Charlene Wittstock Current Events 1 : March 2006 - April 2006

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I think I read that the Prince can control the magazines sold in Monaco(he can stop the sale of an unflattering issue)--Is this true??
This would be nice because it would protect the children of Monaco from seeing PA and the possible new Princess in graphic photos. (The children would see the skills CW developed while ignoring her education...)
I truly hope that a video doesn't surface--- "Serene Charlene does Monaco"--that would be hard to suppress over the internet...
someone needs to tell Charlene men dont usually buy the cow if they have already had the steak....after 3 months he will be tired of her and ready to move on to the next woman....

this makes me sad!!
paca said:
II think that MD simply critized PAs behaviour (possibly not directly towards PA, but walls have ears here, so I am sure his opinion was known) and that was not taken well. I suppose PA insisted that he could do with his private life whatever he pleases and some of his advisors do not share this opinion (as many on this board) if it harms MC. Also the underlining of his good relations to PA seems to state the opposite (as it often does in politics).

As to showing her in a positive light, I think PA has missed that chance ad would be well advised not to show her for quite some time and keep his private matters private. Mainly for his own sake because he is doing severe damage to himself at present.

(Since much of this has to to with PA's leadership style, I'll repost there as well.)

I have to say I agree with Paca's interpretation. M. Deslandes is obviously the consumate politician and diplomat so his remarks can be interpreted on many different levels. I would have liked to see the article in French because I'm sure M. Deslandes chose his words carefully and I bet his choices were fraught with meaning. I have to wonder, however, if his remarks and his resignation could be taken b/c there are preps going on vis-a-vis CW? He is obviously very critical of PA's spectacle at the Olympics and with his two+ week stay in Italy and then within the month the rendez-vous in The Maldives with the trip to Switzerland and London in between. Now PA plans to be gone for most of April in either the Arctic or in South Africa; probably feels that M. Allavena is running MC, not PA.

As for his remarks regarding education, that may be directed toward not only CW but also many of PA's other gf's and friends. There seems to be a preponderance of actresses, celebutantes, rock stars, etc. and not what he believes are suitable influences (of the romantic type and otherwise). PA did mention in his July speech that he did want to focus more on higher ed and perhaps expand programs for visiting students from abroad. (I would have welcomed that in college -- let's face it, Paris in January is cold, damp, and miserable.) M. Deslandes probably feels that you have to have a certain sense of history in order to be truly forward looking -- as it is often said (I forget by whom -- I believe Churchill), those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it. He probably views many of the people in PA's circle as only caring about the moment.

I don't think he much likes Albert's management style as well. I wouldn't have thought that Rainier would have a more open management style, but apparently he did. Several presidents use the model where cabinet members are channeled through the chief of staff and rarely have face time with the president. There are pros and cons to this -- it allows for the chief executive to have information sorted through a trusted confidant so he can have pertinent information and make decisions more readily or it can let the chief of staff set the agenda and only let through what information he/she wants the chief executive to act upon. The latter format would allow the rumors to surface -- no one knows what is going on and wild speculation emerges. This could be the case particularly if PA is guarding his privacy and therefore is trying to shield himself from too many influences.

I liked the part where M. Deslandes talked about MC becoming a center for humanitarian causes. The arts and many humanitarian causes have flourished under Grace's, and now Caroline's care, but he sees an unfulfilled destiny. MC is a wealthy, small, neutral nation -- the influence it could wield on certain world affairs could be quite potent. A society will much longer be remembered for the benefits and largesse toward others. U.S. history is littered with shameful incidents, but I like to think that the work Eleanor Roosevelt did with the Committee on Human Rights and the Marshall Plan were part of our finest hour. I think M. Deslandes feels that Monaco could fill a role that many other nations (mine included) are hestiant to accept.

