King Albert II & Queen Paola: Current Events, Part 2 (Mar. 2007 - Aug. 2010)

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Aug 13, 2004
Welcome to a new thread for King Albert II & Queen Paola of the Belgians' current events

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King Albert II of Belgium (R) and Toyota Europe Marketing Operations director Jozef Vandercruys (L) watch a Toyota car during a visit to Japanese car maker Toyota Motor Europe which decided to set its European headquarters in Belgium, 02 May 2007 in Evere

ANP Beeldbank
Queen Paola, left, talks with EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, after she visited the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Saturday, May 5, 2007. Belgium's Queen Paola and European Union chief Jose Manuel Barroso led thousands of visitors Saturday celebrating the EU's 50th birthday party at the annual Europe Day open house at EU headquarters

EU marks 50 years on Yahoo! News Photos
EU marks 50 years on Yahoo! News Photos
Queen Paula.... sigh... One would think that after almost 50 years ANP would get her name right at least.
I wish that she would dreses with a bit more color. Oh well. She seems like a nice enough person, but a bit plain on many occasions I guess. A Queen should stand out in a crowd. Not blend into the backgrond.
The dress is wrinkled too, sadly. I never had the impression that Paola actually likes her 'job'. I think she would prefer to be at home gardening or baby sitting her grand children. Can't blame her actually for that actually.
13th of May

Belgian sovereigns at ground zero

14th of May

King Albert visits UN

Queen Paola visits Metropolitan museum

15th of May

Belgian sovereings are back from new york
Such a nice Gesture They visited Ground Zero Bravo!
King Albert II(L) and his wife Queen Paola(R) picked up a new yacht built at the Rizzardi shipyard in Sabaudia, to the south of Rome

Yahoo! News Photo
Pics 15.6.2007

Belgian Queen Paola and Flemish Minister President Yves Leterme of CDV pictured during the academic meeting of the 70th anniversary of belgian " yellow and withe cross of flanders". The "yellow and withe cross" is a service of nurses in residence. BELGA PHOTO LIEVEN VAN ASSCHE 15 June 2007

Pic 1
Pic 2
HM King Albert II has broken his leg in a hallway at Laeken Castle this afternoon,and has been atmitted to St.Janshospitaal,Brussels where he is undergoing surgery.More information will be released later according to the spokesman of the Palace.

Monarchie - Welkom
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I just saw it on the news. I hope it's not to bad and I hope that he will get better soon.
There will be months of reeducation, and painful one, just to walk again
I'm glad to hear his operation was a success. Hopefully, he will make a full recovery.
Is the King still in the hospital or did he return home yet? And on a sidenote, did Prince Laurent visit his father in the hospital?
He is still in hospital he will leave the hospital probablly on friday. As fas as known prince Laurent did not visit his faher . It can be that he has visited his father but we have not seen any pictures of that visit.
Does anyone know if Queen Paola still stays day and night with her husband at the moment? I have seen some pictures of het returning to the hospital [Wensday last week] and read on the vrt site that "the king and queen were very friendly to the other patients and the hospital staff" [last Friday] I can imagine that the coming and going of the Queen to the hospital every day is the most interesting news, but I just wonder.
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As far as known she stayed the 1st night with the king in hospital after that we have seen some pictures of her going home to collect clothes, ... . I think she stayed the first nights and after that she returned home every night and went back the next morning
Good news then, I hope the King will be able to attend the nationbal day, which coincidently is on my birthday (July 21st).
Are there pictures of Phillipe and Mathilde visiting the hospital? I have seen pictures of Astrid and some of her children, she even spoke to a reporter.
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