Very wonderful pictures and interview.
Here is the interview, I believe in full.
True romance
Can i just say, Frederik looks so handsome in a tux.

Love this picture
Parts of the interview that i like. They both seem at ease and also very proud of their home.
"They're royal, but ordinary, and the chemistry is real"
"As we stroll from room to room, our heels clicking on the newly scrubbed pine boards, they are much like any married couple who have done up a house and are eager to show it off."
"He looks at his wife. "
Where do you want to sit, Maz?" Evidently the prince has adopted the Australian habit of shortening names."
"How does he find time among public and family duties to keep up that level of fitness? "I make time because I love sport," he says. "Fortunately, I can combine my passion with a duty, which is to
show people through example that physical exercise is extremely important for health and to counteract obesity."
"Denmark is a famously egalitarian society and questioning people in the street elicited a similar response each time: "nobody is above anyone else; the royals are one of us"."
"The prince regularly visits schools and other institutions. "By the time he is king, everyone will feel they know him," his private secretary tells me."
"The princess notes that it is 56 years since Utzon won a design competition for a dedicated opera house at Bennelong Point (Utzon moved his office to Sydney in 1963). "
It is incredible that Utzon had the vision to use the site in the way he did, and for Australia to nod and say yes to it. That was really strong for such a young nation. It is bound up in a lot of national pride, for Australia and for Danes, too. We are touched to be invited to mark the anniversary of the day 50 years ago that the two countries said yes to each other."
Beside her, the prince looks up startled. "I thought you were talking about us, saying yes to each other 50 years ago." His wife smiles. "That was in another life, Frederik."
But there is a symmetry, I suggest. The prince nods. "Yes, almost destiny, like it was written.""