"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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A memoir by HRH the Duke of Sussex.

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"SPARE" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

At the request of member HRH Hermione, here is a link regarding the publication date of Prince Harry's biography:

Well ... start your stop watches ... the picture alone tells me that it's all about victimization -- poor me, poor Harry ... no one loves him like they do William.


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We understand it is a hassle and that people may forget but it is the most efficient way to keep this thread open.

By ignoring this simple request we were forced to close this thread for 24 hours.
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Well ... start your stop watches ... the picture alone tells me that it's all about victimization -- poor me, poor Harry ... no one loves him like they do William. oh Lawdy!


Rolls eyes. If he is saying that his family loved him any less then I don't think I will be able to get through it. If he's saying that he was in a queue with a pecking order to do what he wanted...then sure well obviously.

I don't for one minute think that family went around called him spare.

If anything it was his mother that made q big deal of him being the 'spare.' As if we look at Charlotte and go: Spare.

I do look at her sometimes and hope the media are good to her and not how they were with Bea amd Eug.
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I expected a title like A Life in the Public Eye.

But 'SPARE'. I think the title is like saying I only have a 2nd class train ticket. Only some get to travel 1st class!

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As said in the opening post of this thread, all links to news article need to be sent to the moderators first, before they can be posted. The mod. team will post them,

We understand it is a hassle and that people may forget but it is the most efficient way to keep this thread open.

By ignoring this simple request we were forced to close this thread for 24 hours.
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Yet another Prince Harry mistake. I hope they have done a good revision of the book, to avoid further controversy. This just goes to show that he must have always been jealous of William, for being ahead of him and having a more important role than his.

I expected a title like A Life in the Public Eye.

But 'SPARE'. I think the title is like saying I only have a 2nd class train ticket. Only some get to travel 1st class!

Yet another Prince Harry mistake. I hope they have done a good revision of the book, to avoid further controversy. This just goes to show that he must have always been jealous of William, for being ahead of him and having a more important role than his.

I think the spin the book will try to make is that Harry was born destined to be a junior royal (as his father's siblings are now), but he broke away from that destiny when he moved to North America, where he is now fulfilling his "true" potential. Hence the line that the book will tell the story not of "the prince he was born, but the man he has become", which BTW is quite ironic considering that the only reason why he gets deals and attention in the US is that he is "Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex". I mean, if he really wanted to outgrow the prince to become the man, why doesn't he assume the name Harry Mountbatten-Windsor?
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In my opinion, the title contradicts the blurb they’ve released last year - written not as the prince he was born, but as the man he has become. “Spare” is the prince. He’s defining himself by the succession line still, no matter how much he claims by gestures or words to have left the royal life behind.
Rolls eyes. If he is saying that his family loved him any less then I don't think I will be able to get through it. If he's saying that he was in a queue with a pecking order to do what he wanted...then sure well obviously.

I don't for one minute think that family went around called him spare.

If anything it was his mother that made q big deal of him being the 'spare.' As if we look at Charlotte and go: Spare.

I do look at her sometimes and hope the media are good to her and not how they were with Bea amd Eug.
The media won’t treat Charlotte in the same way as Harry for various reasons. Also she wouldn’t be treated the same as the York girls because her parents don’t have financial scandals. Anyways, Harry stopped being a spare once Charlotte was born and Louis’s birth made it even clearer. So I don’t get the obsession with the word “spare”, Harry is more of a junior cadet.
The media won’t treat Charlotte in the same way as Harry for various reasons. Also she wouldn’t be treated the same as the York girls because her parents don’t have financial scandals. Anyways, Harry stopped being a spare once Charlotte was born and Louis’s birth made it even clearer. So I don’t get the obsession with the word “spare”, Harry is more of a junior cadet.

Actually, he was never technically a spare when the Queen was alive. Charles was the heir and William was his spare (defined as the second in line). Even if we accepted that he was a spare as a child, when George was born, he was already 4th in line, i.e., with two spares ahead of him.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 7: October 2022-

Isn’t a spare an extra?
So not the heir of the heir but the extra child in the same generation. Hence ‘the heir and the spare’.
Isn’t a spare an extra?
So not the heir of the heir but the extra child next to the heirs.

Yes, that’s how I’ve always believed it to be. An heir isn’t technically a spare as he/she is in the direct line of succession. I remember Andrew was referred to as the spare in newspapers and magazines until William was born.
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The media won’t treat Charlotte in the same way as Harry for various reasons. Also she wouldn’t be treated the same as the York girls because her parents don’t have financial scandals. Anyways, Harry stopped being a spare once Charlotte was born and Louis’s birth made it even clearer. So I don’t get the obsession with the word “spare”, Harry is more of a junior cadet.

Ridiculing her dress? Her weight? Oh they may very well.

Given she is likely tohave a build like her mother though, means she will probably be fine.
How very revealing. This is about a person who could never deal with being No. 2. I'm not sure this title will help Harry's cause, but what of his latest actions have.
My first thought was, cry me a river. So many possibilities for him even as No. 2, but all he chose in the end is bitterness and resentment. And of course, none of this is his fault. I hope that people will see through this cheap attempt to make money of a status he seems to despise so much yet desperately clings on.
I think the spin the book will try to make is that Harry was born destined to be a junior royal (as his father's siblings are now), but he broke away from that destiny when he moved to North America, where he is now fulfilling his "true" potential. Hence the line that the book will tell the story not of "the prince he was born, but the man he has become", which BTW is quite ironic considering that the only reason why he gets deals and attention in the US is that he is "Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex". I mean, if he really wanted to outgrow the prince to become the man, why doesn't he assume the name Harry Mountbatten-Windsor?