Whether CW forced all of this to a head, no one on the outside will ever know but I'm sure she is probably the final straw that convinced him to resign. Like many of the CP's in Europe, their choice of a wife either could either make them or break them. De Toqueville believed that the America was made on the strength of the character of its women; when considering the true partnership that Grace & Rainier had, I wonder if the same could not hold true for Monaco?
You stated that so beautifully,(You must be a writer--your posts are so well-crafted). Many believe that behind a successful man is a great woman.
teense said:
You stated that so beautifully,(You must be a writer--your posts are so well-crafted). Many believe that behind a successful man is a great woman.

Well, thank you teense. I'm actually a professional fundraiser -- I have to use words wisely to convince people to dig deeper in my line of work. Further proof of how far a good education can take you! ;)

My favorite joke is that behind every successful man is a truly surprised mother-in-law. :p
Here's a question. Who else is Prince Albert seeing right now? If I am understanding correctly, he has never been exclusive to one lady.
maryellen1539 said:
Here's a question. Who else is Prince Albert seeing right now? If I am understanding correctly, he has never been exclusive to one lady.

That is one of the great mysteries of life. He may not be seeing anyone after those pics of CW came out...I can't imagine any woman seeing that and wanting to stick around. Maybe that's why Albert and Alicia Warlick called it quits; she found out about NC. We know that the rumors of an impending engagement between Alicia and Albert is what sent her over the edge.
maryellen1539 said:
It took me a while to find this article again. It came out in the Daily News 6 Sept 2005. In this article Charlene states that she is in training for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

So if there is a wedding or engagement, can she still swim for South Africa or would she swim for Monaco?

I would think that her allegiances at that point would be to Monaco, but I can't imagine the Monegasques would like to see their Princess competing for another nation or competing at all.
i dont know if these have been posted before, sorry if they have, pics of Charlene from she doesnt look half bad in some of these. i hope i posted correctly before i get edited:)


tiawanika said:
someone needs to tell Charlene men dont usually buy the cow if they have already had the steak...
Would you say the same about Caroline and Stephanie? Or is it because they were born princesses that they get a pass? :confused:
teense said:
I think I read that the Prince can control the magazines sold in Monaco(he can stop the sale of an unflattering issue)--Is this true??
This would be nice because it would protect the children of Monaco from seeing PA and the possible new Princess in graphic photos. (The children would see the skills CW developed while ignoring her education...)
I truly hope that a video doesn't surface--- "Serene Charlene does Monaco"--that would be hard to suppress over the internet...
The term "graphic photos" seems overstated, and "Serene Charlene does Monaco" is degrading. Sure they have been spied on and photographed while canoodling in a swimming pool but the sky is not falling.
tiawanika said:
i dont know if these have been posted before, sorry if they have, pics of Charlene from she doesnt look half bad in some of these. i hope i posted correctly before i get edited:)
I don't think she is unattractive at all. She is no more or less pretty than the other princesses around.
Most obviously people need a 'bad girl' in Monaco to talk about and scratch and itch ... it was Stephanie all the lucky we are that there's Charlene that it may go on forever...;):(
teense said:
I think I read that the Prince can control the magazines sold in Monaco(he can stop the sale of an unflattering issue)--Is this true??
This would be nice because it would protect the children of Monaco from seeing PA and the possible new Princess in graphic photos. (The children would see the skills CW developed while ignoring her education...)
I truly hope that a video doesn't surface--- "Serene Charlene does Monaco"--that would be hard to suppress over the internet...
I don't think he could since there is a law of freedom of the press here as well, which I have read is to be extended. Besides what good would it do him since then everyone would go across the road to read them.
pinklady1991 said:
It may be her, it may not be. I just think it's kind of mean to say you're my gf, but I can't have you in my country yet. I also think he only did a day or an overnight trip to Paris so I can't see her traveling all that way just for one night. Then to have her hiding in his entourage...again confirms her role as "official mistress" as that is what he did with NC.

