Here are the best bits...
Princess Anne's and Cherie
Mrs Blair's rift with Princess Anne is said to date back to 1997, when they met for the first time at Balmoral. The Princess Royal appeared to take an instant dislike to Mrs Blair after the Prime Minister's wife suggested she call her 'Cherie', the book claims. Princess Anne allegedly replied: "Actually, let's not go that way. Let's stick to Mrs Blair, shall we?"
Cherie's dislike of dogs
Cherie absolutely despises the creatures [The Queen's corgis],"
Cherie mortified by singing Queen Mum
The apparent tensions, however, did not stop the late Queen Mother inviting Mrs Blair to an afternoon tea party for her elderly women friends during a Balmoral holiday. According to Scott: "It was not just tea but a steady supply of sherry that was on offer to the titled OAPs. "The party began in a genteel enough manner, but as the afternoon progressed it steadily descended into a raucous singalong with the Queen Mother leading from the front and insisting that a mortified Cherie join in every tune."