What is your opinion of Frederik and Mary

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ricarda said:
I don't think that Mary or Letizia are to blame for not attending.

We don't even know if they were invited.

HRH the Crown Princess is attending the Christening with the Crown Prince & HM the Queen. HRH the Prince Christian is also travelling with his parents.

ricarda said:
1. I don't think Mary looks grim and sour at these pics, although she is not smiling.

2. I have seen pictures of Letizia looking grim and sour even when she was at an official function. She is not always smiling.

This said to put the record straight not to put Letizia down.:)

WOW! Very well said.............I completely agree with you!!!!!!:) :)

Gaia said:
I am truly encouraged reading the defense of Mary by her fans/supporters. This young woman who in a normal setting would have been considered focused, healthy, a good friend, and from a loving family, is found to be lacking in competition with others as a royal. In all my reading I have found her to be the least suspect, yet she is constantly targeted?

We all have our belief filters firmly in place when it comes to what we envision a cv should look like for a royal princess, but I cannot understand how her character is more suspect than others. Her courtship was long, her dress was modest and her immediate family were quietly living their lives elsewhere.

If your favorite is another wouldn't it be healthier to spend time in the thread of your favorite selling her good points, rather than trying to post bile about someone you don't like. That is how I ended up liking Mary to begin with, it forced me to find out the story behind the ugly posts and lo and behold I was baffled at how it was retold.

Well, I think that more than supporters we just try to be fair. I mean, the idea is to read an article or thought that initiated the thread and comment on it. Sometimes we just see things from a different angle even when we end up with the same conclusions. Reading on others picking and dissecting on tiny details about either one of them does not change my impression that both Mary and Frederick are one of the most likeable couples in royalty today.
ricarda said:
1. I don't think Mary looks grim and sour at these pics, although she is not smiling.
2. I have seen pictures of Letizia looking grim and sour even when she was at an official function. She is not always smiling.

This said to put the record straight not to put Letizia down.:)

Unfortunately, many of the functions that are attended by the Spanish royal family are of a sad nature. Too many tragedies during the past year and a half with emotions running very deep.

But about Princess Mary, a photo is but a second captured of a person's life. The photos we see in magazines are according to the agenda of the publisher and editors who decided what story will sell and what photo to use to emphazize that story. So, don't go by magazines' coverage. The video or TV is a little more reliable to read body language.

tabbitha said:
Well said and I agree with all you say apart from the idea of a beautiful person having to be blonde are things of the past-well to me anyway- Think of Charlotte Casiraghi and i think of a beautiful raven haired princess or her mother Princess Caroline & Brooke Sheilds -sorry to be off topic slightly -Great post nonetheless.:) I like that Mary has dark hair and she has an interesting look about her.

You know what, the dark hair is one of her best contrasting features. Mary looks like a life version of what I would expect the fictional Snow White character to be portrayed in real life acording to the story: dark hair, pale complexion and ruby red lips. I think that's the fable's description :cool: .
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All those posts from Toledo and Ricarda etc, about my comments about Mary looking grim. Guess what? I agree with you :)
I didn´t like how she looked when I first saw the pics, but there are a hundred and one reasons she looked that way...
Xandra said:
All those posts from Toledo and Ricarda etc, about my comments about Mary looking grim. Guess what? I agree with you :)
I didn´t like how she looked when I first saw the pics, but there are a hundred and one reasons she looked that way...

The problem with relying on press photos is that they take hundreds of them, and will often publish the one that will make them the most money,which isn't always the best one. This makes relying on photos alone problematic. All the crown princesses have photos where they look exquisite, and photos where they look terrible. Also, there are opinions to consider.
When I hear of the arrogance and all of the scandals of other royal families, I appreciate Mary and Frederik and the entire DRF. They behave the way people in their position are supposed to behave. CP Mary didn't have any skeletons falling out of the closet before her wedding to embarrass her new family, her family are dignified and discreet and Frederik is charming and a gentleman. He fell in love with her when she was just plain Mary, girl next door. He new there was something special about her and went for it. And yet there is this constant attack on this couple. This thread, which started in early January, seems very long at 35 pages.
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Xandra said:
All those posts from Toledo and Ricarda etc, about my comments about Mary looking grim. Guess what? I agree with you :)
I didn´t like how she looked when I first saw the pics, but there are a hundred and one reasons she looked that way...

