Crown Princess Mary is Expecting Twins in January 2011

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Why has she attracted ill will? Over being pregnant? The decision to focus on the bump and papers joining in the royal baby watch isn't Mary's doing. That would be the papers and photogs themselves as they use whatever they can to sell papers.

What bump hysteria are you talkiing about? I haven't noticed any:flowers:

I agree, Emmily. I don't understand the comment on Mary creating ill will with her baby bump. I think it is just natural that the press is focused on Mary's pregnancy, especially as she expects twins. I think it is wonderful to see how her bump gets bigger and bigger. Mary always looked the best during her pregnancies. And currently she looks beautiful.
Crown Princess Mary has attracted ill will in general. You might be unaware of it, but there is the whole message board devoted to make hateful remarks about her personally/her children/her marriage, etc.
When it comes to this pregnancy, people question the size of her bump.
Crown Princess Mary has attracted ill will in general. You might be unaware of it, but there is the whole message board devoted to make hateful remarks about her personally/her children/her marriage, etc.
When it comes to this pregnancy, people question the size of her bump.

Sounds like quite the message board. Mary didn't seem to get very big with either of her previous pregnancies, if I remember correctly. Perhaps that's why people question the size of her bump this time around?
Crown Princess Mary has attracted ill will in general. You might be unaware of it, but there is the whole message board devoted to make hateful remarks about her personally/her children/her marriage, etc.
When it comes to this pregnancy, people question the size of her bump.
Yes, I know which one you mean. It's like a virtual looney bin :ROFLMAO: but it serves a purpose in giving all these poor sods a meeting place.
To think that there are actually people out there in Denmark and Australia who haven't even met Mary and who for up to ten years now have devoted their spare time in cooking up all sorts of hateful fantasies about her. Definitely, not the kind of persons one would want to associate with willingly.
Princess Mary Ditches Prints, Finally Looks Slightly Pregnant (PHOTOS)

The bump hysteria is on the verge of becoming pathetic. It is rather unfortunate to see a cheap yellow Internet rag such the HuffingtonPost joining the royal baby watch as well. Crown Princess Mary has already attracted some ill will and does not need more snide and hateful remarks.
Your judgement of Huffington Post is way off the mark.
The day no-one is interested in Mary's bump or any other information about the royals that day will be the death of monarchies.
I was going to say the same thing about the Huffington Post...its political website with a liberal bent (which is not a bad thing) but its not a yellow rag.

I wouldn't worry about the other stuff....its always easy to dislike someone you don't know and you have the freedom to speak from beyond a computer without impunity. I think it speaks for itself.

In regards to the bump, its the world we live in now. Most media follows everyone's bump...Letizia...Britney Spears, Nicole Kidman, etc. We really have too many channels, newspapers, magazines etc. But then again, sometimes its a good thing....we all have things to discuss.
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I respect your favourable opinions about the HuffingtonPost, but I do not see any reason to change my opinion about this media outlet.
BB has a short article on the cannons shot when the twins are born. When Christian & Isabella were born, 21 shots were fired but since Mary is expecting twins, the question was whether 21 or 42 shots would be fired. So far its 21 for the twins

I read the same Billed Bladet article and thought the soldiers at Rosenborg have a quandery to consider. Ha Ha. Do they give the twins 21 or 22 canon shots or go the whole way & give them 42 canon shots. Decisions, decisions! Oh well they have until january to work it out. I guess whatever they decide it may set a precedent for multiple births.
Mary's "bump" is getting introductory courses on royal life :lol:
Hm, looks like the bump hasn't put a foot wrong concerning royal etiquette, so I guess the lessons are working out :lol:
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #40, 2010.
Jeg passer godt på mig selv - I take good care of myself.

Mary's maternity team has been selected and they have been on partial stand-by since the 20th week of her pregnancy.
The team is headed by Morten Hedegaard, who assisted Mary during her previous pregnancies. Midwives Birgitte Hillerup and Mette Simonsen. And what must be an additional specialist, professor Peter Dam.
The team is expected to be able to be at Rigshospitalet within 30 minuttes. None of them plan to leave Copenhagen and they stay away from alcohol.
Conslutant doctor, Morten Hedegaard, lives in an apartment at Rigshospitalet and can be expected to be at the maternity ward within a few minuttes.

Mary has previously given birth at the maternity ward at Rigshospitalet. This time she will give birth in a specialised ward where much more advanced machinery is available. (*)
The plan is for Mary to give birth naturally, that is, no C-section.
However by far most of women in DK who gives birth to twins, do so by C-section. Either they are committed acutely or because they wish to.