Why is everyone assuming that PA snubbed CW at the ball. Maybe they both thought it would take away the attention from everything else. They new everyone was waiting just for that so as to read all sorts of things into it. She is probably the one who insisted not to attend. We do not know anything as to why she was not there so I find it strange that everyone is assumming PA is the one who decided for her not to be there.
jabilo said:
Why is everyone assuming that PA snubbed CW at the ball. Maybe they both thought it would take away the attention from everything else. They new everyone was waiting just for that so as to read all sorts of things into it. She is probably the one who insisted not to attend. We do not know anything as to why she was not there so I find it strange that everyone is assumming PA is the one who decided for her not to be there.

I doubt that CW would have insisted on not attending and I still believe the trip to The Maldives was a consolation prize. People are reading all sorts of things into the fact that she didn't attend...and the law suit just made the speculation all the more wild. For some strange reason, Albert doesn't want to be seen with her in Monaco...probably doesn't want to give her, or anyone else, any ideas.
pinklady1991 said:
I doubt that CW would have insisted on not attending and I still believe the trip to The Maldives was a consolation prize. People are reading all sorts of things into the fact that she didn't attend...and the law suit just made the speculation all the more wild. For some strange reason, Albert doesn't want to be seen with her in Monaco...probably doesn't want to give her, or anyone else, any ideas.
And if he doesn't, it makes me question the nature of their relationship!
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pinklady1991 said:
I doubt that CW would have insisted on not attending and I still believe the trip to The Maldives was a consolation prize. People are reading all sorts of things into the fact that she didn't attend...and the law suit just made the speculation all the more wild. For some strange reason, Albert doesn't want to be seen with her in Monaco...probably doesn't want to give her, or anyone else, any ideas.

Why do you say albert does not want to be seen with her in monaco. I think its too early to say anything about this relationship. Its been less than two months since we first saw them together. I think they did not want to take away the attention from the ball and that is exactly what would have happened had she been there. I think the ball this year was for caroline's children to make their first appearance in this family tradition and it was their day and having cherlene there, would have ruined it. I think it was a great idea on their part and i do not think she is just his mistress. She is either his girlfriend or just friend. Even if just for a while. Its her time in the spotlight with him for now like many others before her. She is lucky in a way she is making those appearances with him than those like NC who were completely hidden and even then, he obviously liked having her around i mean he continued to see her for 5 years. Lots of people have relationships where they see each other just once a month due to work and distance so that does not mean anything either.
jabilo said:
Why do you say albert does not want to be seen with her in monaco. I think its too early to say anything about this relationship. Its been less than two months since we first saw them together. I think they did not want to take away the attention from the ball and that is exactly what would have happened had she been there. I think the ball this year was for caroline's children to make their first appearance in this family tradition and it was their day and having cherlene there, would have ruined it. I think it was a great idea on their part and i do not think she is just his mistress. She is either his girlfriend or just friend. Even if just for a while. Its her time in the spotlight with him for now like many others before her. She is lucky in a way she is making those appearances with him than those like NC who were completely hidden and even then, he obviously liked having her around i mean he continued to see her for 5 years. Lots of people have relationships where they see each other just once a month due to work and distance so that does not mean anything either.

Um...he is the sovereign prince and if he wanted her there, he could have had her there. He obviously doesn't want her seen with the family. His sisters know what is going on and if it were serious he'd slowly be integrating her into certain events and getting the public used to seeing her in a more flattering light. It's as if he is compartmentalizing his life: state functions, family functions, fun stuff. I don't think he realizes that he can't do that anymore... The funny thing is that PA took NC to quasi-state functions...he just made her pretend she was with someone else...and per NC, she met his father and Rainier knew what was going on, didn't like it, and the relationship cooled very quickly. Unfavorable public reaction could have the same reaction. I've been in long distance relationships -- if you really care for someone you make sure they are with you at the big celebrations.
Laviollette said:
Another point I want to make is that no matter how inappropriately she might behave or uneducated she is, it is PA's choice to have her around. He can marry the youngest, dumbest woman in the world or have as many gf's who are young and dumb also. The choice is his and if you come down hard on the women he dates, you have to come down hard on PA as well.

