Princess Märtha Louise & Ari Behn Current Events Part 7: May 2006 - May 2018

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Feb 20, 2003
United States
Welcome to Part 7 of Märtha Louise's & Ari Behn's current events where you can post current news, articles and pictures. The old thread can be found here.

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To Pink Tulip

Pink Tulip,

Who is the couple in your icon? Thanks:)
Emmily said:
Pink Tulip,

Who is the couple in your icon? Thanks:)

I'm not Pink Tulip ;) but the couple is HH Prince Pieter-Christiaan of Orange-Nassau, Van Vollenhoven and his wife, HH Princess Anita of Orange-Nassau, Van Vollenhoven - van Eijk (Netherlands)
Princess Robijn said:
I'm not Pink Tulip ;) but the couple is HH Prince Pieter-Christiaan of Orange-Nassau, Van Vollenhoven and his wife, HH Princess Anita of Orange-Nassau, Van Vollenhoven - van Eijk (Netherlands)

Thanks Princess Robyn. Sorry Emmily I didn't see your post until now. They are my favourite Dutch couple.:)

Looks like Martha Louise doesn't have any more royal duties until mid June for the centenary celebrations.
19.15 Princess Märtha Louise is present for Olympic Party – Oslo Plaza
Scanned from Se og Hør for TRF, beautiful and elegant in a Recycled skirt from Wenche Lyche with a new top
From Dagbladet paperedition this weekend

Tomorrow Märtha Louise and Ari Behns complaint against Se og Hør over the pictures of Maud Angelica ponyriding with her mother is going to the Press Complaint Comission (PFU) The Press is very interested in the result, if they win and PFU finds the pictures a break of privacy and not newsworthy they have established a better protection of media preassure against their children, but if they loose they have made it more difficult for themsleves and the other children in the family because then all the press can say, well thesse pictures were OK, then we can say Maud Angelica goes sailing is news, or Maud Angelica walks her dog is news, Or Sverre Magnus eats Ice cream is news... Also other celebreties with children has aired an interest and support to the couple in this case, most notable Manchester United Soccer Player Ole Gunnar Solskjær

Se og Hør claims the pictures are newsworthy since it show the Princess daughter at the age of two already following in her mothers footsteps as a rider, and they are taken in a very public place. Märtha and Ari claims the pictures are not newsworthy and that it also puts their daughters security at risk since it shows where she is every week in a fixed timeframe.

Se og Hør wants Vara-representant Eva Sannum (Felipes ex) to excuse herself from the proceedings because of her close friendship to Crown Prince Haakon (which does not seem very close considering we have not seen them together for years)
Maud Angelica looks just like her Father Ari. I really like this family. :)
No offense but Maud Angelina looks like a boy sometimes. I hope the parents let her hair grow.
The PFU verdict is in

Its a (somewhat strange) compromise, Se og Hør is not criticized for taking the pictures without consent, since it was on a public place and that there exists a tradition that the members of the royal family can be photographed without consent when they are out in public. PFU is also partly in agreement with Se og HØr that the pictures were newsworthy. PFU can not see that the report is negative for Maud Angelica Behn

Still PFU criticizes Se og Hør (which is milder than if the had been convicted) because its encourage after the Norwegian Press "be careful" rules that when the press should try to get permission from children’s parents and listen to their protests. (I hope this makes sense, I dont quite understand it myself so hard to explain in english)

Märtha Louise says she is very happy with the verdict:
- what they say is that Se og HØr has been criticized for the way the acted and we as parents has gotten a victory, when we say no they have to listen to us, this goes not just for us but for to other people as well

She says the don’t think they will take the case further

Assisting editor of Se og Hør says radiantly happy that PFU find in favour of them in the most important issue, namely that they can take pictures without consent, and that it is historic because this means its established that royals can be photographed in public. He though finds the mild critique from PFU odd and he thinks it is so that the Princess should not loose face completely when they have gone to this step

He is also Annoyed Eva Sannum has been part of the verdict as she has relations to the royal family and has had several conflicts with Se og Hør
- She should have excused herself

