King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, Current Events Part 11: June - August 2006

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LaChicaMadrilena said:
This is what makes people love their royals...

I can't imagine seeing the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, expressing sorrow like this. As a matter of fact, I once saw on television a British citizen reaching out to hug the Queen and she looked horrified and shocked. On the other hand, Queen Sofia has always been loving and serious towards her people. (I hope I don't anger the fans of the British monarchy for saying this.)
...JuAnItA... said:
I agree with all!
I think they are so closed to the people that it will be hard for the Princes be as good as the Kings.
As the King said: "Vuestro Rey sufre con vosotros y comparte vuestra indignación" :(

You couldn't help saying that, could you Juanita?! How can you be sure of what you are saying?! How can you even suggest that, after seeing the pain on Princess-to-be Letizia after the March 11th attacks?! In an Hospital visit she was so down that the Queen herself had to hold her!!! She was still suffering one year after at the funeral!!! She was the image of pain and sorrow when those spanish soldiers were killed!!! In a time when she could be dancing las Ramblas due to her happy pregnancy!!!!

So sorry to hear these kind of nonsense when we see how Princes of Asturias work day after day to honour the Kings, Spain and Spanish People! And after seeing the Prince and the Infantas at the Basta Ya! first row, the Kings said what they needed to say "Toda la Familia Real sufre con vosotros y comparte vuestra indignación".

mtbcm :)
Before big tragedies the Royal Family, always has been there. The Kings have been, but also the Prince (when he was single and already married) and the Infantas.

It goes many years being like that, I can put several examples that I remember now. Probably one of the most recent and known by all it has been 11M, but they have been in other tragedies.

The Queen and the Prince in a funeral for a children died in an accident of autobus.

The Prince in Miguel Angel Blanco's funeral, being the first time that a member of the Royal Family was coming to a funeral of the murdered one for ETA.

And last year the Princes of Asturias in the funeral for the young who died poisoned by gas in Tolodella or for those who died in the fire of Guadalajara. A few months ago they visited the children hospitalized by an accident of autobus in Asturias.

It is one more part of their work, the hardest of all, they must be there, and are representing to their country.They all have passed for this moment and have rested to they them were suffering.
Even Royals have their own way of expressing sorrow and pain and that goes to Our Queen Elizabeth II, probably she doesnt like to show her feelings in public but that doesnt mean shes heartless person:confused:!
I think it's very unfair to compare people with each other, especially when it comes things such as feelings, emotions and tears. All individuals have their own way of dealing with emotionally stressful and sad situations, and to compare them with each other, when we don't even know the persons in questions is just totally and utterly wrong and quite foul to do - in my opinion. Tears in itself is not the only proof for sorrow, distress and grief.

I think the whole Spanish Royal Family has proven to be an example when it comes to handling major tragedies in their nation, how they have met the people with such humbleness and respect, and mourned together with the whole people.
First: i didn't compare nobody!
Second: the royals are not just closed to the people for their fellings and emotions, if was like that Queen Elizabeth would be ver far away from the british people.
Third: we cannot forget that Spain is a monarchy because the Kings worked very hard for it, not because there are Princes and Infantas.
Forth: You can love the Princes, but we don't know how will they work as Kings. There are differences between being Kings or Princes, it's just a BIG difference! Besides, for what i know there are many people who love the Kings and don't like the Princes. And i think the Princes have to work really HARD so some day they can be as good as the Kings. But this is my opinion.
I'm not saying they don't work or they don't try or they aren't good, i'm just saying when they become Kings they must work HARD because the people won't forget King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, in a easy way.
I agree with you J!
The thing is that the Crown as an institution was brought back to Spain by Juan Carlos and Sofia, they actually helped to build the country as it is today and the Princes of Asturias have to work very hard to continue the legacy this couple of awesome monarchs have build through the years...
J wasn't saying the Princes don't work or don't feel 'cuz they do and in a very intense way but the fact that they still need to develop to reach the level KJC and QS do...;)
From Casa Real

