King Abdullah & Queen Rania: Current Events Part 20

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Aug 21, 2005
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Welcome to Part 20 of Current News and Pictures for King Abdullah and Queen Rania.

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Amman, Oct. 15 (Petra) – His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed the importance of intensifying efforts to rearrange the Palestinian internal scene and achieve national unity to increase the understanding of the international community to the just cause of the Palestinians.
King congratulates Muhammad Yunus

AMMAN (JT) — His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday sent a cable of congratulations to Professor Muhammad Yunus, who shared the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize with the Grameen Bank he founded in 1976.

The bank, which targets women because it believes they are better than men at running family finances, has given small loans to more than 6.6 million people since its inception.

In his cable, the King said he and Her Majesty Queen Rania wished Yunus the best in his efforts to enhance grassroots’ participation in development efforts. Jordan Times
Amman, 16 Oct, (Petra)—His Majesty King Abdullah II on Monday gave instructions to allocate pieces of housing land to 134 Sharea Judges, in the various areas of the Kingdom, including 5 in Jerusalem.
queen rania has been in the wars

does anyone know what queen rania has done.
the latest photos show her on a crutch with her leg in a cast
what happened to Queen Rania's left leg! No wonder she couldn't join her husband to perform Umrah (smaller pilgrimage) in Mecca.
As I recall, she broke her leg around 2 years ago and had to miss the annual WEF session in Switzerland.
I hope she feels better soon, especially in time for Eid.
apparantly she broke her leg last weekend according to abaca press
Thats horrible, I just saw her on the news ...
I hope she gets well soon.
That means she probably broke while they were in London last weekend. Poor thing, it isn't a good feeling!
I wonder if she was skiying or something. A mother of four young ones:sad:like that,it's not easy:ermm:
The state visit to Netherlands is coming up at the end of this month too.
I wonder if they'll postpone the visit again, and if not how will she manage it? They'll probably have to cut down some of her activities.
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Hope nothing bad for her.

She broke her leg two years ago!she was pregnent then?!did she broke her leg while pregnent?

I think Rania should put on some weight,her bones become too fragile with all that weight loss,when I see her arms,it's a bit scary.
no that was around the beginning of 2004. I checked and she actually just fractured it.
Salomé said:
Hope nothing bad for her.

She broke her leg two years ago!she was pregnent then?!did she broke her leg while pregnent?

I think Rania should put on some weight,her bones become too fragile with all that weight loss,when I see her arms,it's a bit scary.

I agree with you
May allah grant her majesty health and power to keep on doing her good work..

salameth-a om Hussein:wub:
thanks for the article asturiana.
It must've been so painful. I can certainly relate because I frequently sprain my ankles (twice in the last 5 months) and I once dislocated one of them.:sad:
Ouch !! Must hurt, but looks that she is doing okay. Hope her a speed recovery.
the yahoo article is very fascinating - do they really report when so and so has suffered a broken ankle and that sort of thing for everyone ?
madonna23 said:
the yahoo article is very fascinating - do they really report when so and so has suffered a broken ankle and that sort of thing for everyone ?

I suppose they usually don’t, but since it as reported by her office, then I guess they will mention it. Yahoo article quote " her office has said".
If you read the article, it mentions the pictures from yesterday, which obviously aroused curiosity in the media (as it did here at the Forums). Im guessing AFP inquired about it and the Queen's office responded. If the office had announced it first, it would've been reported on Petra immediately.
Humera said:
If you read the article, it mentions the pictures from yesterday, which obviously aroused curiosity in the media (as it did here at the Forums). Im guessing AFP inquired about it and the Queen's office responded. If the office had announced it first, it would've been reported on Petra immediately.
I agree with you Humera, that's a logical explanation.
that could have def happened humera. but also i don't think petra has to report everything rania's office realeses...i think often times something will show up in the western press that never was mentioned in petra. who knows!
I think that queen Rania has to cut her hair it's too long now.
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