Märtha had an improvised press conference at the Palace this afternoon
- she will complain again should such pictures be taken again
- its traumatic, because you cannot protect yourself when it happens, the press takes their pictures no matter what you think, its traumatic for the children if it goes on over a long period
- it is grown up people using children for commercial purposes like I see it
- she means the limit for pictures goes for private events like going to and from school and visiting friends and private events like these riding classes
- Press has followed me on skis a whole day, they have followed me in boats to take pictures of us bathing, and they lie in the bushes.
- we understand there needs to be some exposure of our children that is why we have the Christmas session, let them be photographed in the summer, when we go to the movies or to the theatre, we don’t mind pictures being taken then

Obviously Se og HØr and Märtha Louise are not in agreement on who is right and who has won

Pic 1 from scanpix via aftenposten, 2-6 screencaps from NRK 7 vg


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Märtha is beautiful but I don't like her present hair-do at all . She could look so pretty with long straight brown hair ...
Hmm... it is not very clear about the regulations, isn't it?
Se og Hor should ask permission from the parents when publishing the children' pictures? well, Martha would certainly not let them have the permission, i think.
But, what i'm wondering, why both sides are happy? Is it a win-win solution?
I'm not very clear on this... (sorry!)

ps. I really like Martha's sea-horse necklace. It looks beautful & simple..
Its confusing but both the editor of Dagbladet and VG thinks Märtha Louise has lost, that it is now estblished that there is tradition that royals can be photographed when in the public room, Its on the cover of Dagbldet today: Märtha lost to Se og Hør

Obiously Märtha is interpreting it her very own way saying the Press always has to ask permission to take pictures and can`t publish such stories with out asking for it, but it is not as the press interprets it, and having read the verdict I dont think she can take that conclusiom. It is encourraged to listen to the parents, and Se og Hør has gotten the mildest form of critisism, they were not convicted of breachin gthe Press ethics rules.

Also she invited to a press conference at the palace, Se og Hør wanted to come and ask her questions but they were not allowed inside, which they are not happy with ofcourse, the Palace spokesperson says it was because they reported their interest in an interview to late, a bit of a lame excuse if you ask me

I dont really see what good it will do to make war with Se og Hør, there is no press in Norway as good at finding the royal in their private time as them, just this weekend they photographed, H, MM, IA, SM and Marius visitng MM familys summerhouse outside Kristiansand just as their summerhouse drama was at its biggest.

BTW Märtha Lousie will talk on Swedish Radio on June 18th on the program "sommar i P1" they have many different famous people who "hosts" the show one day each
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I think the verdict itself is not clear on the issue of public vs. private life when it concerns the royal family. Its a delimma, where such an insitution like the monarchy are part of public life since tax payers support them, but the issue of 'right to privacy,' especially for their kids comes into play. I like the french law which limits the right of the media to take pictures of children, particularly of famous or royals.
Status of Princess Martha Louise

Could someone update me on the status of Martha Louise after her marriage.
I remember articles at the time saying that she gave up her royal status.
Larzen said:
From Dagbladet paperedition this weekend

Se og Hør wants Vara-representant Eva Sannum (Felipes ex) to excuse herself from the proceedings because of her close friendship to Crown Prince Haakon (which does not seem very close considering we have not seen them together for years)

Can anyone explain this section? I dont' understand what Eva Sannum, former girl friend of Spain's crown prince Felipe, has to do with anything here. Is she working for "Vara"? What is 'Vara" and in what capacity is Eva sannum working for them and thus relevant here? I'm a bit confused, have not been in the loop on all things Martha!
purple_platinum said:
Hmm... it is not very clear about the regulations, isn't it?
Se og Hor should ask permission from the parents when publishing the children' pictures? well, Martha would certainly not let them have the permission, i think.
But, what i'm wondering, why both sides are happy? Is it a win-win solution?
I'm not very clear on this... (sorry!)

ps. I really like Martha's sea-horse necklace. It looks beautful & simple..

