Ingrid Alexandra ,Sverre Magnus and Marius: discussion 2006 - 2022

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I was always surprised about how big Prince Sverre Magnus always looked! When he was two month old, he seemed to be at least six...Really big, and with an adult expression in his face, like his sister Princess Ingrid Alexandra.

Sverre Magnus's wikipedia photo has finally been changed from his baby photo taken by Haakon to one of him at christmas:flowers:
Thank you for these two pix that I had never seen before
All the pix of the little ones are so precious ! Please keep on posting them
These pics were posted by LaMinka @ the 70th birthday celebrations of Queen Sonja topic. It was during a private dinner at Mågerø. I'll just post it again here ;)

i didn't see them either! they look adorable, so grown up! i loved the second photo of sonja helping haakon out with the shoes. sverre is such a doll and ingrid looked adorable with that white summery dress. a cute lady already!
thanks foro the photos, Ingrid and Sverre is so cute
These pics were posted by LaMinka @ the 70th birthday celebrations of Queen Sonja topic. It was during a private dinner at Mågerø. I'll just post it again here ;)

Those are the cutest pictures that I have ever seen. IA and Sverre are getting so big and I can't believe much Sverre looks like his big brother.
The picture of I-A, just really shows her spirit. THANKS!!!:wub:
The more I see them the more I think they look like a great family !
I so wish I can know them personnally
I was hoping to see some birthday pics of Sverre with the family. But I guess they celebrated it privately... :ermm: Too bad........
I'd forgotten it was Sverre's birthday. I guess I was just kind of used to not getting any new pictures after the silence from Belgium, Denmark and Spain this year, that I just figured Norway would be the same. Four royal toddlers celebrating their second birthdays and we don't even get a single official picture of any of them! :bang:

I know the Belgian royal family is notably private, but we usually get updates from Denmark, Spain and Norway. There were even pictures of Irene on her second birthday, and we would always get a ton of pictures of Nikolai and Felix on their birthdays, and we some of Ingrid on her second birthday. I guess this year is just not the year for pictures.
Last year there were no pics from Sverre Magnus' birthday, so I figured that if they don't release pics for his first birthday they wouldn't for his second. They realease pictures though every year of Ingrid Alexandra on her birthday.
I think they try to raise Magnus a a private citizen, no Flagday on his birthday, no HRH, no appearance on the balcony, no pictures, etc
Last year there were no pics from Sverre Magnus' birthday, so I figured that if they don't release pics for his first birthday they wouldn't for his second. They realease pictures though every year of Ingrid Alexandra on her birthday.
I think they try to raise Magnus a a private citizen, no Flagday on his birthday, no HRH, no appearance on the balcony, no pictures, etc

I think it is a combination of that, and that we'll get to see them soon for the annual photoshoot at Skaugum anyway.
I think, they didn't released pictures of Sverre-Magnus, because they release every year fantastic Advent-pictures showing the children doing handicrafts and so on... Just wait some days...
It was December 12th last year that they released some pics of the family together in their home. So I would expect to see some pics at that time again this year.
thanks Her_Majesty
what age do they start school in norway and out of interest how does the education system work there (sorry if this has already been asked before)
Yes, Ingrid goes to a nursery school/ Kintergarten.
You can find pictures of her first day here:
Huskestue for Ingrid Alexandra -
ingrid alexandra barnehagen - Sesam

She had her first day at 4th January 2006.
More information on Ingrid's first day of external day care, can be seen in this TRF thread:
thanks Her_Majesty
what age do they start school in norway and out of interest how does the education system work there (sorry if this has already been asked before)

Norwegian children start school at the age of six (changed from some years ago, for example I started school at the age of seven.). Then follows a seven year grunnskole, ie. elementary school, three years of ungdomsskole ie. middle school, topped with three years of videregående skole, ie. high school. After the latter comes either university/college, or apprenticeships. All education in Norway is free of charge, unless the parents decide to send their children to private schools, which is not that common, and most certainly not among the royals.
As I suspected it seems Sverre MAgnus has started kindergarden already with no press attention.

Today in chile Haakon says (About Mette-MArit beeing sick, himself and several other having been sick previously)

- This is the way it is when you hav 2 kids in kindergarden and one in school where one is so easily exposed to germs.

– Kronprinsessen er lei seg -
What a handsome little guy he is. Are these new pictures taken of the family?
I think these were taken during their summer vacation because there was talk that Marius wasn't included because he was with his father. I guess we will have to wait until Christmas again this year before we see new picture of Magnus.
You can post them here.
okay thank you

this is from ibl

i am so found of photos and specially when its from the same events and through the years.

so i thought about Ingrid-Alexandra and may 17th
i think she has been at all of them but i cant find 2005
Did haakon miss any of the may 17th when he was young?
And was märtha louise in any of them. Becouse i have nnot seen sverre magnus at any pgotos of the belcony scene.

IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65

IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65

IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65

IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65
Sverre Magnus and Marius in only in attendence when the Crown Prince family meets the children's parade at Skaugum some hours earlier than when the King, Queen, Crown Prince, Crown Princess and Princess Ingrid Alexandra watch the Oslo children's parade from the balcony.

The young Princess has been in attendence since she was born, but the first years, she was only there at the beginning and the end. I think last year was the longest she was there for without any breaks. It's a long time for such a young girl. The parade lasts between three-five hours. I think at least she is expected to be able to be there the whole time without any breaks when she is six.

Princess Märtha was always at the balcony when she was a child, but Prince Sverre is not because he is not styles HRH as Märtha was when she was a child.
Yes, he attends the kind of Nursery school his sister Ingrid attends, too, I think.
They didn't release pictures when the little prince started his pre-school, but it was mentioned somewhere.... don't remember where. :D
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