Entrega de Despachos en la Escuela Diplomática
Madrid, 5 de julio de 2006

Sus Majestades los Reyes presidieron la entrega de despachos a los nuevos secretarios de Embajada y de títulos a los alumnos del Máster en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales

A su llegada a la Escuela Diplomática, Don Juan Carlos y Doña Sofía fueron recibidos por el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Miguel Ángel Moratinos; el subsecretario de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Luis Calvo Merino; y el embajador director de la Escuela Diplomática, Andrés Collado.
Tras saludar al equipo de dirección de la Escuela, Sus Majestades accedieron al Aula Magna y ocuparon su lugar en la mesa presidencial. Procedió Don Juan Carlos seguidamente a abrir la sesión y concedió la palabra al embajador director de la Escuela Diplomática, al ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, y, finalmente, al director adjunto de la Escuela, que dio lectura a los nombres de los nuevos secretarios de Embajada y de los alumnos del Máster en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales.
Don Juan Carlos hizo entrega de sus Despachos a los treinta nuevos secretarios de Embajada, y a continuación, los ochenta y cuatro alumnos del Máster recibieron sus diplomas de manos de Sus Majestades los Reyes, el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación y el embajador director de la Escuela Diplomática.
Una vez finalizada la entrega de títulos, Don Juan Carlos pronunció unas palabras, que comenzaron con un sentido recuerdo a las víctimas en el accidente de Metro en Valencia, expresando "nuestro más profundo pesar a los familiares y amigos de los fallecidos, y nuestros mejores deseos de pronto restablecimiento a todos los heridos".
Su Majestad expresó a los nuevos secretarios de Embajada que "os va a corresponder promover y defender los intereses de España y de los españoles en un mundo cada vez más complejo e interdependiente, atendiendo las necesidades y demandas que hoy la sociedad española plantea a su Servicio Exterior. Esa acción exterior, a la que vais a aportar vuestros conocimientos y buen hacer, es cada día más determinante para la paz, seguridad y bienestar económico y social de todos los españoles. De ella depende el más eficaz desarrollo de nuestro comercio, tecnología o turismo, así como la mejor promoción y difusión de la amplia y variada riqueza cultural y lingüística de nuestro país".
Asimismo, el Rey repasó las áreas de trabajo fundamentales de los nuevos secretarios de Embajada: Europa, Iberoamérica, el Mediterráneo, nuestros vínculos trasatlánticos, Asia, África, la Cooperación al Desarrollo, las Organizaciones multilaterales, la lucha contra la barbarie terrorista, el narcotráfico y el crimen organizado, la promoción de la defensa del medio ambiente, la defensa de los derechos humanos y de los valores democráticos, y la defensa y protección de cuantos españoles se desplazan o residen en el extranjero.
Después de reunirse Sus Majestades con los asistentes y departir con ellos durante unos minutos, finalizó el acto, siendo despedidos por las mismas personas que les recibieron a su llegada.


Delivery of Offices in the Diplomatic School
Madrid, 5 of 2006 July

Its Majestys the Kings after the delivery of offices

Their Majestys the Kings presided over the International delivery from offices to the new secretaries of Embassy and titles to the students of the Máster in Diplomacy and Relations

To their arrival to the Diplomatic School, Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía were received by the minister of Outer Subjects and Cooperation, Miguel Moratinos Angel; the undersecretary of Outer Subjects and Cooperation, Bald Luis Merino; and the ambassador director of the Diplomatic School, Andrés Col.

After saluting to the guidance equipment of the School, Their Majestys acceded to the Magna Classroom and occupied their place in the presidential table. He came Don Juan Carlos next to open the session and granted to the word to the ambassador director of the Diplomatic School, to the minister of Outer Subjects and Cooperation, and, finally, to the attached director of the School, that gave to reading to the names of the new secretaries of Embassy and the students of the Máster in Diplomacy and International Relations.

