Donaldson then quit her real estate job and moved to be by his side, taking a job with Microsoft in Copenhagen and lessons in the Danish language, culture and etiquette. "It was amazing," MsPage said. "This girl had just finished my course, and there she was in the paper. She was really camera-shy and now she's always in front of the cameras and walking in front of the crowds. She's always being looked at by people."

The 34-year-old Prince Frederik has a political science degree from Harvard, is a former Navy SEAL and enjoys sailing, running marathons, diving, parachuting, skiing and flying planes. He will become King Frederik X of Denmark, the sixth member of the House of Glucksborg in the world's oldest kingdom.

He has stated his intention to marry a commoner rather than a blue blood, and both the Queen and the Danish people have apparently given his girlfriend, a former Tasmanian, their enthusiastic approval.

Article taken from:
Hey Jacqueline,

How are you? Thanks so much for the article and interesting information. I agree totally with your posts and spending that much money. I hope that she did it for herself and to improve business prospects and not for any other reason. Here is another article about the course she took. I think her teacher is using her to boost business. I wonder why she took so long to spill out to the media.

News - The actor who taught Mary to be a princess.

837 words
10 November 2002
Sun Herald
(c) 2002 Copyright John Fairfax Holdings Limited. Not available for re-distribution.

Sydney real estate agent's six-week course to royalty

JUST weeks after Mary Donaldson met the Crown Prince of Denmark she enrolled for an extensive deportment course in the eastern suburbs.

She told organisers she was taking the $1,195 six-week course called StarQuest because she "felt that life was passing her by and she had to do something to shift it".

Two years later, the former Sydney real estate agent is living in a $7,000-a-month apartment next door to the Palace of Amalienborg and is rumoured to be marrying the handsome Prince Frederik in May.

If she does, Starmakers agency owner Teresa Page can take some of the credit.

Four hours a week, for six weeks, Ms Page taught the law graduate, now 30, how to walk into a room, turn, stand and shake hands. She learnt to "embrace the spotlight, develop a new self-image, set extraordinarily high goals and manifest dreams".

"Mary wanted to change and she wanted to change her life," said Ms Page, an actor and model who has been conducting the course, now called Supermodel Skills Training, for four years.

"She was definitely on a path of self-development."

Ms Donaldson, who had just completed a creative writing course at the Roland Fishman Studio in Bondi Junction, was a popular student in the StarQuest course.

"She's charming, she's intelligent, she's articulate. She's very switched on," Ms Page said. "She said she didn't like the camera and didn't have any good photos of herself."

In a series of course videos, obtained exclusively by The Sun-Herald, Ms Donaldson is at first shy and nervous, but eventually looks confident and poised. Over the course of the filming, she lost 5kg.

"She really transformed," said Ms Page.

Ms Donaldson enrolled in the course five weeks after meeting, and partying with, the Crown Prince at the Slip Inn bar during the Olympics. They are said to have connected via a mutual love of horses and fitness.

Ms Page was soon to discover just how much her student had learnt. A year later, after the popular prince had made several visits to the harbour city, the romance was outed by Dutch media. Ms Donaldson then quit her real estate job and moved to be by his side, taking a job with Microsoft in Copenhagen and lessons in the Danish language, culture and etiquette. "It was amazing," MsPage said. "This girl had just finished my course, and there she was in the paper. She was really camera-shy and now she's always in front of the cameras and walking in front of the crowds. She's always being looked at by people."

The 34-year-old Prince Frederik has a political science degree from Harvard, is a former Navy SEAL and enjoys sailing, running marathons, diving, parachuting, skiing and flying planes. He will become King Frederik X of Denmark, the sixth member of the House of Glucksborg in the world's oldest kingdom.

He has stated his intention to marry a commoner rather than a blue blood, and both the Queen and the Danish people have apparently given his girlfriend, a former Tasmanian, their enthusiastic approval.



