Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling, Current Events Part 6: Sept 2008 - June 2010

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Aug 13, 2004
Welcome to the 6th thread for Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Daniel Westling´s current events.

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With the global financial crisis or financial "tusnami" that what some people have been referred, do you think CP Victoria or Daniel would announce an egagement next year? I think it will unlikely with many people losing jobs around the globe. I think they will put it off for at least another two more years before the announcement of their egagement.
Is that the next excuse? At the rate of global events, this couple will never be married.:lol:
^^ I agree. I think there will be consideration put to the people who have lost jobs, the economic climate and world happiness, etc. But if they wait for world peace, they will never be married. But there is an aura given to royal weddings that produce excitement and happiness. Of course there woudl be people that did not approve of a wedding, but those people would be the ones that would not have approved in any climate. But I think the engagement will come whenever Daniel and Victoria feel it is right for their relationship. I think the personal-ness of an engagement is a bit lost with royal engagements. They will do it when they are ready. And that applies to other royal couple *cough* Kate and William *cough*. :lol:
If they would ask me I would suggest they skip the engagement and marry really really soon because things will get much worse before they start getting any better.
At the rate they are going I will be too old to be able to stay up and see the wedding transmission on TV and see Victoria in a wedding gown......
^^ I agree. I think there will be consideration put to the people who have lost jobs, the economic climate and world happiness, etc. But if they wait for world peace, they will never be married. But there is an aura given to royal weddings that produce excitement and happiness. Of course there woudl be people that did not approve of a wedding, but those people would be the ones that would not have approved in any climate. But I think the engagement will come whenever Daniel and Victoria feel it is right for their relationship...:lol:

Then once its announced have a twenty year engagement like Aimone and Olga? Maybe 20 years is a stretch but not by much!:D
Then once its announced have a twenty year engagement like Aimone and Olga? Maybe 20 years is a stretch but not by much!:D

I hope not. She is already 31, she will need to produce an heir and a spare soon. Tic tic tic.
20 years? That would make a real snail race to the church, only most snails don't leave that long so they would win by default which would be very fair to the real snails. Image 20 more years of media saying a wedding soon, I bet they would come up with great excuses to cover up how wrong they were. :lol:
I hope not. She is already 31, she will need to produce an heir and a spare soon. Tic tic tic.

Welcome to The Royal Forums, Benoît 1er!

Okay, it wasn't even a five year engagement but it seemed closer to twenty! ;) Yes, they do have the need to beget heirs. So when is the time right? The clock is ticking.
Well to be honest, if its going to happen, I'd have to put my money on next year.
Oh no Marmi, I won't even put one cent on it happening next year! Jokes aside, with all the global doom and gloom about, perhaps a royal engagement or wedding might lift the gloom and doom for a while. When last have this couple been seen together in public?

Somehow I´ve my doubts, that we would talk about the financial crisis in half a year still. These days the mode is always the same...bird flu...terrorists...oil crisis...fianancial crisis...change of climate. All gets discussed, as if the end of the world would be near and 2 months later, ppl can barely remember, what the latest "crisis" was about :rolleyes:

So until V&D would get their firm little butts up (IMO not too soon as a wedding before August wouldn´t be likely), the crisis would still have an impact, but ppl would have gotten used to it and new models would be about establishing.

And even if I´d be wrong...big national patriotic events got in history always used to entertain the suffering Folket, and if the suffering Folket can forget suffering for a while, they will go on and "build" new things...

I am with HRH Kerry...let´s not suggest new excuses to this couple! Esp. the male part still seems to love his freedom and seems still very much into his gyms.

BTW...thread part 6 :unsure: I had thought, me alone had written 15 full threads (so 15x10 pages) on Victoria and Daniel...
There will always be a global financial crisis going on. There is always something going on in every hemisphere of this world! On this side, we still haven't recovered from Enron or Tyco and now we have the AIG scandal brewing anew. But what does any of this have to do with securing Victoria's happiness and the House's succession is beyond me.:unsure:
BTW...thread part 6 :unsure: I had thought, me alone had written 15 full threads (so 15x10 pages) on Victoria and Daniel...

That's really funny - when I joined these forums, I was of the opinion that it's really about time that at least one of the children of the king should get married in order to secure the line. And still there is no idea when that will happen...
BTW...thread part 6 :unsure: I had thought, me alone had written 15 full threads (so 15x10 pages) on Victoria and Daniel...