Don Juan Carlos made delivery from its Offices to the thirty new secretaries of Embassy, and next, the eighty and four students of the Máster received their diplomas of hands of Their Majestys the Kings, the minister of Outer Subjects and Cooperation and the ambassador director of the Diplomatic School.

Once finalized the delivery of titles, Don Juan Carlos pronounced words, that began with a sense memory to the victims in the accident of Meter in Valencia, expressing "deeper ours to weigh to the relatives and friends of the deceaseds, and our better desires suddenly reestablishment to all the wounded".

His Majesty expressed the new secretaries of Embassy that "is going to you to correspond to promote and to defend the interests of Spain and the Spaniards in a complex and more and more interdependent world, taking care of the necessities and demands that today the Spanish society raises to its Outer Service. That operation outside of the area, to that you are going to contribute your knowledge and good for doing, is every more determining day for La Paz, security and economic and social well-being of all the Spaniards. On her the most effective development of our commerce depends, technology or tourism, as well as the best promotion and diffusion of the ample one and varied cultural and linguistic wealth of our country ".

Also, the King reviewed the fundamental areas of work of the new secretaries of Embassy: Europe, Ibero-America, the Mediterranean, our transatlantic bonds, the multilateral Asia, Africa, Cooperation to the Development, Organizations, the fight against the terrorist barbarism, the drug trafficking and the organized crime, the promotion of the defense of the medio.ambiente, the defense of the human rights and the democratic values, and the defense and protection of whichever Spaniards move or reside abroad.

After meeting Its Majestys with the assistants and conversing with them during minutes, the act finalized, being dismissed by the same people who received to them to their arrival.


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From Casa Real

Reunión de la Junta de Gobierno del Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, del Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales
Palacio de La Zarzuela. Madrid, 5 de julio de 2006

Presidida por Su Majestad la Reina

Su Majestad la Reina ha presidido la reunión de la Junta de Gobierno del Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, en la que se presentó el informe anual y las órdenes de convocatoria de los Premios de "Prevención de Discapacidad" y de "Accesibilidad Universal de Municipios".
Asistieron también el ministro de Justicia, Juan Fernando López Aguilar; la ministra de Educación, Ciencia y Deportes, Mercedes Cabrera; la ministra de Sanidad, Elena Salgado; la secretaria de Estado de Servicios Sociales, Familia y Discapacidad, Amparo Valcarce, y el presidente de Extremadura, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra, entre otros.
Doña Sofía ostenta la Presidencia de Honor de este organismo, adscrito al Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, que tiene como misión promover la prevención de deficiencias, la rehabilitación y la inserción social de las personas con discapacidad; facilitar, en esos ámbitos, el intercambio y la colaboración entre las distintas Administraciones públicas, así como entre éstas y el sector privado, tanto en el plano nacional como en el internacional; prestar apoyos a organismos, entidades, especialistas y promotores en materia de estudios, investigación y desarrollo, información, documentación y formación; y emitir dictámenes técnicos y recomendaciones sobre materias relacionadas con la discapacidad.


Meeting of the Governing body del Real Patronage on Discapacidad, del Ministry of Work and Social Subjects Palace of the Zarzuela.
Madrid, 5 of 2006 July

Presided over by Her Majesty the Queen

Her Majesty the Queen has presided over the meeting of the Governing body of the Real Patronage on Discapacidad, in which she appeared the annual report and the orders of call of the Prizes of "Prevention of Discapacidad" and "Universal Accessibility of Municipalities".

They also attended the minister of Justice, Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar; the minister of Education, Science and Sports, Mercedes Goatherd; the minister of Health, Elena Salgado; the Secretary of State of Social Services, Family and Discapacidad, Valcarce Shelter, and the president of Extremadura, Juan Carlos Rodriguez Ibarra, among others.

