Queen Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 18: January 2022 - September 2022

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 18 of the thread for Queen Letizia's Daytime Fashion!

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** Queen Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 17: May 2021 - December 2021 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
The faux fur cape is really lovely but not crazy about the design of that dress today and the bow in particular.
Why aren’t the women wearing gloves outside? In another full length pic outside, her white hands stand out from the black and blue of the ensemble. Also, her hair could have been arranged to be less messy
I think the dress fits the 'uniform' character of the event very well, although I don't like the bow. The color is great. The hair is totally messy and gives Letizia's appearance, as so often recently, a sloppy touch.
Why aren’t the women wearing gloves outside? In another full length pic outside, her white hands stand out from the black and blue of the ensemble. Also, her hair could have been arranged to be less messy
People in central and south Portugal/Spain don't wear gloves that often. I like gloves and I buy them, but only use them abroad. I bet it wasn't that freezing for Letizia to wear gloves.
People in central and south Portugal/Spain don't wear gloves that often. I like gloves and I buy them, but only use them abroad. I bet it wasn't that freezing for Letizia to wear gloves.
Her husband is wearing gloves. I do like the dress, impeccably fitted. A little long though. Nice canvas for the brooch
I'm pretty sure that the King's gloves are part of his uniform. Not a fashion or weather choice.

I like the dress, and I always love that brooch. I'm not a fan of the jacket, but it's okay.
I don't like the dress, when you look it at first, it looks like it's made of denim. The brooch doesn't suit with the dress at all and unfortunately Letizia's hair is messy as always.
Queen Letizia had working meeting with the board of the Spanish federation of rare diseases in Madrid today, January 12:

** Upper part ** Upper part ** gallery **
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The top half of the dress was very lovely but didn't like the bottom and it looked nicer with queen Sofia's accessories -Necklace and earrings .Can hardly make out what earrings queen Letizia was wearing today.
The blouse is beautiful and don't mind the skirt. But a ponytail?
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I did not realize that QL wears some of QS past dresses! Surprise for me.

I agree on the pony tail, it does not go with the dress and occasion. The only thing I can think of is QL is not adept at styling her own hair unless it’s down or in a pony tail. She may not know how to do a top knot, chignon or even a up do braid. Also QL may not have a hairdresser traveling with her, as it would be to expensive. At least QL hair is pulled back out of face and eyes and it’s the best that it can be. maybe next even will be different….?
Letizia wears vintage fabulously well. I like the ponytail with this one!
The blouse is beautiful and don't mind the skirt. But a ponytail?

The ponytail is a no no especially at such a formal event, sometimes Letizia is quite clueless.
Lovely dress but the to p should have been altered to fit her better. And, an important necklace should have been added, the neck looks too bare without it. The hair is all wrong, should have been styled
I did not realize that QL wears some of QS past dresses! Surprise for me.

I agree on the pony tail, it does not go with the dress and occasion. . Also QL may not have a hairdresser traveling with her, as it would be to expensive. At least QL hair is pulled back out of face and eyes and it’s the best that it

But today's Event was at home.
Ah, of course it's Valentino if it comes from QS.

Really, I don't mind the ponytail!

-The men are in morning dress. It's not a white tie reception.
-No collars or huge medals for Felipe. She pretty much matches his level of formality, as she always tends to do.
-We are still in a pandemic. She looks nice with the ponytail and not disrespectful or inappropriate in any way.
-And that’s a very elaborate vintage Valentino. I think keeping her hair simple is fine. So that’s my defense.
I adore this! I love when she does vintage. And those earrings go see well with it. I think the ponytail is clean, simple, and appropriate. Considering the men have simple to no hair styles as well.
I adore the fact that she has been diving into Queen Sophia's closet, a really nice gesture on both parts, but I can't say that I love this dress, even if it is vintage Valentino. Nothing really wrong with it, just not my cup of tea. And, on the ponytail debate, I don't mind that her hair is pulled back, I just wish it had been in a low bun, not hanging down.
Queen Letizia at the FITUR: International Tourist Fair in Madrid today, January 19, wearing her MIRTO coat again:

** Full view ** gallery ** April 2021 **
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It doesn't work for me and those tight Cher style leather pants :sad:
I don't like the pants either. But Letizia seems a huge fan of leather!
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