Exactly …. Harry Mountbatten Windsor!
I worry about Harry - for so many reasons. But currently as he does seem preoccupied with his identity linked to his occupation. And yes - many people do this. You are a bank clerk or bus driver and that is your identity.
But mostly people grow or move out of that. Does Harry have an identity outside of prince and officer - Meghan might have provided the identity of husband and father but well - that can change as well. Does this man have any idea who he is? sorry for the ramble.

A journalist ask the Earl of Wessex about the recent removal of the titles in the Danish throne. His reply didn't even get a mention in the press, because I don't think the journalist understood it, or maybe it was not the answer the journalist was looking for. When asked if Joachim was right to be anger about his children losing the HRH and titles - Edward noted, People are more then their styles and titles. I know whom I am without them. If they were gone - I will still be the same person.
Wow. Spare.
Harry seems to embrace and downright revel in portraying himself as a victim.
A life of unimaginable wealth and privilege, where from birth People have ACTUALLY bowed to him.
Yes, his mother died in a tragic car crash. As have other celebrities who lost a Parent in a senseless accident or murder.
It says "its a personal journey from trauma to healing."

You didn't see Caroline Kennedy or JFK jr react in the way Harry has. Or Robert F Kennedy's children too.The entitlement and arrogance is breathtaking. Some children that lose a Parent wind up in squalor. Cold, hungry and in rags. Victims of physical or sexual abuse too.

And yes, Harry did serve in Afghanistan. With a retinue of security guards for his OWN protection too.

Spare Me. Spare Us.

I wonder if the former friends he ditched after Meghan found them "lacking and objectionable", might come forward with their own "recollections" of Harry's youth and young adulthood.
The gloves might come off from not just The Firm, but others too, that that were intimately involved in Harry's life.
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Waterstones have already dropped its price to 50% off.
They might have preordered and now deem it too many. Possibly hopefully for people to buy now to get it on the best seller list.
Cant say I have ever seen a discount on a pre-order before.
That title - SPARE - definitely has a negative connotation.
Not what I expected at all.

I fear the book will be nothing but a whinge fest.
Waterstones have already dropped its price to 50% off.
They might have preordered and now deem it too many. Possibly hopefully for people to buy now to get it on the best seller list.
Cant say I have ever seen a discount on a pre-order before.

That is standard for them when they release big hardbacks which are likely to explode.
Posts have been moved to this new thread in the Royal Library from the Sussex News thread in the British forum.

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That title - SPARE - definitely has a negative connotation.
Not what I expected at all.

I fear the book will be nothing but a whinge fest.

Yes, the title tells me all I need to know. I'll pass.
Thanks Marengo!
I'll post my initial thoughts, only on the name chosen for the book, before I log out for the day. I'll return tonight.

I'll consider that since this is an expensive production from the publishing company involved, the name 'Spare' had to be chosen by a marketing team. They likely advised both publisher and Prince Harry of what would have more impact on a cover alongside the selected photo. I had to add the photo has a wash out or faded out effect and that's no coincidence because the intention is to use color make us react to expression and word 'spare' below it.

I won't put on Harry's shoulders' full responsibility of this dramatic choice for a title that makes my eyes react to it in a not so positive way. I'll explain, the word 'Spare' is a bit depreciative and also sad because makes me think that's what Harry's self-esteem has been reduced to.

If I recall that Heir and a Spare expression was first used on him and William by his own mother, Princess Diana, when referred to doing her royal reproductive duties. Just on the title I feel sorry that Harry carries that as his cross to bear for life.

That said, every royal house has second sons and daughters as people born in the oldest form of government. They understand their role within their family. We even have the same in Republics, the spare is the Vice President awaiting in line if something happens in between elections. For example, often a political rival becomes the Vice president like in the case of Biden and Harris. And just like in Royals, they know this is not a post to be ashamed for but needed by the family + Kingdom if its royalty, or nation if it's a republic. Even in our daily office life there's a boss/supervisor and alternate assistant supervisor or any other title used in your respective country.

I think the book will do well but I don't like the title, makes me react this is an adult with some serious problems to know his place or role in the family he moved apart from, and that was his choice.
If I was his dad, KCIII, my reaction would be to reach out and tell him 'You are no spare, you are my son regardless of the birth order' and help him come to terms with this. But I'm not his dad so best of luck on the sales and hope Papa Charles III doesn't get too stressed out when the book comes out.
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I think doing this is such a mistake. It will sell- I know I will buy it just to see what he has to say- but then I think that’s it. There won’t be much more content for him to sell.

I hope he at least has the sense not to be on the attack the entire time and to leave the door to his family open a crack for himself and his children.
I wonder if there will be excerpts or extracts to give us an idea of what will be coming? When it will be available in the book stores, I may or may not check it out.
Interesting to see the [...] ramping up before anyone has a clue about the book's content.

Being indignant about a crime that has not yet been committed is as irrational as announcing the jury's verdict before the trial starts.
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