It is a controversial topic but one I think relevant, as long as the tone of the thread can be kept civil, at best.
Should she, or shouldn't she?
Yes and
No, but considering it's either one or the other then it would have to be yes in my opinion.
Camilla has a duty to perform, an obligation to the family which she is now a senior member and a duty to her two step sons and their father, her husband. And dare I say it, to Diana herself.
Acknowledging her not as an
'adversary' of sorts but as a devoted mother, a wife, an active humanitarian campaigner and as the woman who, personal issues between the two aside, did alot of good for a great many people throughout her short life. Giving thanks for the life of an extroadinary lady, though not without her misgivings, who remains
(even in death) in a position by where her memory and works are still continued by the various organizations and institutions she supported and worked along side. In my mind, that is something worth giving thanks for.
Charles was Diana's husband and I believe he did grow to love her, not in the way a husband necessarily should but nonetheless, she was a very large part of his life for many years and bore him two sons, both of whom he loves endlessly. Diana was his wife and nothing shall ever change that.
They truly didn't like one another
(added: one would think) and Camilla's presence at the service is sure to get up peoples noses given the tumultuous and disdainful nature of the
'relationship' (if one can call it that) between the two. If Camilla were still a private citizen, I'm inclined to think she would not have attended let alone been invited, nor would have she watched the telecast I'm inclined to
Here is a woman who brought about much anxiety and pain for Diana
(it went both ways), and knowing that isn't so easy to forget..least of all for factions of the public.
Even so, we can't control where it is
cupid's arrow falls and she does love Charles, that is clear and I believe that Diana would wan't him to be happy as I am sure he did her aswell.
My hope is that Camilla
wants to be there and isn't just going because she either has to, or feels obligated. That would be a gross insult and I'd prefer her not to attend if that were the case, which of course we have no way of knowing either way. Yet, I'm hopeful she is not the kind of woman to do that...
Royal Duchess or not!
It is an interesting topic and it shall be interesting to see how long it stays open...