Mary is still busy at work and our reporters caught up with her Thursday after a congress in Copenhagen. here she admitted to "having some busy days right now".
Isn't she tired at all?
She smiled: "Yeah, perhaps a bit sometimes, but I'm fine. I'm doing fine, thank you".

Later in the evening, after a busy day, she was approached again, after leaving the newly opened Ole Lynggaard store, with her friend Julie Mølgaard. She had stayed for an hour inside the store, chatting with other guests. (**) She said: "Oddly enough I'm not tired" and she added that she feels movements in her belly.

(*) I.e. at once. Previously it wouldn't have taken more than a few minuttes to wheel her into a ward with more advanced equipment.

(**) Those in the know about Mary's jewelry are of course aware of Ole Lynggaard.
Thanks for the translation Muhler. Why would they be on cal on the 20th week? Isn't that a bit too early?
It's always comforting when you know there are good Dr's taking care of you.
Thanks for the translation Muhler. Why would they be on cal on the 20th week? Isn't that a bit too early?
It's always comforting when you know there are good Dr's taking care of you.

I'm surprised as well.
I guess they are taking no chances at all, just in case.
Which may also explain why Mary will be committed to the more advanced ward.

It will be interesting to see if Mary and Frederik will spend Christmas at Marselisborg in Aarhus this year.
Mary can be flown by helicopter to Rigshospitalet in a little over an hour.
Or alternatively be driven to Skejby Sygehus in twenty minutes. (Where incidentally Mrs. Muhler gave birth to our children). That hospital is just as advanced. It would be no problem to fly her team to Skejby Sygehus, once she is in safe hands there.
Since CP Mary has passed 20 weeks, and twins are usually born at 36-38 weeks, an expected birth may be at the end of December or early January. So I don't think they will spend Christmas at Marselisborg. Since they are taking such precautions now - I would think that Christmas celebrations can be held at Fredensborg or even in their new winter palace Amalienborg.
It will be interesting to see if Mary and Frederik will spend Christmas at Marselisborg in Aarhus this year.

Provided the twins have not arrived 'early' of course ;)

Twins generally are born a few weeks earlier then single births, and it is likely IMO that the court released a later due date as the 'official' one (Christian was 'meant' to be born in early November, Isabella in May - C was born in mid-October, I in mid-ish April). I'd say that Mary's due date is probably around late December-early January at the latest based on this, factoring in a twin birth, they could be born as early as the start of December.

It will be interesting to see when they actually are born and how far 'off' that date is from what was given (and their weight relative to what is the average for twin births taking place at during that timeframe).
Perhaps it is also a failure of us, as most still "work" with 9 Months, whereas a gynaecologist counts with 40 weeks?
But 9 months are very close to 40 weeks, aren't they? A month with 31 days has usually 4 weeks and 3 days, so 9 months are 39 weeks and 6 days.

I believe the twins are born end of November or early in December. I also think they always give the date of 42 or 43 weeks of pregnancy in the official statement. Probably to reduce the stress through media to the mother.
When they tell January, then the real date is about the 31th December. So with 36 weeks pregnancy the twins might be born about 3rd December. When i'm right, she is now in her 28. week.
3rd of December? How exciting, I would love that to be true, to be honest the suspense is killing me...I want to know what she is having (b/b, g/g, b/g) and then the christening will be earlier and then the anticipation of finding out the twins names will be over too...They might bee christened in February (depending on how healthy they are) after Mary turns 39!!! I can't believe she is almost 39!!! That seems old but she doesn't SEEM old?
:previous: I guess its only old when you are younger than 39! Trust me...when you reach that point (and I am only 3 years past it)....39 is not old at all:flowers: The only way you feel old is that your body doesn't bounce back like you used to when you were in your teens or 20's.

In regards to the twins...I think most twins arrive early, so it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

For the record... love love love being in my 40's! Its so liberating! You possess a confidence and self awareness that you didn't have before. You are more comfortable in your skin. Its fabulous.
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3rd of December? How exciting, I would love that to be true, to be honest the suspense is killing me...I want to know what she is having (b/b, g/g, b/g) and then the christening will be earlier and then the anticipation of finding out the twins names will be over too...They might bee christened in February (depending on how healthy they are) after Mary turns 39!!! I can't believe she is almost 39!!! That seems old but she doesn't SEEM old?