I'm also not clear on the whole thing at all.
While I believe the present day paparazzi are going way way too far and resort to pestering their 'victims' till there's no tomorrow (sometimes literrally--we know what happened to princess Diana), I also in this particular case think that it sure seems like Martha Louise wants her cake and eat it too!
What I mean is: First of, she excuses herself from the royal fold, but still wants the press to be there for her when she's promoting her 'work' as an 'author', a children's author to boot!

For those paparazzo, she is interesting on two levels.

1. As the daughter of the king of the country she resides in
2. as a self-proclaimed 'children's author'!

So she merits publicity on not one, like most royals, but TWO counts! And keeps complaining when it suits her, but courts the press all the same when she has a book to plug (at which occasions she, may I add, shamelessly leverages her royal roots)

I do understand these paparazzo are a pest and no, her kids didn't ask for the attention, but all the same, Martha is one of the most self promoting royals in Europe today as she has her books to plug! So it cuts both ways, perhaps this is why the judge seemed to be leaning both ways?!
princess olga said:
Can anyone explain this section? I dont' understand what Eva Sannum, former girl friend of Spain's crown prince Felipe, has to do with anything here. Is she working for "Vara"? What is 'Vara" and in what capacity is Eva sannum working for them and thus relevant here? I'm a bit confused, have not been in the loop on all things Martha!
Vara is a Norwegian word. It means that she is not part of the permanent board that decides if something is a breach of good press behaviour, but is called in whenever someone can't make it. I think substitute is a valid translation of it.
ah, so Eva's some sort of substitute member of the press review commission? is shedoing that in her capacity as a media celebrity? Interesting too she's still considered friends with Haakon and his sister, if I understand correctly.
princess olga said:
ah, so Eva's some sort of substitute member of the press review commission? is shedoing that in her capacity as a media celebrity? Interesting too she's still considered friends with Haakon and his sister, if I understand correctly.
Eva is not a media celebrity, she is very low profile, if there is anyone who is qualified to sit in that comission it is her, the comission includes both journalists and people not working in the press, Eva is the substitue for the director of Oslo cinemas, not representing the press.

It is Se og Hør who consider her a friend of Haakon, the real reason I supspect they did nto want her to take part in this is that some time ago a magazine called Memo had an interview with many people including Eva who said not so fortunat things about Se og Hør and teir way of working, Eva said that Se og Hør balckmailed her and her mother when she was with Felipe, and they told her if she did not cooperate with them, Se og Hør would wirte undesirable things about her mothers health.
Listen to Märtha Louise on radio! 1:05 PM CET

In 20 minutes, at 13:00 (1) PM CET, Princess Märtha Louise will start this year's round of "Sommarpratare" (Summer Talkers) on Swedish Radio P1.

You can listen to it via the internet, live or afterwards (the programme will be available online for 30 days). To listen live, go here and click on the word "webbradio" on the top left, with the speaker next to it. A window will pop up, then click on P1 and the channel will load. Then just wait until the time is in, and you can hear her speak.

It's an annual programme which runs every summer, and it's hugely popular in Sweden. Each day, a known person (it can be actors, authors, comedians, directors, sports commentators, business people, experts, singers, people from the academic world, artists, people holding public office etc etc) gets to host their own programme, talk about their own chosen topics, and they choose their own music, for 1 hour and 25 minutes. Princess Märtha Louise is the second royal to appear on the show, last summer Princess Majda Raad of Jordania, born in Sweden, was one of the hosts.

PS. This thread is only temporary, so that our members will be aware of this. After the show is over, this thread will be merged into the current events thread för Märtha Louise.
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On Swedish Radio's website, Princess Märtha Louise says the following about her programme today:
- In my programme, I will speak about the importance of fairytales/sagas/fables as a world language and how it is to be an author and run a cultural agency.
It says that the show will rerun at 22.05 tonight as well, for those missing it.
Princess Märtha Louise's programme is now online for the coming 30 days. Go here, and then choose Windows Media or Real Player, and you will be able to listen to Princess Märtha Louise.
Thanks for the picture. She looks very pregnant in that photo. Or perhaps she has just gained some weight..:confused:
Maybe it is just the layout of the shirt. Some shirts can make you look pregnant when you are not.
I love the lighter color and style of her hair. She looks gorgeous!

All the best,
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