Well as someone pointed out earlier, apparently one does not need to be able to think about too many deep issues to be with Albert, and it seems he likes it best that way.:p

I'm going to speculate a little and I'll try to be delicate -- but does anyone think it possible that our dear Albie and his people are out to try 'witt -wash' his image after being given a 'zwart & blauw' bruising last year in the papers and in front of all the other royals? I know that's abit tacky to say that, and I apologize very much, but without getting too far off topic, I think it's fair to question the motive for showing her out so publically

I mean really, he could have kept this Charlene thing under wrap if he had really, truly wanted to, he knows the press game pretty well having about 30 years practice with them -- someone pointed out that he kept his long affair with NC super quiet, he kept the birth of his own son from the public for almost 2 full years and now he seems to keep his time (if he has any) with Alexander extremely quiet, so much so one wonders if he ever spends any time with his own child...
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Lillia said:
Well as someone pointed out earlier, apparently one does not need to be able to think about too many deep issues to be with Albert, and it seems he likes it best that way.:p

Many men in high-powered positions like women who may not be on their level intellectually or otherwise. They don't like to come home and feel that they are in a constant competition. However, in many of those relationships, the husband/bf/whatever wanders when he becomes bored, e.g., Donald Trump. He went from the high-powered business exec who helped him build his business (Ivana) and then thought that he wanted someone who stayed home all day with few if any interests of her own (Marla Maples). Any relationship is about finding balance. A good friend with an enviable marriage says that the key to success is that he has his interests and friends with whom he spends time, she has hers, and they have joint interests. Keeps them sane and healthy as individuals and they remember what attracted them to each other in the first place.

Lillia said:
I'm going to speculate a little and I'll try to be delicate -- but does anyone think it possible that our dear Albie and his people are out to try 'witt -wash' his image after being given a 'zwart & blauw' bruising last year in the papers and in front of all the other royals? I know that's abit tacky to say that, and I apologize very much, but without getting too far off topic, I think it's fair to question the motive for showing her out so publically

I mean really, he could have kept this Charlene thing under wrap if he had really, truly wanted to, he knows the press game pretty well having about 30 years practice with them -- someone pointed out that he kept his long affair with NC super quiet, he kept the birth of his own son from the public for almost 2 full years and now he seems to keep his time (if he has any) with Alexander extremely quiet, so much so one wonders if he ever spends any time with his own child...

If anything l'affaire Charlene adds to his "zwart & blauw" bruising and makes him look a little juvenile as compared to the Princes Charles, Frederick, Felipe and the rest. It just adds to Albert's image as a playboy who can't be taken seriously.
pinklady1991 said:
...I've been in long distance relationships -- if you really care for someone you make sure they are with you at the big celebrations.

Great said, Pink! :) Indeed, when we care for someone we try to be with our darling at every, more or less, important event....but at the same time don't forget we know not so much about their real relationship, what's happening is in his mind, what are his hidden intentions toward CW and his family' attude to this "new love story"...for the time being all our interpretations and suppositions remain just idle speculation. Games with fancy are able to carry away very far... The only one thing evident for me now is Albert' contented face expression - he had a good rest :cool:
I was under the impression that royals do not show up at official functions with "partners" or dates generally, unless there is a ring on the finger. Taking CW to the ball would have been like saying, "this is it". Or at least something very close to it.

Surely, CW did not turn down an invite. She either didn't get one or he simply explained to her it was just presumptive and a bad idea. I think he could have communicted this idea to her without causing any great rift between them.

