Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie's Fashion & Style, Part 1: Oct. 2012 - April 2013

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Jul 18, 2004
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie's Fashion & Style, Part 1: Oct. 2012 - April 2013

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Part 1

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All posts discussing Countess Stephanie's civil wedding & reception outfit has been moved to the
Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy's Wedding Dress: Civil and Church Wedding

This thread will remain closed till after the wedding

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I think if the slacks were a bit less flared, the look would have worked. However, I do love the idea of a skirt with the blazer and blouse, or a sweater with the existing slacks.
Yes a skirt would have been much better with the jacket.
oh Stephanie!!!!! this one is a Miss...
i hope to see something better on the official visit to China
Perhaps Stephanie is back to her original state which we saw earlier, before the wedding mavens turned her into Cinderella. She is more interested in things of the mind and spirit than in clothes? Could it be possible? Maybe Guillaume likes her that way? Maybe he is not primarily interested in clothes? I am not being snide, as I do like the well-dressed royals. Guillaume has had plenty of observation of the well-dressed and could want a shift.
Gosh not great ... and the hair .. well she will do better I just know it ...
Perhaps Stephanie is back to her original state which we saw earlier, before the wedding mavens turned her into Cinderella. She is more interested in things of the mind and spirit than in clothes? Could it be possible? Maybe Guillaume likes her that way? Maybe he is not primarily interested in clothes? I am not being snide, as I do like the well-dressed royals. Guillaume has had plenty of observation of the well-dressed and could want a shift.
yes its possible she likes it that way for bein' more comfortable. but looking at the picture, MT was really well dressed, it was weird in my eyes because it looked like Stephanie was the mother-in-law and MT the daughter-in-law (clothes point of view)...
she needs more tips from MT (like she did with Elie Saab before) :wub:
Stéphanie in China
The red colour is nice, but that's all. The dress isn't well tailored and the hem line looks odd. She should have left the shawl away. The shoes don't save this outfit.
A lack of make up, and the scarf is unnecessary. This jacket looks rather nice, but the scarf covers too much of it.
This could have looked much nicer without the scarf.

She looks frumpy in these outfits and they seem to make her look a lot of heavier than she really is. She should put more effort to her hair.
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Stephanie looks really lovely in strong, jewel tones, so the red dress was a nice choice. The shawl was all right, but maybe a jacket or cardigan would have looked better. Don't really care for the second outfit, and in the third one, the scarf is one unnecessary accessory.
bertie5252003 said:
Gosh not great ... and the hair .. well she will do better I just know it ...

I agree. It's her first foreign trip, newly married, plus the recent death of her mother and her fathers lie, she's probably dealing with a lot. Let's give her some time!
^yes i agree, but i still expected to see her in a more fashionable clothes, looks like she didnt even make one effort to look great, sad because she's stunning
Stéphanie at a visit to contemporary ART workshops yesterday. Casino/038.JPG Casino/017.JPG Casino/058.JPG Casino/050.JPG

The jacket makes her look big, the pants are ugly and the scarf ruins just everything. The bag is beautiful though. By dressing this way she looks much older than she really is.
Stéphanie at a visit to contemporary ART workshops yesterday. Casino/038.JPG Casino/017.JPG Casino/058.JPG Casino/050.JPG

The jacket makes her look big, the pants are ugly and the scarf ruins just everything. The bag is beautiful though. By dressing this way she looks much older than she really is.

ITA, the piping on the jacket makes her look wider and the pants are just plain ugly. The scarf is enormous and equally unflattering.
She's obviously a scarf-maniac. Either she's easily getting colds or she is insecure and wants to hide behind scarfs.
She should have removed the scarf once inside. I also think the bag in cute but not with this outfit.
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The scarf goes well with the jacket piping at least....? I'm trying to be positive. And her hair looks great.

But overall I agree with the things everyone else has said.
I think Stephanie looks good and is appropriately dressed.
The pants are not that bad, IMO. I'm worried that she is feeling under the weather?
Stéphanie in China
The red colour is nice, but that's all. The dress isn't well tailored and the hem line looks odd. She should have left the shawl away. The shoes don't save this outfit.
A lack of make up, and the scarf is unnecessary. This jacket looks rather nice, but the scarf covers too much of it.
This could have looked much nicer without the scarf.

She looks frumpy in these outfits and they seem to make her look a lot of heavier than she really is. She should put more effort to her hair.

All three outfits are nice, especially the first one. Only I wish did'nt wear scarfs with the two outfits.

Stéphanie at a visit to contemporary ART workshops yesterday. Casino/017.JPG Casino/058.JPG Casino/050.JPG

The jacket makes her look big, the pants are ugly and the scarf ruins just everything. The bag is beautiful though. By dressing this way she looks much older than she really is.

I only like the jacket. I really dislike the scarf and pants.
The black and white issmart but yes the scarf ??? the red is overwhelmed by the wrap good lord... she does need a little help let's hope she doesn't turn to Natan !!!!!IMO
I don't mind the jacket and the scarf but the pants seem to be off, if they were black or white like the color of her jacket trim, personally it would look good.
What is it with Stephanie and scarves? Yes, they can look stylish and be a nice accessory, but they can also ruin a look. In this case, it's the latter. The jacket is nice, but the pants look a bit too wide for my taste.
I like all of her China outfits, and particularly the scarlet red dress!
What's up with the scarves indeed? Why is she doing a Letizia 2010?
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