purple_platinum said:
Hmm... it is not very clear about the regulations, isn't it?
Se og Hor should ask permission from the parents when publishing the children' pictures? well, Martha would certainly not let them have the permission, i think.
But, what i'm wondering, why both sides are happy? Is it a win-win solution?
I'm not very clear on this... (sorry!)
ps. I really like Martha's sea-horse necklace. It looks beautful & simple..
I'm also not clear on the whole thing at all.
While I believe the present day paparazzi are going way way too far and resort to pestering their 'victims' till there's no tomorrow (sometimes literrally--we know what happened to princess Diana), I also in this particular case think that it sure seems like Martha Louise wants her cake and eat it too!
What I mean is: First of, she excuses herself from the royal fold, but still wants the press to be there for her when she's promoting her 'work' as an 'author', a children's author to boot!
For those paparazzo, she is interesting on two levels.
1. As the daughter of the king of the country she resides in
2. as a self-proclaimed 'children's author'!
So she merits publicity on not one, like most royals, but TWO counts! And keeps complaining when it suits her, but courts the press all the same when she has a book to plug (at which occasions she, may I add, shamelessly leverages her royal roots)
I do understand these paparazzo are a pest and no, her kids didn't ask for the attention, but all the same, Martha is one of the most self promoting royals in Europe today as she has her books to plug! So it cuts both ways, perhaps this is why the judge seemed to be leaning both ways?!