With walking and stance the most important thing is alignment. "Body movements are the language of confidence." Ms Page also instructs students in beauty, health, nutrition, relaxation, concentration and rejuvenation. "Deportment and beauty is an aspect but I'm not into perfection. I'm into bringing out people's individual characteristics and traits. Our individuality is what makes us interesting."


"Confidence comes out of preparation. My philosophy from having worked in the industry for more than 20 years is to assist people to bring out the personality traits that make that person unique. Students visualise being on stage, dancing in front of an audience and speaking for a crowd. I taught her confidence, understanding yourself and your psyche and planning for the future, as well as relaxation techniques and tools to deal with fear and uncertainty. All about living in the unknown and working in the unknown."


"The most important aspect of posing is your energy. Enhance it. It's really subtle but powerful, it makes a big difference. That's what star quality is." Ms Donaldson was so happy with her portfolio of pictures that she requested another photo session. But Ms Page couldn't fit her in, due to acting commitments. "She especially loved this picture. She said it was the best she's seen of herself."


"One main thing is overcoming the inner critic that says you are making a fool of yourself. Mary loved this idea of living in the unknown. The unconscious and irrational aspect of what we don't know is going to happen, manifesting or creating bigchanges."

Document shd0000020021110dyba000i3

Link. htpp:// (Factiva Australian news articles) :D
It is very interesting to see her "evolution" from her arrival in denmark over the past year or so. It is interesting to see how she has slimmed down, waxed her eyebrows etc..since her arrival.
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Lorissa I agree. I don't think that you need to take a course like that. :D

Any individual who was raised to be confident, respect themselves and others, and have basic manners knowing how to conduct themselves properly should never need to take a course like that. From what I know of you, you are fine. :) :D

Only people who are extremely far gone or who never had that extra push as adolescents need to take courses of that nature, IMO.

It is interesting to see the change in Mary's physical appearance, Kelly. But, I have to admit that she didn't really look horrible IMO before she moved to Denmark. She did need to wax her eyebrows a bit, but other than that I think she still looked very attractive. However, I did see the picture of her when she was still in Australia on Starmaker's website along with that famous picture of her sitting at a bar or table :?: that was on Rexfeatures, and they were both horrible, especially the one on the Starmakers site. :shock:

Thanks for the pictures Josefine. :)
Josefine, thank you for posting those pics. :lol:

I especially enjoyed the rear shot of F & M from one of the first weddings they attended, where Fred had his hand on the small of her back. It's one of the only pictures where I felt some chemistry between them.

Jaqueline, I totally agree with you about Mary not looking that bad in the pre-Denmark pics. A little tweeze here and there and a lighter shade of lipstick brought out her face.

Some old pictures of Mary Donaldson. Sydney morning Herald. Sunday 25th November,2001.

Aussie girl has Danes on edge of their seats
Will she, won't she?: Though she may be a world away here in Sydney, real estate agent Mary Donaldson has the entire population of Denmark on tenterhooks as they anxiously wait to see whether she will join her lover Crown Prince Frederik for a white Christmas in Denmark.

By Matthew Benns

Sydney real estate agent Mary Donaldson may have won the heart of Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik but she appears in no hurry to rush to his side.

"I am not going to Denmark," she said last week before taking an after-work drink that turned into dinner with her Belle Property boss Chris Meehan.

Describing the royal fuss that has surrounded her as "ridiculous", Ms Donaldson, 28, pasted on her most regal smile and calmly chose to continue her meal at The Light Brigade pub in Oxford Street.

But Denmark's 5-million strong population is on tenterhooks, waiting to see if she will fly in to spend Christmas in the snow with the family of her lover.

The Danes are reportedly thrilled at the prospect of the heir to their throne marrying a woman from abroad, who has no reputation in Denmark.

Last week, photographs of Ms Donaldson, wearing a pink housecoat by the pool of a French chateau, appeared in Danish magazine Billed Bladet.

Prince Frederik, 33, was shown in the gardens in the pictures which were taken as the couple shared a summer sojourn together.