Maybe when their kids are older and in school our royal ladies in question will have time to relax a little more. Right now they all have the same pressure of being new royals by marriage, mothers of future Heirs, and they have to step out looking as if they had a full night sleep even with a newborn in the house, I mean, the palace.
For example, Cristina and Elena of Spain and Alexandra of Denmark look healhier and better now that the kids are older than during their diaper changing days.
Laviollette said:
CP Mary didn't have any skeletons falling out of the closet before her wedding to embarrass her new family, her family are dignified and discreet and Frederik is charming and a gentleman. He fell in love with her when she was just plain Mary, girl next door. He new there was something special about her and went for it. And yet there is this constant attack on this couple. This thread, which started in early January, seems very long at 35 pages.

Really enjoy your posts- couldn't agree more. That is what I like about Mary's family- Not once have they embarrassed her or tried to cash in on her situation. I really admire them for that- they have supported Mary 100%. I know her mother would have been very proud of her.:)
Laviollette said:
Thank you, Gaia. I don't understand the venom towards Mary either except that some believe she doesn't fit the classic blonde and/or beautiful cinderella that everyone envisions a princess to look like. That what some call her "plain" looks somehow translates into she's not a nice person or she's not a genuine person. I happen to think she is the prettiest of all of the princesses that I've seen. I love her clean cut, girl next door beauty. Her performance as CP of Denmark is just amazing and she has fulfilled her role with grace, dignity, style and humour without any pretentions, imo. I found the RF searching for info on Mary because I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. She's a natural princess and as far as I'm concerned is exactly what a modern princess is and should aspire to be.

With all due respect as far as the blonde issue goes I think for alot of people it's completely irrelevant. To suggest that people dislike her because she's not a traditional blonde haired blue eyed princess is, imo, very simplistic.
Laviollette said:
...And yet there is this constant attack on this couple. This thread, which started in early January, seems very long at 35 pages.

I think this thread has been kept going by both sides of the Mary debate. The same arguments are coming up over and over again. Perhaps everything that needs to be said has been said.

I don't believe your post to have been of a "simplistic nature", but an expression of your own thoughts, and or views. Don't let a retorted comment like that effect your contribution to discussion.

I myself, have found this thread to be quite unsubstantiated with belligerent, sometimes hypochritical & repetative arguments. But, it is their right to post and as such I respect that right, though I may strongly disagree with what they have to say. Mind you, it took me a little while.lol.

Kind regards to all,

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Laviollette said:
And yet there is this constant attack on this couple. This thread, which started in early January, seems very long at 35 pages.

Yes i know, it is very easy to criticize rather than praise, unfortunately :(
Margrethe II said:

I don't believe your post to have been of a "simplistic nature", but an expression of your own thoughts, and or views. Don't let a retorted comment like that effect your contribution to discussion.

I myself, have found this thread to be quite unsubstantiated with belligerent, sometimes hypochritical & repetative arguments. But, it is their right to post and as such I respect that right, though I may strongly disagree with what they have to say. Mind you, it took me a little while.lol.

Kind regards to all,


I really don't appreciate it when my comments are deliberately misconstrued and meanings attributed to them that were never intended.

Rather than second guessing (and incorrectly at that) what I was thinking perhaps you should have asked me.
Margrethe II said:

I don't believe your post to have been of a "simplistic nature", but an expression of your own thoughts, and or views. Don't let a retorted comment like that effect your contribution to discussion.

I myself, have found this thread to be quite unsubstantiated with belligerent, sometimes hypochritical & repetative arguments. But, it is their right to post and as such I respect that right, though I may strongly disagree with what they have to say. Mind you, it took me a little while.lol.

Kind regards to all,

Thank you, Margrethe II. :)
I don't think anyone at this forum has a problem with spirited discussion of which I hope I can engage. Margrethe II, your latest post is very well thought out and you are correct in your observations.

I hope we don't have keep reminding each other that we can express our opinions and have the capacity for critical thought.
Christo's Girl said:
I don't think anyone at this forum has a problem with spirited discussion of which I hope I can engage. Margrethe II, your latest post is very well thought out and you are correct in your observations.

I hope we don't have keep reminding each other that we can express our opinions and have the capacity for critical thought.

Thank you for your take on the situation Christo's Girl :)

Thank you, Margrethe II.

Not at all Laviolette ;)

Little_star said:
With all due respect as far as the blonde issue goes I think for alot of people it's completely irrelevant. To suggest that people dislike her because she's not a traditional blonde haired blue eyed princess is, imo, very simplistic.

