Summary of article in Billed Bladet #21, 2013.
Frederik dykkede - Frederik dived.
Written by our man in the water, Ken Richter.
As you know Frederik recently inaugurated Salling Aquapark. After three years of preparations the day came when Frederik took a look for himself, under water. (He incidentally, and perhaps unsurprisingly, impressed the local diving instructor, who with 25 years behind him as an instructor could tell that this was something Frederik knew about!)
Having returned to the surface Frederik said: "I had a really good dive. And I can recommend it for beginners, because they can dive on shallow water without fear of nets and ships sailing above...
It's a briliant initiative...
The water was cold but that was was fine and we kne what we were going down to and the visibility was about four meters". That was at a depth of twenty meters.
Back on land Frederik got hold of a lobster and explained: "We got a lobster like that on our anniversary". M&F's ninth anniversary was two days before.