Solliden Palace tells at its website about the celebration of Victoria's birthday
This year, the celebration of the Crown Princess's birthday starts again at Solliden. New for this year is that the Crown Princess and her family will go in a cortege through Borgholm starting in front of Solliden Palace.
The celebration traditionally begins in the afternoon when the King and Queen and the Crown Princess and her family come out of the Palace. The public can sing for the Crown Princess together with the King and Borgholm Kulturskola's children's choir before she and the family get on the carriage and start the cortege.
We present the program with times soon.
Kronprinsessans födelsedag - Sollidens Slott
Ebba Årsjö is awarded the Victoria Prize 2022
Ebba Årsjö is awarded the Victoria Prize 2022 for winning two gold medals in alpine combination and slalom and bronze in downhill at the winter Paralympics in Beijing, Sweden's first alpine medals in the Paralympics in 20 years. Before the success in the Paralympics, she also won double gold at the Paralympic World Championships in Lillehammer.
- It feels very honoring to receive such a nice prize. It is the finest prize I have received so far and when you look at the list of everyone who has received the prize before and who awards it, I am very honored.
Ebba Årsjö has been successful since she started competing in parasport at the end of 2019. Growing up, she chose to keep her disability a secret and trained for a long time with Sweden's alpine elite. She becomes the first para athlete to be awarded the Victoria Prize.
- It has been a fantastic sports year and therefore it feels extra fun that the prize goes to a para athlete for the first time. Ebba Årsjö has stood for incredible achievements in 2022 and is a well-deserved winner, says Stephan Rimér, responsible for the Victoria Days.
- All the best athletes in Sweden through the ages have received this prize, but never a Paralympian. There were actually some tears, says Ebba Årsjö.
Ebba Årsjö tilldelas Victoriapriset 2022 _ Victoriadagarna
The Paralympian historical - receives the Victoria Prize
21-year-old Ebba Årsjö receives the Victoria Prize, as the first para athlete.
- It's completely sick, I got tears in my eyes, she says.
Ebba Årsjö sits at home on the balcony in Norrköping and can look back on what the alpine skier calls an "incomparable season".
Two gold and one bronze in the Paralympics in Beijing, two World Cup golds and now the recipient of the Victoria Prize, which is awarded on Crown Princess Victoria's birthday on July 14, in Borgholm.
- I was very honored when they called. I looked up the list (with winners) on Wikipedia. Have seen the list? It is quite massive, she tells TT.
But never before has a para athlete been rewarded. Årsjö is praised after a sports year where Sweden had great success at both the summer and winter Olympics.
- I said several times to the person who called that; "What? What are you saying?". Just a few years ago I sat and was "nobody" and did not want this leg, and now I get this because I have this leg. It's pretty cool when you think about it. I also think it's very good that a Paralympian gets this prize, so you get to spread the parasport a bit.
Paralympiern historisk – får Victoriapriset
- I had found out that I was nominated and when the same guy called again I just thought he would say that I did not get it. I've seen the list of previous winners and it's insane, they are the best of all time in all sports. So when he said I won I did not understand anything, I asked several times if he was serious, says Ebba Årsjö and laughs.
- Then there were a few tears, it is really honorable considering that the royal family is behind and everyone who has received it before.
How important is recognition for para-sports in general?
- It's very important. Just as it should be. There are no strange things, in Sweden you can look at who has won the most medals and not whether it is the Olympics or the Paralympics. And this year we have had the best Olympics and Paralympics ever so it was pretty good competition if we say so.
Ebba Årsjö är årets Victoriastipendiat 2022 – alla vinnare
Ebba Årsjö är årets vinnare av Victoriapriset 2022_ _Finaste priset jag fått_ _*Svensk Dam
Press release from Victoriadagarna:
Now it is clear which artists will perform at the SVT-broadcast Victoria Concert on 14 July. The Victoria Concert is a tribute to the Crown Princess on her birthday, a fundraiser for the Crown Princess Victoria's Fund and the awarding of the Victoria Prize.
This year, the royal family, the audience and TV viewers are invited to music performances by Tomas Ledin, Tove Styrke, Janice, Victor Leksell and Jonathan Johansson. The music is performed by conductor Stefan Sporsén and the Augusti family. The host of the Victoria Concert is Yvette Hermundstad.
The most famous of these artists is Tomas Ledin. This year he celebrates 50 years as an artist. He is married to Marie Ledin, managing director of the Polar Music Prize, and as Marie's husband, he usually sits beside a member of the royal at the Polar Music Prize banquet. King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia were in February at Tomas Ledin's concert on his 70th birthday at Avicii Arena.
Media accreditation for the Victoria Concert at Borgholm Castle, Öland, on Thursday July 14th is now open.
Please note that there are a limited number of press accreditations for the Victoria Concert 2022. Journalists and photographers without a media accreditation will not have access to Borgholm Castle 14 July.
Pressinbjudan Victoriakonserten den 14 juli _ Victoriadagarna
More tickets are sold to the Victoria Concert
Last week we were able to present several of Sweden's most beloved artists who will perform at the Victoria Concert on 14 July. Now we are very happy to be able to release additional tickets for sale.
Nu släpps fler biljetter till Victoriakonserten _ Victoriadagarna
Welcome to the Victoria Hike in the middle of the unique world heritage
On 14 July, Crown Princess Victoria has her birthday and 9–15 July, Victoria Days are celebrated. During these days, Öland comes into focus and becomes a meeting place that inspires physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. July 11 is the big hiking day for the whole family where everyone can go on the Victoria Hike. Everyone is welcome to Penåsa, outside Kastlösa, to experience the unique nature on southern Öland, one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Välkomna till Victoriavandringen mitt i unika världsarvet - Mörbylånga kommun
Article about the Victoria Days at Ölandsmagazinet's summer issue.
Stephan Rimér, the organizer of the Victoria Concert, tells at the article that the cortege of the royal family which leaves from Solliden Palace, should go through Borgholm at about 16.30 to the concert at the Borgholm Castle.
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At the website of the Solliden Palace
This year, the celebration of the Crown Princess' birthday starts again at Solliden.
The celebration traditionally begins with the King and Queen and the Crown Princess and family coming out from Solliden Palace. The public can sing for the Crown Princess together with the King and the Children's Choir from the Borgholm Culture School before she and the family get on the horse-drawn carriage and start the cortege
16.10 The Children's Choir from the Borgholm Culture School sings
16.15 The Crown Princess and her family come out together with the King and Queen. The King sings, as tradition dictates, the birthday song for the Crown Princess together with visitors and the children's choir. After that, there will be a photo opportunity and more choir singing.
16.30 The cortege departs, the Crown Princess and her family travel by horse and carriage from Solliden through Borgholm and up to Borgholm Castle for the recording of the Victoria Concert.
Please note that the program at Solliden is significantly shorter than in previous years.
Kronprinsessans födelsedag - Sollidens Slott
We'll see if Margareta Thorgren has to explain, why Victoria will not walk around and meet the people and take flowers and presents like before the pandemic.