We posted an announcement in April about spring cleaning. The Swedish moderators have cleaned up the subforum of CP Victoria by splitting up threads and deleting a few old personal posts. This was done in the hope to make this forum more users-friendly, many topics were now somewhat 'burried' in current event threads. You will find much more topics about Daniel Westling for example, like 'Daniel & his Education', 'Daniel's suitability as Prince Consort' or 'Daniel & his Carreer' etc. In due time we will also try to make & post a map in Victoria's subforum so it is easier to find the topuics without having to navigate all the 10 pages of this forum.
I don't think they should wait another 2 years. What if another crisis happens? She's 31 now, and it's her duty to provide heirs. If the family is concerned about the costs, than perhaps they can find ways to make the wedding less expensive...
The King had supposedly lost a lot of money when he had invested in Ericsson stock. That was ages ago and I am sure they are not delaying any announcements because of financial concerns..
Could someone explain what that article is about? I know almost no Spanish, and free translation jumbles things up more.
It's about nothing really. A made up story, which on top of that is an old recycled one, about Princess Madeleine and CP Victoria having a conflict about Madeleine possibly not allowed to marry before her older sister, which is nonsense.
Anything new on Daniel? There doesn't seem to have been anything written or reported on him for quite a while.
Aftonbladet has today a story about wealthy financiers and business men pouring money into Daniel´s businesses to save them. Last time ~1.4 mio EURO.
They say Master Training had last year a profit of ~83000 EUR. And as it seems there is no profit through the other big public gym (BALANCE)
Aftonbladet hadn´t figures though for this one. And in January a new BALANCE gym would get opened in Solna...

According to sources those business men would just help Daniel, because of his Royal connections.
Westling räddad –*av sitt nätverk | Nyheter | Aftonbladet

I won´t say, what I really think...:rolleyes:
I wonder if the (possible rumored) decline of his businesses will help or hinder an engagement? I'm not sure if he's the type that would distance himself from Victoria and posisbly break up with her if it happened, or if he would cling to his relationship and cling to to the idea of taking on a new "profession" as a prince.

I know it's a pretty sad topic, and I hope that the press is just speculating, but it's just a thought of mne.
It says that a new courtmarshal, Jörgen Lindström, has been hired in place of Elisabet Tarras Wahlberg. He is a 38 year old career diplomat.
Here is the hp to the hotel project in Brazil´s west, Daniel would be part of.
All part owners would get their own villa.
All together the complex would be out of approx. 200 buildings. Quite an investment...and quite daring, I might say (an other Swedish business man had failed with a similiar project some years ago)
And is it just me, who is shuddering at the thought, that Victoria and Herr/Count/Duke/Prince Daniel would holiday there and are meant as "running ad" for the hotel...
No it's not just you.
The investment in this project (with its less than re-assuring website) moves him another step further away from the Prince Consort role, and by now I hope it will result in a long-term complete removal from the scene.
Westling is a very small 'entrepreneur' with his gyms not making enough money, and it's highly likely that he would neither be able to invest in this oversized resort project nor been given a 1.4 million Euro loan for his business if it wasn't for his Royal prestige as the Crown Princess's boyfriend.
It smacks of him expanding his business instead of downsizing it in preperation for a Royal role, and more importantly:
It absolutely looks like him using her to the best of his advantage, which I don't like one bit.
On the website it is said that it is planed to be opend in 2010! So if there will be a wedding between Daniel and Victoria probably not before 2011!
Silvia❦CarlGustaf;857319 said:
On the website it is said that it is planed to be opend in 2010! So if there will be a wedding between Daniel and Victoria probably not before 2011!

Well, I guess Mr. Catenacci, this slimeball, wouldn´t mind a wedding.
He is a big restaurant owner in Sthlm and his Nobis group is main investor of the hotel project, he is also one of the biggest investors to Daniel´s gyms.

And he had said of late...
Jag och kungen har få saker gemensamt. Men en av dem är att varken han eller jag gillade Daniel Westling från början. I dag vill vi båda se honom som mannen vid Victorias sida.

Me and the king don´t have much in common. But one thing is, that neither him, nor me did like Daniel Westling from the beginning. These days we both wanna see him as husband/man on Victoria´s side

Firstly as friend he shouldn´t say things like that (The king didn´t like him)...secondly I can´t help thinking, he wanna see Daniel married to the crown princess, so that he can market the hotels with them in a safe way.
For his own good...I am hoping Daniel will hop off.
Hop off the hotel mess or the CP? :rolleyes:
It's a bad enough sign already that even the idea comes up how wedding plans might depend on the progress of some construction site in Brazil... how very appropriate, and romantic, and caring.
During the past couple of years, this relationship only seemed to be running out of steam, but right now it begins to look like a real dead end street.
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