Doña Sofía shows the Presidency of Honor of this organism, assigned to the Ministry of Work and Social Subjects, that she has like mission to promote the prevention of deficiencies, the rehabilitation and the social insertion of the people with discapacidad; to facilitate, in those scopes, the interchange and the collaboration between the different public Administrations, as well as between these and the deprived sector, as much in the national plane as in the international; to support organism, organizations, specialists and promoters in the matter of studies, investigation and development, information, documentation and formation; and to issue technical rulings and recommendations on matters related to the incapacity.


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Why did not Princes of Asturias and Infantas attend the funeral? I remind that Kings and Princes attended the funeral of the soldiers died in the Yack accident, why not in this case?:confused:
fanletizia said:
Why did not Princes of Asturias and Infantas attend the funeral? I remind that Kings and Princes attended the funeral of the soldiers died in the Yack accident, why not in this case?:confused:

They are different cases.

The King and the Prince are military, the King is the supreme control of the army and the Prince it will be some day, because of it in case of military accidents that people are working for the country both must go.

In another type of accidents or misfortunes, the Royal Household decides the one who goes. Last year the Princes came to several funeral. I imagine that about this case they decided that the Kings were alone, since they are the maximum representation of the family and that also there were going to be many political authorities.
We cannot compare the Prince with the King, the two are Men of Political different times.

The Prince Felipe is preparing to be a so good King as his father.
In my opinion he is the Prince more prepared of Europe, has known from very small which are his responsibilities, and works day after day for Spain and the Spanish. He is doin a very good work.

But the King has demonstrated us often good king who is, all the Spanish have fondness and enclosed affection the republicans even have respect and fondness for him


In 1981, the Gentleman Jose Hierro Real, Prince of Asturias for Letters 1981, dedicate a few words to the Prince, in his speech forthwith of delivery of the Prize, which they are a very clear example of what I want to say:

(Please read It.
Those who are Spanish will understand it very well.
For that they are not Spanish, I have to say to you,that on February 23 Spain have a coup d'état. The king had a very relevant role that night.)

"I said that I am not in disposition to give advices. Except this one, which I do not consider to be excessively impertinent. This air of freedom that we breathe, which will allow us to continue forward in the task of achieving this Spain that we long, has a date: on February 24. It is to say: Your Highness does not have to give attention to my words, but it is enough to him to look around. Gentleman: if the present was not beginning on February 24, but it was calling in the evening of February 23, we would not be here. We have happened so many years hearing words of praises prefabricated that great I am afraid that someone can think that there are equally mechanical this words that, interpreting the feelings of many people, are directed for you. Your Majesty does not ask how many divisions a man of the culture can mobilize.He knows that a book or a picture created freely, they matter.
Because of it it receives every year writers and artists. He does not need to turn them into writers or painters of chamber, on having respected them and to admire them has conquered their respect and admiration.
Because of it, I was saying, Your Highness, that they are not my words but the examples what they import. Maybe one day you will understand the importance that for Spain has had this attitude of Your father who has not allowed to advance one more step towards the tyranny.He has gone towards the tolerance, has gone towards the democracy, which consists of the fact that don Santiago Carrillo could say what before could not, and don Blas Piñar could continue saying the same thing that he was saying."

For those who want to reed it in Spanhis.

© Copyright 2006 Fundación Príncipe de Asturias
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The Kings preside at the delivery of offices of the Academy of the Air in León
Don Juan Carlos and dona Sofía were got, between others, by the minister of Defense, Jose Antonio Alonso and by the president of the Meeting of Castile and León, Juan Vicente Herrera.

The kings of Spain came to the Basic Academy of the Air of The Virgin of the Way, where they have presided at the act of delivery of royal offices to the promotion XIV subofficials' of the Army of the Air formed in this center of military formation.

Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía arrived in helicopter at 11.30 hours at the Academy from Leon, where they were got, between others, by the minister of Defense, Jose Antonio Alonso, by the president of the Meeting of Castile and León, Juan Vicente Herrera, and by the chief of the General staff of the Army of the Air, Francisco Jose García.


