Kate Middleton Current Events 19: March-April 2007

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On second look,the top does nothing for me. She was showing a little too much cleveage IMO. The earrings were cute though.
She is showing a bit of cleavage, but I think it's a nice top. Maybe she just felt like dressing young and carefree to celebrate receiving her new car?
katherine said:
I thought that pictures of her going to work had been banned and that she was only to be photographed in public places like nightclubs and the races? Maybe I misunderstood...
I guess it has to do with the fact that the day before the papers were full of William and these other women, so it might well be considered newsworthy if Catherine looks miserable - which she didn't, that's why the pics were only on offer, but not printed.
I guess the tabloids have been bitterly disappointed by Catherine's failure to react, and her "business as usual" attitude. I really think it's to her credit that she hasn't reacted to some of the very blatant provocations from the yellow press. I also think this shows that she is secure in her relationship with Prince William, because she is certainly behaving normally. I applaude her poise and composure! :)
Luv2Cruise said:
I think she looks great! I just wish she would lose those earrings during the day. They are for the evening. Otherwise she looks nice. Her new car is cute!
I also think the earrings are 'over the top' for day wear.

A car fit for a princess

Cruising around town in her new silver Audi, Kate Middleton takes another step closer to becoming a Windsor.

A car fit for a princess | the Daily Mail
katherine said:
I thought that pictures of her going to work had been banned and that she was only to be photographed in public places like nightclubs and the races? Maybe I misunderstood...
No you didn't misunderstand, it's just that some paparazzi/photographers seem to have decided to ignore the voluntary restrictions!
Prince's girlfriend makes press complaint - CNN.com
another link about the complaint
*quote in article
*The picture in the Daily Mirror showed Middleton glancing over her shoulder as she walked in the street holding a coffee.
Middleton said the photograph was taken as a result of harassment

i don't like the earrings either, sexy top looks good but not for work.
boo hoo, if the girl doesnt like her picture being taken or the press "harassing" her then she should get out of the relationship, if she doesnt like it now just think of how its gonna be if she does marry william,l she needs to get use to it. Of course shes gonna say there harassing her its her word against theres and who will be believed it aint gonna be the press.
Raia said:
boo hoo, if the girl doesnt like her picture being taken or the press "harassing" her then she should get out of the relationship [...] she needs to get use to it.
Well, one thing is she getting used to be photographed nearly every day (which she seems to deal with quite well), another completely different thing is allowing certain kind of chase made by paparazzi that are completely out of their minds... after all, she has a lively example in her boyfriend's family history to avoid...

Today, Big Pictures has another set of photos with Kate going out of the gym.
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Raia said:
boo hoo, if the girl doesnt like her picture being taken or the press "harassing" her then she should get out of the relationship, if she doesnt like it now just think of how its gonna be if she does marry william,l she needs to get use to it. Of course shes gonna say there harassing her its her word against theres and who will be believed it aint gonna be the press.
She has a right to be able to walk out of front door without the press in her face. She has a right to be able to go get a cup of coffee, etc. Unless I'm mistaken, the UK is a free country and she has a right to file a complaint. The harrassment is obnoxious. That she has held up this long with dignity and restraint is a testament to her maturity.

Boo Hoo she's dating a prince is more like it.
Another reason all Royalty should be sequestered in Monaco until they figure out if this is THE relationship.
I don't think Kate is doing any favours for herself by getting on the wrong side of the press. I know it makes me get a little fed up when I hear them complain, it is not as though she is being chased down a street, abused or anything like that.

If it was that bad then why the heck is she dating William and how could she cope as a Princess if this is too much for her.

Like on her birthday, sorry but I had no sympathy for her. Her 25th was always going to interest the paps so why not stay at a friends house?? All that nonsence about her having to face all that press was just silly, she could have avoided it if she had wanted to.

It just gets to a point when it all seems too daft for words. Kate knew going to the races a few weeks ago would get pictures, so why go?? Surely she could live without going to the event if she wants to keep so private, and she went twice!

Of course she should be able to live how she wants but not if she is going to moan one minute and then put herself in a situation where she will be pictured many times.
I think Kate is fine being photographed when she's at an event where the photographers are supposed to be. She doesn't like being followed everywhere.