In short, I really do not think we can make anything of her lack of appearance. Her showing up in Torino was a bad idea on his part because it took so much attention from the games (not a good idea for a member of the IOC) The same think would have happend at the ball, I just really think he wants his private life private until he comes out and says......this is the one. I would imagine all the attention might ruin some women, for good or bad.
He was seen immediately with her in Paris hours after the ball. I'm guessing she was in Monaco and they quickly escaped to Paris together. (Or she could have been waiting for him in Paris--but that would be such a long trip from SA for one night.. So I think she must have been in Monaco waiting for the ball to conclude...). They are still together strong-- or else she wouldn't have been in Paris...
He is seeing her a lot within a short time and considering she lives in SA--(Olympics, Maldives, Paris...) I wouldn't be surprised if she has moved in with him for more accessibility...
teense said:
He was seen immediately with her in Paris hours after the ball. I'm guessing she was in Monaco and they quickly escaped to Paris together. (Or she could have been waiting for him in Paris--but that would be such a long trip from SA for one night.. So I think she must have been in Monaco waiting for the ball to conclude...). They are still together strong-- or else she wouldn't have been in Paris...
He is seeing her a lot within a short time and considering she lives in SA--(Olympics, Maldives, Paris...) I wouldn't be surprised if she has moved in with him for more accessibility...

No one confirmed whether it was her or not in Paris. I don't think she moved in with him...there would have been reports of her seen in and around Monaco and I don't think she went to Paris for one night either...I think it was just a blonde in the entourage... If they had been in Paris together something more would have been made about it. After all he went to Switzerland without her...
teense said:
He was seen immediately with her in Paris hours after the ball. I'm guessing she was in Monaco and they quickly escaped to Paris together. (Or she could have been waiting for him in Paris--but that would be such a long trip from SA for one night.. So I think she must have been in Monaco waiting for the ball to conclude...). They are still together strong-- or else she wouldn't have been in Paris...
He is seeing her a lot within a short time and considering she lives in SA--(Olympics, Maldives, Paris...) I wouldn't be surprised if she has moved in with him for more accessibility...

Yes, of course -- maybe he's given her the key to his apartment in Paris?

Now that NC has moved to a house, Charlene can feel comfortable that the apartment can be hers for a bit...:p
(This is also on the Poll on Jazmin thread.)

On that note, I have a few thoughts on my own. I think a lot of the gossip magazines are manufacturing these stories or grabbing on to rumor or innuendo just to sell issues. They risk being sued, but so far, the only target for PA's ire apparently is PM.

I have a theory of what is going on anyway. I am reading a bio of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and in the years prior to her marriage to Onassis, she was frequently rumored to be on the verge of marrying several men. However the pattern was once the relationship became public, it meant it was at the end. That's how I'm feeling about the CW thing: they're suing b/c it's pretty much over. (Jackie had taken very high profile, long-term trips with them as well at the end.)

I don't think CW was in Paris before or after the Ball. The photos tamarindi posted were dated March 24th; the ball was the 25th. The timeline is weird, frantic, and leaving themselves exposed to the paparazzi. On the 24th, he is seen entering a nightclub with a blonde, bundled up, several paces behind. On the 25th, he is back in Monaco for the Rose Ball. On the 26th, he's back in Paris for the film festival and no sign of any blonde. On the 27th, the photos with the statuary were taken. On the 28th, he had surgery. Some photographer would have noticed if CW was coming/going from his apt. in Paris. I think the blonde in the nightclub photo is the same one from the yacht taken last summer and that she lives in Paris. I don't think PA is being exclusive to anyone at this time and right now his focus is on getting a new soccer coach for his team (read an article online the other day -- the interview is Monday) and then getting ready to leave for the Arctic. I could be wrong...but it's just a theory. I don't know what to think about the safari in SA...we just have to wait and see for that.
Pinky, great analysis as usual!
If what you say did happen, CW might be quite miffed right now if she saw pictures PA going into the Crazy Horse exotic club with another lady.....
I think I would be quite miffed if I saw my BF go into the CH with anyone (men or women). it is just not the place I would want him to be. That is sth that I would let go past if he was in his early twenties, but at his age it just has the bad taste to it. It just gives me in icky feeling. Also it lets his comments in a French doc be seen in a different light. In the context there it was a joke, but when you are being photographed entering a nude club as the head of state (as small and insignificant as it might be to the rest of the world) it is just not sth that helps to be taken seriously on the political stage. ( I wouldn't want to know what the reaction would have been if Bill Clinton would have done sth like that... ;) :D )
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