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From londonfeatures


The King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia during the act of delivery of royal offices of to the promotion XIV subofficials' of the Army of the Air formed in the Academy.
Today in Leon

from terra


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lula said:
The Kings are present today at the funeral for the victims of the accident happened yesterday in the underground of Valencia

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...JuAnItA... said:
I think they are so closed to the people that it will be hard for the Princes be as good as the Kings.
I think that you are using obviousness:
(i) Crown princes can't to have the experiences of "Kings of 30 years"
(ii) It's well know that, today, the spain monarchy is strongly Juan Carlist, but it doesn't mind that felipe is not liked.
(iii) Felipe, himself, said that he has to win his rank of King by worknig all days long.
(iv) If you observe the Princes's works since their wedding, which is defined by the Casa del Rey,they increased theirs activities of 100%.
(v) This increase in work for the Crow Princes means the willingness to involve deeply the Princes of Asturias in the life of Spagniards....and that, it's allways the logic of monarchy system....:)
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The Kings return to Galicia four years after the catastrophe of the "Prestige"

The visit will develop on the 14th, July 15 and 16 on the occasion of the delivery of Marín's offices and other commitments.

The Kings will develop next days on 14th and 15th an official visit to Galicia, in which they will remain even 16, festivity of Carmen, to preside at the delivery of offices in Marín's Naval Military School (Pontevedra).

The last official visit of the Kings to Galicia took place in June, 2003, after the accident of the ship Prestige, though in July, 2004 they moved in two occasions to the community to preside at the National Offering to the Apostle Santiago and the delivery of offices in Marín's School.

The Kings, who according to sources of the Xunta will be accompanied by the Galician president, Emilio Perez Touriño, have foreseen that they visit in the morning of Friday, the 14th of July Manuel Millares's exhibition installed in the headquarters of the Foundation Caixa Galicia of A Coruña to move later to Ferrol.
In this city, they will visit the headquarters of the town hall, where an institutional act will take place in that the King will deliver a speech, as well as the restored theatre Jofre.
During their stay in Ferrol, the Kings will receive in hearing to the committee of honor of the Foundation Camilo Jose Cela and will preside at a receipt in the town hall.

In the following day, the Kings will inaugurate the square of the Centenary of the municipality native of Corunna of Santa Uxía de Riveira and will visit the fair of typical products of the locality.
To the midday, the Kings will move to Santa Cruz de Arrabaldo, in Ourense, to know the facilities of the cooperative society Coren and, later, to the monastery orensano of San Clodio, where they will preside at a luncheon with Galician businessmen, act in which the King will deliver a speech.
After the luncheon, Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía will travel up to Pontevedra to inaugurate Caixanova's community center in the city.
On the following day, the Kings will move to Marín to be present at the delivery of offices in Marín's Naval Military School.

From Ministerio de Defensa

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adelaide said:
I think that you are using obviousness:
(i) Crown princes can't to have the experiences of "Kings of 30 years"
(ii) It's well know that, today, the spain monarchy is strongly Juan Carlist, but it doesn't mind that felipe is not liked.
(iii) Felipe, himself, said that he has to win his rank of King by worknig all days long.
(iv) If you observe the Princes's works since their wedding, which is defined by the Casa del Rey,they increased theirs activities of 100%.
(v) This increase in work for the Crow Princes means the willingness to involve deeply the Princes of Asturias in the life of Spagniards....and that, it's allways the logic of monarchy system....:)
I know we cannot compare the Princes with the Kings.
I was just defending my original idea that the Kings are always present when the people need them.
I think we shouldn't discuss this any more because it isn't the right thread to do it. :) ;)
Hearing to the young participants in the cultural program " Route Quetzal BBVA 2006 "

Palace of Pardo. Madrid, on July 10, 2006
Granted by Their Majesties the Kings

In this edition organized under the title " To the jungles of the Adorned with feathers Serpent. The lost cities of the Maya ", the young men have crossed in his American stage Guatemala, Belize and Mexico. In his periplus for Spain, they will visit Navarre, La Rioja, Burgos, Palencia, Valladolid, Segovia, Toledo and Madrid, where It will conclude at the end of July.