Actually I applaud Kate's approach to the press. I never thought Diana did herself any favours by making friends with the press. All she did by giving them special scoops and pictures was to drive up the asking price for paparazzi pictures and ensure they would chase her in that last night in Paris.

The tabloid press are vampire-bastards who would sell their own mother to get a headline. Kate should be polite but she has no business befriending any of them.

She should always remind herself that they are on the other side of the fence and they will sell her out and make mincemeat of her if she gives them the chance. No doubt the tabloids will try to make something of her latest action but with their involvement with Diana's death I would like to see them try to make Kate out to be the bad guy for filing a press complaint against the one profession that was involved however indirectly in Diana's death. I think if they try to make an enemy of Kate they will face a backlash of public opinion against them.

You can tell I have no sympathy for the tabloids. :lol: I don't think they deserve half of what the public figures are willing to give them! They're scum.
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EmmieLou said:
I don't think Kate is doing any favours for herself by getting on the wrong side of the press. I know it makes me get a little fed up when I hear them complain, it is not as though she is being chased down a street, abused or anything like that.
If it was that bad then why the heck is she dating William and how could she cope as a Princess if this is too much for her.
Like on her birthday, sorry but I had no sympathy for her. Her 25th was always going to interest the paps so why not stay at a friends house?? All that nonsence about her having to face all that press was just silly, she could have avoided it if she had wanted to.
It just gets to a point when it all seems too daft for words. Kate knew going to the races a few weeks ago would get pictures, so why go?? Surely she could live without going to the event if she wants to keep so private, and she went twice!
Of course she should be able to live how she wants but not if she is going to moan one minute and then put herself in a situation where she will be pictured many times.

While I think you've made a very sensible post EmmieLou, there are a couple of points I don't quite agree with you.
The point of Kate's complain is exactly the fact she's being chased down the street - on the way to gym, getting to work, shopping... And in quite a few photos taken the photographers were so close to her that it did look like abuse or harassing.

As you pointed yourself, Kate is dating William. She's not engaged to him, she has every right for privacy. When she goes out with Prince William, I assume she's prepared for the fact she'll be photographed. That's a different question. But when more then a dozen journalists have a 24 hours duty in front of your house or when you can't even buy a cup of coffee, without that being on the front pages, that's depressing. You don't expect Prince Charles's former girlfriends be followed and harassed like that, do you? And as far as I know, none of them (or indeed, no other girlfriend of any Prince) was followed in the same manner as Kate.

As for her birthday party and Kate, going to races, you don't expect her to shut herself in her house, just because she happened to be dating a Prince, do you? It was her Birthday, she had plans for it, hoped to have fun, maybe her friends had made a birthday surprise for her, I don't think she should have lock herself in her house, just for the sake of not being pictured.

The races were a bit different. Though she's every right to go to races and all other events she enjoys, she knew that being in a public place with loads of Media, she would be pictured. And as far as I know, her complain didn't concern those pictures or any of the pictures with Prince William. It is about the stalking pictures and the paparazzi, following her everywhere she goes and even following her in cars.

To tell the truth, the fact she is not trying to gain 'positive headlines' by 'flirting' with the Media is what endears me most to her.

I respect your opinion, I just expressed mine. :flowers:
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EmmieLou said:
If it was that bad then why the heck is she dating William and how could she cope as a Princess if this is too much for her.
Could it be because she loves him and has decided not to allow the media to dictate who she can or cannot see? The point is she is not a princess, she may never be a princess, but it should be for her to decide how to live her life before making any decision.
Like on her birthday, sorry but I had no sympathy for her. Her 25th was always going to interest the paps so why not stay at a friends house?? All that nonsence about her having to face all that press was just silly, she could have avoided it if she had wanted to.
How, that is where she lives, that is the base she uses to get to and from work and do you really think the media would not have found her wherever she stayed. Why the sudden interest anyway, apart from the engagement rumours they started, after all a 25th birthday is nothing unusual.
It just gets to a point when it all seems too daft for words. Kate knew going to the races a few weeks ago would get pictures, so why go?? Surely she could live without going to the event if she wants to keep so private, and she went twice!
She hasn't complained about the pictures taken when she was clearly at a public event.
Of course she should be able to live how she wants but not if she is going to moan one minute and then put herself in a situation where she will be pictured many times.
As I remember a lot of people on here were complaining about how lazy she was because she did not have a visible job. The IPC agreed that at public events, she should expect to be photographed, but that does not include going to and from work or doing any of the ordinary things we all take for granted!
EmmieLou said:
Like on her birthday, sorry but I had no sympathy for her. Her 25th was always going to interest the paps so why not stay at a friends house?? All that nonsence about her having to face all that press was just silly, she could have avoided it if she had wanted to.