Ok 39 isn't even close to being old. I for one am older than 39 and I am not Old! :ROFLMAO:
Excuse me but you sound a bit childlish. 39 is not old, CP Mary or not. Please!:mellow:

Sorry, I am 36/37 in January 2011...and 39 still seems old to me, I think it's fear, denial and maybe a bit childish ;) But I think in January 2013 when I am actually 39, I will feel OLD myself, I feel old now!!! Oh to be 25 again (sigh!)...I'll keep you posted on my journey to 39 years of age ;)
3rd of December? How exciting, I would love that to be true, to be honest the suspense is killing me...I want to know what she is having (b/b, g/g, b/g) and then the christening will be earlier and then the anticipation of finding out the twins names will be over too...They might bee christened in February (depending on how healthy they are) after Mary turns 39!!! I can't believe she is almost 39!!! That seems old but she doesn't SEEM old?

Well there are lots of women out there who are getting married later and having babies well into their 40's so I guess 39 isn't so bad. Plus there's all the science and technology that can help out with the baby-making process (should the woman have any issues).
I guess my real point is not in regards to having babies, it's more that Mary met Fred when she was 28 and NOW she is on the verge of becoming a mother of four and turning 39...Have all those years really passed us by?...Life goes on, everyone gets older and time stops for no-one... Sometimes your picture of them, say Mary at 30, being 'discovered' by the press is the one you hold onto...and you really have to pinch yourself to remember that 9 years have elapsed since then and look how far she's come and WOW, she's about to turn 39, when she still seems like that carefree 30 year old we first saw pictures of!! That was my point, can't stop time...
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #40, 2010.
Jeg passer godt på mig selv - I take good care of myself.

Mary's maternity team has been selected and they have been on partial stand-by since the 20th week of her pregnancy.
The team is headed by Morten Hedegaard, who assisted Mary during her previous pregnancies. Midwives Birgitte Hillerup and Mette Simonsen. And what must be an additional specialist, professor Peter Dam.
The team is expected to be able to be at Rigshospitalet within 30 minuttes. None of them plan to leave Copenhagen and they stay away from alcohol.
Conslutant doctor, Morten Hedegaard, lives in an apartment at Rigshospitalet and can be expected to be at the maternity ward within a few minuttes.

Mary has previously given birth at the maternity ward at Rigshospitalet. This time she will give birth in a specialised ward where much more advanced machinery is available. (*)
The plan is for Mary to give birth naturally, that is, no C-section.
However by far most of women in DK who gives birth to twins, do so by C-section. Either they are committed acutely or because they wish to.

Mary is still busy at work and our reporters caught up with her Thursday after a congress in Copenhagen. here she admitted to "having some busy days right now".
Isn't she tired at all?
She smiled: "Yeah, perhaps a bit sometimes, but I'm fine. I'm doing fine, thank you".

Later in the evening, after a busy day, she was approached again, after leaving the newly opened Ole Lynggaard store, with her friend Julie Mølgaard. She had stayed for an hour inside the store, chatting with other guests. (**) She said: "Oddly enough I'm not tired" and she added that she feels movements in her belly.

(*) I.e. at once. Previously it wouldn't have taken more than a few minuttes to wheel her into a ward with more advanced equipment.

(**) Those in the know about Mary's jewelry are of course aware of Ole Lynggaard.

Good for her! I'm glad she's planning for a natural birth, although of course whatever is safest for her and the babies is what should be done when the time comes.
But 9 months are very close to 40 weeks, aren't they? A month with 31 days has usually 4 weeks and 3 days, so 9 months are 39 weeks and 6 days.

I believe the twins are born end of November or early in December. I also think they always give the date of 42 or 43 weeks of pregnancy in the official statement. Probably to reduce the stress through media to the mother.
When they tell January, then the real date is about the 31th December. So with 36 weeks pregnancy the twins might be born about 3rd December. When i'm right, she is now in her 28. week.

Well, when someone talks about nine months, they usually count 36 weeks, not 39, as they count 4*9 :)
Babies, hurry up and get born!...but i suppose patience is required, don't want twins being born too early...If I could pick a date, since Mary's is the 5th, Christian the 15th, Isabella the 21st and Fred's the 26th...How about the 10th of December or 31st December, NYE 2011...? That is still 2 and half more months of waiting...!!!
Hmm I was wondering about the babtism. What are they going to do with the dress, because of what I know of there is only the one Christian and Isabella wore at their babtism. Does someone know any other old dress that has been used in the royal family??
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