Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, Current Events 2: January 2007 - August 2010

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Feb 20, 2003
United States
Queen Margrethe during her New Year's Eve speech with a copy of her speech in Danish.

Where i can find a copy of New Year´s speech in English?

Thanks in advance!
It's extremely hard to translate the new year's speech since the Queen's language and expressions are very sophisticated. It takes a more educated person than myself.

The Queen looked so lovely, and having moved closer to Denmark I was able to see her speech live, which I haven't been able to the past years.

It follows the same procedure as every year. She sits behind her big wooden desk in her working room on the ground floor of the Christian IX palais of Amalienborg. She doesn't start by saying 'good evening' or anything like it. (Like a normal show host or a politician would do. The camera is directed right at her, first from a distance, and as she starts to speek it slowly, almost not noticeable, tunes in closer on her. Like it's done every year. And she ends her speech saying ''GOD SAVE DENMARK'' in a way only she can. In that moment it's like she really has the capability to save Denmark.

I think the brave and memorable parts of this year' speech were 1) She spoke about how Denmark for the first has been submitted to severe criticism and many Danes find it repulsive to see flag being burnt by other people. She used a word ''self-fascination'' about how the Danes admire and look at themselves and their country. 2) Also she spoke about the difficulties many immigrants have in Denmark trying to settle down here. 3) She also thanked for the participation the people has shown towards the Royal Family, and ''my, overall, excellent health''. (as she phrased it herself.)

And as always, the speech took about 8 - 9 minutes.
Paty said:
Where i can find a copy of New Year´s speech in English?

Thanks in advance!

I have undertaken the task of translating the New Year's Speech. As DaneBorn said, it is quite difficult to get Her Majesty's phrasing just right in the English language but I will try nonetheless - it is as entertaining as it is difficult!

I expect the speech to be posted tomorrow!

You did such a wonderful job last year Lasse, so it will be worth waiting for for those who can't understand the Danish version.

I have to say, one thing that simply doesn't stop to amaze me, people are so occupied with how the royals LOOK, what they wear, how they interact on ''frozen'' photos. We can find numerous replies and pages about how they LOOK at the New Years receptions, yet when the Queen actually SPEAKS and gives us a hint who she really is and what she feels strongly about, an occasion where she's actually DOING something that might make a difference to people, then nearly noone (here ?) finds it interesting enough to comment.

It just doesn't stop to amaze me. Like the Swedish royals at the Nobel prize awards, there are pages up and down how they look, which tiara they use, which dresses are recycled and so on, yet a couple of days later when the Crown Princess participates on a one hour LIVE TV-show and among other things asks questions to an astronaut up on the International Space Station, it just doesn't seem to interest anyone.

Why is this ?

It's not that I want to offend anyone, I'm just saying those appearances where they actually SPEAK to me are PEARLS that should be worshipped far more than what they LOOK like at these ''keeping up appeearance''-events.

I wonder if anyone feels like me ?
TV2 reports that HM The Queen went to the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen a few days before Christmas along with her younger sister, HRH Princess Benedikte, to enjoy the Royal Ballet’s staging of Bournonville’s ballet “Napoli”, a performance which has been called ‘the essence of Danish ballet’.

Her Majesty and Her Royal Highness must have left home on an empty stomach, seeing that a footman was sent out to buy some soup, cold meat, hot coffee and cookies for the two royal ladies to eat in the royal box. Thus, the sisters enjoyed both “dinner and a show”!

The 14th of January marks 35 years since the proclamation that the King was dead - and Margrethe started her reign. It is odd that there isn't anything to mark it in the calendar... But 35 seems to be one of those aniversaries that aren't often remembered.
Today is the 35th anniversary of the Queen's ascension to the throne. Here's to another 35 years.
Sister Morphine said:
Today is the 35th anniversary of the Queen's ascension to the throne. Here's to another 35 years.
:ohmy: That would mean she would live to be 101 years.

As long as she has her overall good health I wish for that too :wub: :flowers:
Here is an article from hola about the 35 years of Reign of the Queen :flowers: (the translation might not be very good but the translation i used it's good, I think)


Queen Margrethe - Daisy for the Royal Family -, been born the 16 of April of 1940, later came al world one week from the invasion from the German troops from Hitler and, to the thirteen years, after the abolition of the Law Sálica, became, against all prognosis, in inheriting Princess.