I think it is easy for people (like me, or maybe like you too) to judge a person in Catherine's position. Until I know what it feels like to be photographed walking down the street to get a newspaper, go to a coffee shop or check my mail, or walk my dog or something like that, I won't judge Catherine for complaining. I think doing those types of things is totally different from going to Cheltenham. Everyone is wanting to be seen at Cheltenham, in their fashions and everything. No one wants to be photographed walking their dog or whatever. I know Catherine doesn't walk any dogs, but I think you understand what I mean to say.
Unless they were "verbally" taunting/harrassing her, she needs to get over it. I understand she is entitled to her privacy. And I hope she gets enough of her privacy. But I also think that it comes with the territory. You date a famous person, you become somewhat famous yourself. Sort of like guilty by association. If William's picture is taken when he is out getting food, surfing, driving his motor cycle, ect. as well as on scheduled outings, she may as well get used to having her picture taken whenever and where ever she may be. With or with out the prince. I admire her for handling all this attention as well as she has, but on the flip side of things, did she just not pick up a brand new Audi and a discounted price? So she gets perks as well. Had she not been known for dating the Prince and had the press following her she would not have gotten a discount on the car, a nice plushy job, and whatever else comes her way by being somewhat famous for dating a famous person.
Small price to pay in a way. But as I said at the start, if she was verbally taunted/harrassed, than she has a full right to file a claim. No one has the right to do that to another person.
Also today became known that the Netherlands vice-premier has started a lawsuit against magazines who have printed pictures of him with his young toddler daughter. The minister accepts that he is a public person, since he fullfils a public office. But his daughter, or his wife, or his friends, that was unacceptable.

Also this minister, like the Prince and Princess of Orange did, will back his complaint on grounds of the Arrest by the European Court in the case Caroline de Monaco: her children have no any public function. Publication serves no any journalistic standard except the satisfaction of news-hungry public.

The European Court ruled that the right on undisturbed private life, even for famous people, weighs heavier than the right of the public to be satisfied with trivial news.

Princess Caroline was succesful.
The Prince and Princess of Orange were succesful.
And Prince William should strike the first hit before his future children will be exposed to a never-seen infringement, including thousands of people making pics with cellphones and selling these.

So, I applaud the actions by miss Middleton.
sesa said:
Unless they were "verbally" taunting/harrassing her, she needs to get over it. I understand she is entitled to her privacy. And I hope she gets enough of her privacy. But I also think that it comes with the territory. You date a famous person, you become somewhat famous yourself. Sort of like guilty by association. If William's picture is taken when he is out getting food, surfing, driving his motor cycle, ect. as well as on scheduled outings, she may as well get used to having her picture taken whenever and where ever she may be. With or with out the prince. I admire her for handling all this attention as well as she has, but on the flip side of things, did she just not pick up a brand new Audi and a discounted price? So she gets perks as well. Had she not been known for dating the Prince and had the press following her she would not have gotten a discount on the car, a nice plushy job, and whatever else comes her way by being somewhat famous for dating a famous person.
Small price to pay in a way. But as I said at the start, if she was verbally taunted/harrassed, than she has a full right to file a claim. No one has the right to do that to another person.

I do not disagree entirely with your view here. I think by and large you are right. Paparazzi comes with the package of dating a mega-famous person as Prince William. However, I am willing to cut her some slack for any excessive complaints simply because she does not have the advantage of round-the-clock armed bodyguards that her boyfriend has. I think her family has been deeply concerned about her safety. I know my family would feel the same with me in such a position. I think it helps that she has that Airwave radio, and she has the sympathy of Scotland Yard and PCC, but it still feels like a terrible situation. I am glad that Prince William seems to be doing whatever he can for her safety.
Neither Audi nor Catherine have commented on the price of the vehicle, so we only have the word of the media on whether it was a heavily discounted price.
Stalking and harassment is ilegal in this country and I have to wonder if those saying she is making a fuss about nothing would feel the same if it was their daughter or them, being followed and pursued 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! :bang:

Henri M said:
So, I applaud the actions by miss Middleton.
Me too!
Skydragon said:
Neither Audi nor Catherine have commented on the price of the vehicle, so we only have the word of the media on whether it was a heavily discounted price.
Stalking and harassment is ilegal in this country and I have to wonder if those saying she is making a fuss about nothing would feel the same if it was their daughter or them, being followed and pursued 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! :bang:

Me too![/font]

Me also - I admire Catherine more and more. I just hope Prince William does too.:flowers:
sesa said:
Unless they were "verbally" taunting/harrassing her, she needs to get over it.

So if she is physically harassed which is what seems to be happening now, that's perfectly acceptable and she needs to get over it?

A very interesting criteria for what's acceptable and what's not; I'm afraid I don't agree.

I'm sure the papparazzi say mean things to make her cry; they did it with Diana but physical harassment is always worse, IMHO.
Skydragon said:
Stalking and harassment is ilegal in this country and I have to wonder if those saying she is making a fuss about nothing would feel the same if it was their daughter or them, being followed and pursued 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! :bang:

Me too![/font]
Most of the ones doing the complaining don't have daughters. Most of the ones doing the complaining probably haven't yet gone steady, much less be involved in a high-profile relationship with a grown man, a high profile figure, contemplating marriage into one of the most famous dynasties in the world, while under the glare of lights and a punishing media.

And most of the ones who are coming down hardest on Kate for filing a complaint and for blowing her nose would probably FOLD LIKE A PIECE OF PAPER and have a meltdown the moment some paparazzo shouted "look this way bird" while the telephoto lens is two inches from their grill. :rolleyes:

Kate's high crime is that she snagged Prince William, and that will never sit well with some young girls who dreamed of other plans for him. And rather than slink about apologetically like she stole him, begging for public approval or hiding away, she holds her head high, goes about her way with confidence and dignity and is beginning to play hardball with the paparrazzi. Some people can't stand it because she's not some bottle job bimbo who is all bank account, title, and silicone with a cigarette in one hand and a martini in the other.:lol:
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There are some pictures where she looks so uncomfortable, but other times she seems to be laughing with the photographers. I think sometimes it is ok, and other times not ok, depending on who of the paparazzi is "on the job" at any given moment. I bet some of them are really nice (other famous people pursued by paparazzi have been friends with them even) while others are just revolting or disgusting. :mad: I hope it is not as bad for her as some people say. No one deserves that. But I think, judging from her faces, there are definitely some moments that are very unsettling.
I do think that the courts need to make a clear ruling as to when people like this can be photographed and when they can't be.

That way everyone knows the rules and the high profile people can live their lives without having people sticking cameras in their faces all the time.

Personally I think they should only be allowed to take photos when the person is doing official duties or is ata public function such as the races or a church service etc but not when they are going to work or getting into their car, except at the aforesaid official function.

I also think the person in question must give permission for their photo to be published. That would also help (and that should extend to you or I as well - if we are in the background).
we also have to remember that reason the paps make so much money for these photos is because the public interest pushes up the price by buying the magazines. i feel sorry for catherine in that she has to put up with this everytime she sets foot outside her door. no matter who you date you shouldn't have to be harassed. she has dealt with all this attention brilliantly and i think diana could've learned a lot from her.
Duchess said:
we also have to remember that reason the paps make so much money for these photos is because the public interest pushes up the price by buying the magazines. i feel sorry for catherine in that she has to put up with this everytime she sets foot outside her door. no matter who you date you shouldn't have to be harassed. she has dealt with all this attention brilliantly and i think diana could've learned a lot from her.

Or maybe she has learned from Diana.

Its unfortunate that some people think just because you date someone who is famous...you are not entitled to any privacy whatsoever.

Yes, when she is clubbing, attending events with Williams, etc....then she should expect her picture to be taken and from what I can see...that's not the problem. Its the other times, getting coffee, going to work, walking down the street. That's harassment and is noto acceptable IMO.

In regards to the Audi, has it been proven that she got a special discount and if she did so what....my Dad got a Benz discount because his brother in law works for the company. Should he have not taken advantage of that?!
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