Yes Muhler, I think my eyes are cracked and can never be “un-cracked”.
I agree with Duke of Marmalade above.
I can’t look at the Crown Prince Couple in the same way as I used to. I can’t buy into their story like that, now I no longer have rose-tinted glasses on.
That doesn’t mean I don’t wish them well. It can’t be easy to live up to other people’s expectations for decades.
I’ve just been reading the extract from Mary’s friend Amber Petty’s book … “This Is Not A Love Song” … about their friendship, Mary’s departure, and the experience of the Royal Wedding.
No wonder we all fell in love with the fairytale nature of it all … if you go back to those days, we’ll it was wonderful, fun and exciting, even to just be watching on.
But, as Ms Petty’s book makes clear, those on the “inside”, well for them this is their real life experience and we on the “outside”, we experience something else that isn’t really the reality of it all.
Here’s a link to the extract. To me it reads like a very strong emotional tie between the two friends. The little snippets about the morning of the wedding are interesting. And I can totally understand the feelings of being overwhelmed by the event, as Amber tries to describe how it was for her.
The Mary bits are in Extract 1, a little bit down the page.