Source: http://www.hola.com/casasreales/2007/01/15/marga-aniversario/
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According to danish TV2 the Queen is going to have her knee operated again on this Thursday at the hospital i Aarhus.
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My quick translation of the official press release regarding The Queen's upcoming surgery:

Her Majesty The Queen

Amalienborg, February 2, 2007

Her Majesty The Queen will undergo surgery on her right knee on Thursday, February 8, 2007 at the knee surgical sector, Orthopaedic Ward E, Aarhus Hospital.

The surgery will be led by consultant Anders Odgaard, M.D., who likewise operated on The Queen’s left knee last summer, June 1, 2006, where an artificial knee joint was inserted.

After the surgery, it is expected that Her Majesty The Queen can be discharged in a week’s time whereupon The Queen will take up residence at Amalienborg.

In the light of the surgery, some of The Queen’s scheduled engagements for the next 1-2 months will be cancelled. Others will be carried through with the participation of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort or His Royal Highness The Crown Prince.

Ove Ullerup
Lord Chamberlain
Does this mean the Queen will not attend the celebrations in Norway?

stellad said:
Does this mean the Queen will not attend the celebrations in Norway?


According to this online B.T. article (in Danish), HM The Queen will not attend the celebrations in connection with HM The King of Norway's 70th birthday. However, HM The King of Norway will practically be invaded by Danish royalty: TRH The Prince Consort, The Crown Prince Couple, Prince Joachim and TM King Konstantine and Queen Anne-Marie will all attend the festivities.

/Lasse Pedersen
TV2's online news - TV 2 Nyhederne - Dronningens knæoperation gik godt - just reported that queen Margrethe's knee replacement operation today went well. According to the article QMII is not in pain and will be released from the hospital in about a week's time - and will then recover at Amalienborg.

This should according to the article be the queen's fifth knee operation (don't know if they mean this knee only or altoghether).
Her Majesty The Queen discharged

A press release from the Royal Danish Court, translated by yours truly!

Her Majesty The Queen
discharged from Århus Hospital

Amalienborg, February 14, 2007.02.15

Her Majesty The Queen discharged from Århus Hospital.

Her Majesty The Queen was discharged from Århus Hospital tonight after a successful surgery on the right knee during which an artificial knee joint was inserted. The surgery took place on February 8.

The Queen is well and has taken up residence at Amalienborg again. The rehabilitation is going as planned. It is expected that The Queen will be able to, gradually in the course of the months to come, carry through some visits and other engagements.

Olle Ullerup
Lord Chamberlain
Danish Prince Would Rather Be Called "king"

Prince Henrik of Denmark, married since 1967 to Queen Margrethe, would prefer to be known as "king," reports said Thursday.

In an interview with the weekly Point de Vue published in his native France, Henrik appeared to air some of his frustration with being known as "prince" instead of "king", according to Copenhagen tabloid Ekstra Bladet

Danish Prince Would Rather Be Called "king" - World News - Playfuls.com - Business & World
Australian said:
Danish Prince Would Rather Be Called "king"

Prince Henrik of Denmark, married since 1967 to Queen Margrethe, would prefer to be known as "king," reports said Thursday.

In an interview with the weekly Point de Vue published in his native France, Henrik appeared to air some of his frustration with being known as "prince" instead of "king", according to Copenhagen tabloid Ekstra Bladet

Danish Prince Would Rather Be Called "king" - World News - Playfuls.com - Business & World

I think he shoud shutt his mouth and be glad that he is prince consort Henrik...A big part of the danish population woud never call him king because he will never be king of Denmark.. i also think that ther is alot of the danish population who think that he shoud go back to France and stay ther for good...ther he has his own castle and ther he can be callede King Henri 1. of Caix ;) ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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H.M. Margrethe said:
I think he shoud shutt his mouth and be glad that he is prince consort Henrik...A big part of the danish population woud never call him king because he will never be king of Denmark.. i also think that ther is alot of the danish population who think that he shoud go back to France and stay ther for good...ther he has his own castle and ther he can be callede King Henri 1. of Caix ;) ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Is Henrik an unpopular man in your country?
I have always thought that he seemed a little eccentric, but disliked? :ermm:

I did think his comment about being in third place behind his wife the Queen, and his son Crown Prince Frederik to be a little pompous (and immature) as he is, afterall, a member of the Royal family by marriage not by blood and should be grateful for any title that he is given. JMO.
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crisscross1 said:
Is Henri an unpopular man in your country?
I have always thought that he seemed a little eccentric, but disliked? :ermm:

I did think his comment about being in third place behind his wife the Queen, and his son Crown Prince Frederik to be a little pompous (and immature) as he is, afterall, a member of the Royal family by marriage not by blood and should be grateful for any title that he is given. JMO.

In my opinion, the Danish population is beginning to see HRH The Prince Consort as a person and an important figure in the life of HM The Queen rather than as a sophisticated French who has had some difficulties regarding the Danish language. As I see it, The Prince Consort is getting increasingly popular.

The fact that Henrik, The Prince Consort, is seen primarily as a figure in the life of Margrethe, The Queen, is also the basis of the article in question. Ekstra Bladet does its best to make it sound as if The Prince Consort has expressed a desire to be given title of King of Denmark, seeing that he is married to a queen. I have not read the entire article, but from the various quotations to be found online, it is not possible to conclude that Prince Henrik wants to be king.

The Prince Consort concludes that, “Today, a king’s wife gets the title of queen. But a reigning queen’s husband does not become king by marriage” and that, “The public is inclined to only acknowledge The Queen. Thus, the one-to-one relationship becomes unbalanced, not privately, but in the eyes of the public”.

If His Royal Highness had delivered any statement directly referring to him wishing to be king, it would have been published by Ekstra Bladet, but the above quotations are the most “incriminating” ones in the Point de Vue article.

/Lasse Pedersen
Yesterday, a package found in a sentry box at Christiansborg Palace, addressed for the private secretary to The Queen from a company in Germany. The package arose some suspicion and the police was called to the scene. The package was examined by the bomb squad and declared safe. When it was opened, it turned out that it was a pretty hat for Her Majesty The Queen. Luckily, the bomb squad’s dogs showed the package to be safe, otherwise, it might have been destroyed. The hat was sent to the lost properties office of central Copenhagen, but will probably be sent forward to The Queen today.

Sourse: Article at Politiken.dk (in Danish)

/Lasse Pedersen
crisscross1 said:
Is Henrik an unpopular man in your country?
I have always thought that he seemed a little eccentric, but disliked? :ermm:

I did think his comment about being in third place behind his wife the Queen, and his son Crown Prince Frederik to be a little pompous (and immature) as he is, afterall, a member of the Royal family by marriage not by blood and should be grateful for any title that he is given. JMO.

I know that ther is alot of Danes who don´t like him because he is not speaking oure language very good and because has said that he think that it is so sad that he has to be in third line as you say...tha fact is that he will end at 4. maby 5. place if Mary and Frederik are going to have more children.
He has always knowend that when Frederik and Jocachim became olde and marriede and had children Henrik woud not have that mutch press attension as he had befor Frederik and Joachim were born.

Alot of Danes think that he is a fool when he are complaning over his lifestyle and that the Danes don´t like him to a journalist.

And as you say he is not royal by blood but royal by his marriage to Queen Margrethe and therfor he woud never be callede King Henrik in Denmark.
a textbook example of hypocracy:

the Danish media was so up on their high horses of freedom of speech when the muslim world was offended by the Mohamud cartoons.

obviously this high and mighty Danish media can't handle prince Henrik's human right to freedom of speech.

i'd suggest prince Henrik and the queen to pour themselves a nice cognac, have a silent laugh at the media and wish them to go take a hike.
Why in the world would Prince Henrik think he should be line for the throne. He is married to the Queen but has not rights to the throne. I also think that if he wants to be in line or named king , he should learn Danish. How would he give the Christmas message if he does not speak Danish.
a textbook example of ignorance and prejudice:

accuse a man for claiming something someone else, not fluent in English, has commented on. bring him further down to his heels by attacking his, in some people's opinion, rather charming accent.
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