Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 5: January 2006 - January 2007

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Heir Apparent
Mar 28, 2004
Welcome to part 10 of the threads devoted to the current events of Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine of Sweden, the Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland! :)

The previous thread, part 9, of current events of the Princess can be found here.

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Princess Madeleine at the top of a power list

Today in some of the Swedish press, one can read that the life style magazine "Stureplan" (which is not only the name of the magazine, but of the posh little neighborhood in Stockholm where the hottest clubs are situated, and it's also a bit of a financial center with many companies having offices there) in their next isse will feature their own "Sweden's 100 most powerful people" list. This is also not a normal "power" list as to what one would traditionally classify as power (politicians, corporate leaders etc), but more about people who have the most "power" over the daily lives and trends of the people.

Princess Madeleine is listed as nr 1 on this list. The jury's motivation for their decision is as follows:

"Today one of the world's most glamorous, famous and liked royals with a constantly developing finger top feeling for style. In Sweden there is no one else which the brands of Stureplan would rather be associated with than Madeleine. No one can create trends and commercial hits on their own as she can. Madeleine therefore has a power position like no one else at Stureplan."

The Top Ten:
1. Princess Madeleine.
2. Sofie Fahrman, fashion writer for Aftonbladet
3. Quetzala Blanco, Expressen.
4. Jonny Johansson and Mikael Schiller, design director and president of Acne.
5. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, fotball star.
6. Johan Lindeberg, founder of J Lindeberg.
7. Björgólfur Thor Bjorgólfsson, Burdarás/Carnegie.
8. Anders Timell, restaurant manager for Teatergrillen and Riche.
9. Leif Pagrotsky, Minister for Culture.
10. Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson, program hosts.

Information and translated from a Dagens PS article:
GrandDuchess said:
Princess Madeleine at the top of a power list

Today in some of the Swedish press, one can read that the life style magazine "Stureplan" (which is not only the name of the magazine, but of the posh little neighborhood in Stockholm where the hottest clubs are situated, and it's also a bit of a financial center with many companies having offices there) in their next isse will feature their own "Sweden's 100 most powerful people" list. This is also not a normal "power" list as to what one would traditionally classify as power (politicians, corporate leaders etc), but more about people who have the most "power" over the daily lives and trends of the people.

Princess Madeleine is listed as nr 1 on this list. The jury's motivation for their decision is as follows:

"Today one of the world's most glamorous, famous and liked royals with a constantly developing finger top feeling for style. In Sweden there is no one else which the brands of Stureplan would rather be associated with than Madeleine. No one can create trends and commercial hits on their own as she can. Madeleine therefore has a power position like no one else at Stureplan."

The Top Ten:
1. Princess Madeleine.
2. Sofie Fahrman, fashion writer for Aftonbladet
3. Quetzala Blanco, Expressen.
4. Jonny Johansson and Mikael Schiller, design director and president of Acne.
5. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, fotball star.
6. Johan Lindeberg, founder of J Lindeberg.
7. Björgólfur Thor Bjorgólfsson, Burdarás/Carnegie.
8. Anders Timell, restaurant manager for Teatergrillen and Riche.
9. Leif Pagrotsky, Minister for Culture.
10. Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson, program hosts.

Information and translated from a Dagens PS article:

One would mean these Stureplan-ppl are Madeleine´s friends (wasn´t she at the wedding of the owner/editor of the mag??) and now they put her on the top of such a list and explain, that she´s most associated with the Stureplan...and just the other day Madeleine told us about her being a serious student in the past years. Life is hard...always when you try to control it, other people mess it :rolleyes:
Did Madeleine ever have braces? Or Victoria? I don't remember Madeleine or Victoria having any but both have unusually straight teeth for no braces. I know Carl Philip got his somewhat recently.
soCal girl said:
Did Madeleine ever have braces? Or Victoria? I don't remember Madeleine or Victoria having any but both have unusually straight teeth for no braces. I know Carl Philip got his somewhat recently.
No I dont think so...
She looks sooo pretty in the cover, I love her hair like that :eek:
Princess Benikdte of Denmark is Madeleine's godmother, right? If so, are there any pictures of them together? I feel that royal godparents/godchildren don't exactly spend a lot of time together. Understandable because they're usually in another country being the King/Queen or Crown Prince/Princess. I've seen Queen Margarethe at Prince Carl Philip's confirmation but that's about it. I also hope that Madeleine is given a royal godchild in the future. Victoria seems to be the godmother of Europe (as Crown Princess that makes sense but she has two perfectly good royal siblings!), it would be nice if the role got passed down to Carl Philip and Madeleine (they could at least be godparents to younger siblings of future heads of states).
Why do I think that Madeleine is tooooooooo lazy to do it?
soCal girl said:
Princess Benikdte of Denmark is Madeleine's godmother, right? If so, are there any pictures of them together? I feel that royal godparents/godchildren don't exactly spend a lot of time together. Understandable because they're usually in another country being the King/Queen or Crown Prince/Princess. I've seen Queen Margarethe at Prince Carl Philip's confirmation but that's about it. I also hope that Madeleine is given a royal godchild in the future. Victoria seems to be the godmother of Europe (as Crown Princess that makes sense but she has two perfectly good royal siblings!), it would be nice if the role got passed down to Carl Philip and Madeleine (they could at least be godparents to younger siblings of future heads of states).
Yes, Benedikte is one of her godparents. I don't think there are many pictures of them really, I guess they mainly meet at big official royal events and maybe occasionally at private festivities.