The magazine said the brunette just missed meeting her possible future in-laws. Queen Margrethe and her husband Prince Henrik flew in just after Ms Donaldson and Prince Frederik flew out.

Queen Margrethe, 60, must officially approve her son's choice of bride although there is nothing in the Danish Constitution to prevent him from marrying a commoner.

But Ms Donaldson's mathematics professor father has met the Prince and given the romance his seal of approval.

It is believed the couple met in the United Airlines hospitality marquee at Olympic Park during the Sydney Olympics. As The Sun-Herald revealed last week, Ms Donaldson has met the Prince once every other month since then.

The Sun-Herald


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Crown Prince Frederik Engaged?

Mary Donaldson and Crown Prince Frederik
Danish royal watchers are convinced the heir to their throne, Crown Prince Frederik, is about to announce his engagement to former Sydney real estate agent Mary Donaldson.

Ms Donaldson was wearing a large ring on her left ring finger when she was spotted in public with the crown prince in Denmark last weekend. The ring is the latest development in a romance that began two years ago at the Sydney Olympics and has since captivated Denmark.

Whether the ring signifies an engagement has Danish royal watchers in a frenzy of debate. The 30-year-old former Belle Property agent and her 34-year-old royal lover are becoming increasingly public with their affections.

While there is a question mark over the engagement, there is no doubt Ms Donaldson is being groomed to assume the role of future queen of Denmark. Gone are the casual outfits she used to wear before she left Sydney. In their place are smart suits like the white and beige ensemble she wore to the baptism, and stunning couture gowns like the one she wore to the wedding.


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Does anyone think that Mary's friends or famiy members are reading the various message boards from time to time just to see what is being said about Mary? What about Beatrice Tarnawski (sp :question:) and some of Mary's old co-workers? I wonder if they are reading the things written on the boards about Mary?
A link to some old photos of Fred and Mary when they attended the second wedding. This link was posted by Anastacia on the Crown Prince Frederik forum. Here's the link :

Have fun and take care!!! :D :heart: :D
Thanks, Lorissa for the pictures. I hadn't seen several of those. I believe that Mary has improved from her prom days.
Do you think Marys family is so close knit that they would care what she is up to or would feel invested enough in her life at this point to be concerned what we say about her. It's sad but, they don't appear to be that close. ;) :(

I would not be a bit surprised though if Mary herself purused these boards to gauge public opinion of her, her outfits and her re;ationship with Fred. :eek: :D

:heart: :x :heart:
Hey Sylvia,

How are you? Thanks so much for your compliments. :blush: I am so glad that I didn't offend you. My sense of humor is really silly most of the time. You should see what I do with my friends photos when their birthday comes up. I love adding the captions and just make something funny. I mean no harm or to offend anyone. I really love the first photo when she was in the pink outfit and she looks so good. I hate it when girls loose too much weight and it likes like they are wasting away. We are all going to be mothers one day - so we have got to eat. :D :D

Sylvia, I think that she has mtured into a beauty. I think that her old photos gives a sweet baby look and now she has matured into a beautiful goddess and looks sexy and ready to kill Fred. :D :heart:

I hope that you are having a great weekend, take care and have fun.

:heart: Lorissa

Hey Kathy,

How are you? Great point you just made. I wouldn't be surprised as she is more self conscious about her appearances, got a "job", moved out and appear to be a little bit more in control, but not enough (must be taking KellyB's advice). Her fashion sense has become more stylish and complimentary to her figure now then it was six months ago. I don't think she would care about people's opions, but would check the message boards out just to see what the public are thinking. For me I am the sort who would like a strangers opion -it doesn't mean I have to take it, but it is interesting and provides a wide option of thought. :D

Hey Tisha,

How are you? I missed you heaps and haven't seen you for ages. I hope that all is well. The photo of mary in the prom dress and the last one with the white top. I think you posted it on the old forum. I love doing captions for pictures and i am going to find some more and do this type of thing again. :x :) :D :grrr:

I hope you are having a enjoyble weekend, Take care with lots of hugs and love. :D

:heart: Lorissa
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