I think you are right ulik. Fred seems to be totally comfortable with who he is and doesn't appear to need to prove it to the world. Mary appears to be very confident and self assured. Neither seems to need the other to prop them up, but they appear to have really complimentary personalities.ulik said:i think m & f are completing one another...in a way f is looking for a stronger personality (and emotionally?) than he is, but not necessarily a mother figure. And he gets that from m. as for m, she just love to be in her postion![]()
biboquinhas said:Because they share with the media, the general public and the Danish citizens, the moust important days in Christin life, they are consider to be in my opinion, the moust kind, attentive and of course attractive royal couple at the moment!!!
ysbel said:For you who watch the Danish Royal Family in Australia, would you still follow the family if Frederik and Mary divorced and both of them remarried to other people (lets say for argument's sake that Fred's second wife would not be Australian or from New Zealand and Mary married a fellow commoner Australian and retired from public view)
ysbel said:I think its a mentality where people get very attached to an individual royal whereas other royalty followers such as myself have an interest more in the whole institution of the monarchy.
Henri M. said:It is a pity that posters feel a Princess should 'transform' with stylistes et al. When you look at pictures of Mathilde, Mette-Marit, Máxima and Letizia, they are very much the same before and after the marriage. Prince Willem-Alexander even publicly stated that he hoped that the Máxima he learned to know and became in love with, would always remain the same Máxima (and not let her unique self be buried).
From all the 'Crown Princesses', let me name it that way, I have never felt a 'click' with Mary. She is the fake one, with her stylistes and her strange cover-photographs which are not at all comme-il-faut for royalty. Diana started with this and caused the Beckhamization of the monarchy. Mary should not let the old and ancient House of Schlesvig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg going the same path into the present anglosaxon disease of worshipping of celebrities and kissing every pooh-pooh of the likes of Paris Hilton or Madonna's African baby (the poor, poor thing).
For no second I believed in that marriage of her. She is the first who comes in my mind when it is about royal crises of the future.
ysbel said:For you who watch the Danish Royal Family in Australia, would you still follow the family if Frederik and Mary divorced and both of them remarried to other people (lets say for argument's sake that Fred's second wife would not be Australian or from New Zealand and Mary married a fellow commoner Australian and retired from public view)
Aurora810 said:they are not constantly letting us in to the palace
JessRulz said:Do you mean like tours of the palaces/residences? Or do you mean actually seeing them living inside the palaces?
Aurora810 said:I just think it's hard to say that people are down to earth when you don't actually know them. Yes, it appears they are possibly. Especially since both Fred and Joachim married common girls. But we just don't know for sure.
crisscross1 said:I think that I can say with a certain amount of evidence from the past that the family are down to earth. They are seen in public doing more normal things than say, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Anne or other members of the British Royal family. On their recent trip to Tasmania they were seen shopping, walking with dogs and babies, heck, Fred even opened the front door when someone knocked. Mary took a regular flight to Australia and a taxi to her distination. In their homeland they visit her father and stepmother in the car parking on the street and unloading strollers and nappy bags just like any other young family, that to me seems to suggest that, if you met them in a pub, like Fred did Mary, they would be quite happy to chat. That is what I, personally, find so appealing about them.IMO
Aurora810 said:Well that's your opinion. But as for me I'm not sure because I don't know them personally. It's easy to appear down to earth and do "normal" things when people are watching. That is one thing about all RF's they really know how to show themselves as normal which is great. But my point is that I would never go that far as to say that about anyone without sitting down and really talking to them. There's people in this world that do all the things that you just listed but when you sit down with them they are not down to earth they think it's all about them. They think they are all that and a bag of chips.We don't know what goes on behind closed doors!
Aurora810 said:oh and another thing. The trip to Tasmania was meant for them to be in privacy to have time away from the limelight. They should do normal things and do things in a very unassuming manner. It wasn't a state sponsered trip. It wasn't official. Can you imagine the negative headlilnes if Mary had been picked up at the airport in a limo. RF's are smart they know how to appear normal enough but at the same time not too normal. Because if they are too normal the ohh and aww of royalty ceases to exist.
Aurora810 said:For example I once saw some pics of the RF walking into a church service in honor of the tsunami victims. Anyways, the thing that struck me as a high standard was that Fred and Mary didn't walk in together like a normal married couple. They instead walked in a line right behind each other. First the Queen her consort, then Fred and Mary followed behind Fred ... Here are also some examples of this service so you can see what I mean.
http://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=74435&d=1104692554 (originally posted by Julia)
http://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=74669&d=1104761408 (originally posted by Anna_R)
crisscross1 said:Seriously, I think you are missing the point.
Have a Happy Easter.![]()
JessRulz said:That possibly could have been because they walked in beside bishops. The aisles aren't wide enough to have more than two people walk side by side, and in this instance, F&M walked beside bishops instead of side by side with each other. But at the reburial of Empress Maria Fydnorovna (spelling?), Mary & Fred did walk in together at the service in Denmark![]()
Aurora810 said:I doubt it. The whole mood of the service was just different then that of other things. I didn't mean it as a bad thing I just happened to notice it and thought it was a good way to show an example of higher standards. But another example of higher standards is the use of Fred's uniform. You don't see other princes in their uniforms as much as Fred. I think!
Aurora810 said:I'm new to this royalty thing. I'm not that familiar with everyone. I'm still learning. And I'll admit I have been real slow to warm up to Fred and Mary.
crisscross1 said:I assumed that because, looking through your past posts, you have made quite a few posts in the DRF threads, you must know a lot about them. Anyway as you said, we all have our own opinions but, having looked up the definiton of 'down to earth' I know what it means and I am happy using it in the context that I did. It is still my opinion.
Please don't apologise, your posts are some of the most sensible and level-headed in this thread!Aurora810 said:No I'm not missing the point don't judge that post. Look at the time I wrote it I wrote it before you made your next post back to me. That post was really just an add on to my previous post.
It's all about perception. You have your perception of Fred and Mary. And I have mine. I'm new to this royalty thing. I'm not that familiar with everyone. I'm still learning. And I'll admit I have been real slow to warm up to Fred and Mary. Not sure why! But I don't see some of the warmth in pics of them interacting with the people that I see with other royals. But that's just my perception! I very well might be wrong they might be behind closed doors some of the warmest and friendliest people ever and those that I've judged to be warm are in reality not that warm. Do you see what I'm saying? It's all about perception. But make no mistake about it the RF's are very keen to how they are perceived. I think I judge things that they do a little different then you also. But that's expected we are two different people from different places. It's okay to agree to disagree.![]()