I also hope that Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine and the other young royals of today will get to become godparents in the future, and I think they will eventually.
emmeleia said:
Why do I think that Madeleine is tooooooooo lazy to do it?

Maybe she is and maybe she isn't. But nothing to me suggests that she would be. Madeleine hasn't been given the chance to be a godmother to royal child or any child for that matter. She's 23, was a full-time student and is now doing an internship at UNICEF. I think she does her official duties with poise and confidence. Not many 23 year old royals do as many functions as she does (for a non-crownprince/princess).
Prince William of Britian should marry her - ugh they would make BEAUTIFUL babies!!!!
princesteve said:
Prince William of Britian should marry her - ugh they would make BEAUTIFUL babies!!!!

Ahh...yes, a tabloid dream come true. :D They would make beautiful babies but Madeleine doesn't seem like the girl who wants the spotlight on her 24/7. I think she's pretty content on being the beautiful princess who gets special treatment who can have more of a normal life than a crown princess would. Plus, if she married into the BRF, can you imagine all the Diana comparisons that would happen and all that would go with it?!:eek: And she would be much more known around the world, especially in the U.S. (Madeleine just went to NYC to get some down time from the Swedish press so I don't think she wants her "haven" to get Madeleine-crazy). :rolleyes:
princesteve said:
Prince William of Britian should marry her - ugh they would make BEAUTIFUL babies!!!!

wish made in tabloid heaven, but omg they would be blindingly beautiful. (hmmm is that a word:cool: )
I hardly think Princess Madeleine would want to marry into a family like the Windsors. After all they are not known for being the friendliest of families.
I think that story about William and Madeleine will never end. It's just spectacular story! But I agree that they would make a perfect couple!
Well that is my fantasy, William and Madeliene marrying but hey who knows what will happen! Maybe they will someday she would deffinetly bring a breath of fresh air into the BRF. :)

Are there any new pictures of Madeliene in NYC??
The BRF may not be known for being one of the friendliest but I don't think they would be hard on Madeleine. First off, she's done more official work than William (pretty sure), is a princess and duchess in her own right, and is very pretty. :) So if they were mean to her and it was leaked to the press; it wouldn't just be the SRF that the BRF would have put up with but probably the whole country of Sweden as well. :D
Make up

Madeleine looks great on that cover...if she's wearing make up and probably she is, it's done really looks so natural...
What do you mean by Princess Madeleine looks like a "puppet"?
HRHAmy said:
Well that is my fantasy, William and Madeliene marrying... :)

Or the next best thing would be Harry and Madeline-we all know Harry has a bit of a pechant for blondes. Now that would be hot!:cool:
Lil princess lost said:
Or the next best thing would be Harry and Madeline-we all know Harry has a bit of a pechant for blondes. Now that would be hot!:cool:

That would be fun but which royal household would they belong to? Right now, they're both third in line to separate thrones. I know usually a woman takes on her husband's name and all that but aren't they on level ground in this situation?

I think it's funny that when news is quiet on the Madeleine front (has been for a week or two....have the photographers already gotten lazy in NYC?:D) that we on TRF make up love matches that will probably never happen.:p
soCal girl said:
That would be fun but which royal household would they belong to? Right now, they're both third in line to separate thrones. I know usually a woman takes on her husband's name and all that but aren't they on level ground in this situation?

I think it's funny that when news is quiet on the Madeleine front (has been for a week or two....have the photographers already gotten lazy in NYC?:D) that we on TRF make up love matches that will probably never happen.:p

From the Swedish act of succession:

Art. 5. A prince or princess of the Royal House may not marry unless the Government has given its consent thereto upon an application from The King. Should a prince or princess marry without such consent, that prince or princess forfeits the right of succession for himself, his children and their descendants.

Art. 8. A prince or princess of the Swedish Royal House may not become the sovereign ruler of a foreign state whether by election, succession, or marriage without the consent of The King and the Riksdag. Should this occur, neither he nor she nor their descendants shall be entitled to succeed to the throne of Sweden.

I read that as meaning that if the princess Madeleine marries prince Harry, it depends on the Swedish king and government to consent to it. Then princess Madeleines children would count in the Swedish line of succession as long as prince Harry does not become king himself. But there is another stipulation:

Art. 4. In accordance with the express provision of Article 2 of the Instrument of Government of 1809 that The King shall always profess the pure evangelical faith, as adopted and explained in the unaltered Confession of Augsburg and in the Resolution of the Uppsala Meeting of the year 1593, princes and princesses of the Royal House shall be brought up in that same faith and within the Realm. Any member of the Royal Family not professing this faith shall be excluded from all rights of succession.

So Madeleine and Harry need to bring up their children in the Swedish lutheran church and within Sweden. I guess it means if Madeleine moves to London with Harry their children will loose their rights in Sweden.

Hmmm... maybe they could declare their residence as "annex to the Swedish embassy", thus making it part of the Swedish realm <lol>.
See that would just give me a headache if i were her and would have married harry.
what do you think about madeleine and andrea of monaco. that would be great too. as for william and madeleine.. i think he's so inlove with kate to notice princess madeleine..:p
I think Andrea's too involved with Tatiana to notice Madeleine. And Madeleine's too in love with Jonas to care. :D
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