In the meeting with Their Majesties, there will accompany to more than three hundred members of an expedition of 53 countries, the president of BBVA, Francisco Gonzalez, and the creator and the director of Route Quetzal BBVA, Michael de la Quadra-Salcedo, between other personalities.

The program " Route Quetzal " was created in in 1979, with the aim to consolidate the foundations of the Latin-American Community of nations between all the countries of Hispanic speech, included Brazil and Portugal, betweenthe youth of 16 and 17 years.

It supposes a formative experience, in which culture and adventure are mixed, for his participants, who beside extending his knowledges, develop a spirit of international cooperation, in order to create the new one and more royal scale of values, beyond the wealth and the poverty. Along his history, more than 8.000 European and American young men have had the opportunity to discover the human, geographical and historical dimensions of other cultures

Images From Terra


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Don Juan Carlos will have lunch with the king of Morocco next, 23 or 24 of July, in the north of Morocco, according to governmental sources.
This will be the second visit in the last 18 months.
Prevailed of contacts with Morocco during the second legislature of the PP (2000-2004), the King “gives the impression to want to recover the lost time”, comments a diplomat.
The King names to Touriño like Regal Delegate in the Offering to the Apostle who will take place in Santiago the 25 of July

King Don Juan Carlos I designated to the president of the Xunta of Galicia, Emilio Perez Touriño, like Regal Delegate in the institutional acts of the traditional National Offering to the Apostle, that will be developed the 25 of July in the Cathedral of Santiago.
The City council of Santiago indicated today that this decision was communicated him this morning to compostelano mayor Xosé A. Sanchez Bugallo, by the head of the Real House.

The King sent to the president of India, Abdul Kalam, a message in which expresses its sentence and rejection to the “attempted brutales”, to the time that show to their consternation and the one of the rest of the Spanish Royal Family by this tragedy, according to informed to Efe sources into the Palace into the Zarzuela
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Kings of Spain will receive to Fox the next week

The president of Mexico will be decorated with the Gold medal of Cantabria of hands of the president of this Independent Community, Miguel Revilla Angel
The president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, will initiate next day 18 an official visit to Spain, during which it will be received by kings Juan Carlos and Sofía, it will meet with the head of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and will participate in a Latin American encounter on Migration and Development
King Juan Carlos

Delivery of Royal Offices in the Subofficials' General Básica Academy Talarn (Lleida)

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia

Fernandez Ordoñez promises to governing position Spain Bank to King Juan Carlos
The new governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordo'ñez, today promised before the King his position to the front of the institution in an act in the Palace of the Zarzuela which also he attended the president of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Fernandez Ordo'ñez, who replaces like governor Jaime Caruana, promised to their position before a unit of the ready Constitution and another one of the Bible in a table in which, between both books, also crucifijo was located.
Queen Sofia accompanied to Don Juan Carlos in the ceremony in the Hall Hearings of the Palace of the Zarzuela, in which also they were the vice-president and minister of Economy, Pedro Solbes, and the minister of Justice, Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, who acted like notary.

Hearing to Colleges of the United World
Palace of The Zarzuela. Madrid

from terra


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the man in the last pic is Jaime de Marichalar?:confused:
what was he doing there?:confused:
crisiñaki said:
the man in the last pic is Jaime de Marichalar?:confused:
what was he doing there?:confused:

Hearing to Schools of the United World

They also attended the representatives of the Spanish organizations that have contributed in the financing of the scholarships, like Don Jaime de Marichalar, President of the Winterthur Foundation…

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