This is the one question I have always wanted to ask the Queen.
By 1987 Charles had two sons and the Queen may have assumed that Charles would have no more children thus she could bestow the title on Anne without interfering with Charles using the title for his own offspring during his reign.
Charles' children have nothing to do with the Queen not conferring the title of Princess Royal on her daughter Anne.
Why would the Queen overlook her own daughter in preference of a granddaughter?
How is it reasonable that the Queen would not bestow an honor on her daughter so that her son could grant the title on his daughter during his reign?
Why would the Queen think Charles’ daughter would be better than her own daughter?
Why would she deny her daughter the title of Princess Royal so that Prince Charles’ daughter can have the title?
This issue has always concerned me and I could only come up with these explanations. (Hopefully some people will not get too upset.)
1. Princess Anne did something to upset her mother.
2. The Queen felt all women were inferior except herself. (Maybe she included herself and thought/thinks men are superior to women.)
3. The Queen was very selfish and didn’t like to share the spotlight with any other woman. She was forced to share it with her mother but refused to share it with her daughter. (Not only was
her daughter overlooked several times but so was Princess Alexandra.)
4. The Queen was jealous of Prince Philip’s relationship with her daughter. She thought Philip spent too much time with Anne and was neglecting her so she withheld the title of Princess Royal as a way to punish Prince Philip and Princess Anne.
5. Maybe she was upset with Philp and she knew Philip wanted Anne to have the title so she withheld giving the title to Princess Anne.
The year the Queen finally decided to bestow the title of Princess Royal on her daughter,
Princess Anne performed 704 engagements.