I don't think blonde would look right on Mary! As it doesn't on a lot of dark hair/eyed people. I guess I'll say it straight, I'm no Mary fan. But it isn't because of outward appearances. Having suffered being judged by my looks since I was very young, I understand how utterly unfair it is. I like to think my opinions of people are properly thought out and well informed. What I'm saying is, I wouldn't like her more just because she was blonde. Or pretty, Which in a lot of peoples opinion, she most certainly is! But that's how it is. If we all thought the same, it would get weird. Besides, I'm sure there's people I think are gorgeous that others don't!
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Margrethe II said:

I don't believe your post to have been of a "simplistic nature", but an expression of your own thoughts, and or views. Don't let a retorted comment like that effect your contribution to discussion.

I myself, have found this thread to be quite unsubstantiated with belligerent, sometimes hypochritical & repetative arguments. But, it is their right to post and as such I respect that right, though I may strongly disagree with what they have to say. Mind you, it took me a little while.lol.

Kind regards to all,

There are endless reasons to like and respect Mary. Every single one of them is totally valid.
There are endless reasons to dislike and not respect Mary. And every single one of them is also totally valid.
2 People look at the same thing and see something totally different. I know it's an old chestnut, but the whole Vogue and Dansk interviews. Her fans loved it. With good reason too pronbably.Others,like me, had a real problem with it, for very serious and credible reasons also.
I for one have not seen one argument here that was unsubstansiated or hypocritical. People need to realise that criticicsms are not a bad thing, but a wonderful thing! I really mean that.
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i agree that criticism is for the most part good, but sometime it is taken too far.:)
That is true, we must be careful with that. We want to keep things running smoothly here. But I guess it is all ok, otherwise the moderaters would have had to have closed the thread and such. I'm a real strong believer that we would be nothing at all without criticism, and even suffering, so I never see it as a huge deal...anyway, that's getting a bit of topic I think!
People can like or dislike Mary for any reason they have, but I think, she deserves respect as a person. I dont think there are endless reasons for people to not respect her. What has she done for deserving that?
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Ariel said:
People can like or dislike Mary for any reason they have, but I think, she deserves respect as a person. I dont think there are endless reasons for people to not respect her. What has she done for deserving that?
What she has done is overshadow everyone else's favorite princess. With her style, grace and pleasant personality there is just something about Mary. She has that spark, that something that you can't explain or put into words but you know it when you see it. She always seems to know what is appropriate at the right time and in the right place. The stylish clothes don't cover up the fact that she is intelligent and has strength of character. I didn't start out liking her but I've been won over by the way she carries herself. I respect her very much.
Aussie Princess said:
I'm a real strong believer that we would be nothing at all without criticism

Criticism is a good thing when constructive..and for the most part, I have seen very little of that in this thread.

Margrethe II said:
Criticism is a good thing when constructive..and for the most part, I have seen very little of that in this thread.


You are very right MII!!!
When criticising, you should do so based on facts!!
Margrethe II said:
Criticism is a good thing when constructive..and for the most part, I have seen very little of that in this thread.


I agree criticism can be good but most of the criticism on this thread seems to be negative.
Have to agree with the last 4 posts. Mary has done nothing bad to warrant any nasty and negative comments. I can think of plenty people who have though:p I really like your posts Margrethe II.:)
I have a feeling we are witnessing the last days of this thread don't you think? Finally!
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Like all threads it will run as long as members contribute to it. If no-one posts to the thread, it will gradually sink out of sight.
If members continue posting, the thread will stay alive.

Warren :)
I guess it is risky when you start these sort of threads, as they can become quite contraversial. But I just wanted to sort of clear up my comments. What I meant was that to each person, they have their own reality, and I guess we can't say any of our opinions as fact, be they posotive or negative. Of course, its always nicer to hope that our posotive opinions/impressions are the true ones. I just meant that people have their own reasons that are real to them. Since we all see different things, we wont agree- but that's ok as long as, had been said before,things don't get too out of hand. I personally don't really have respect at all for Mary, but if I were to list the reasons why, it would incluide a lot of the reaons other people DO.
Though I still believe criticism will always come across as negative and is rarely constructive, we still need it as much as we need anything that is always clearly posotive. Anyway, this is getting a bit too analytical isn't it. What bothers you threads always die down, so this one will too when it's had it's time.So peace out Mary fans and all the best to you. I'm glad we had this conversation. I do mean that.It's nice to bend from the norm occasionally:)
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