Princess Caroline & Prince Ernst August Current Events Part 15 : July 2007 - Aug.2008

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Apr 11, 2005
Princess Caroline & Prince Ernst August Current Events Part 15 : July 2007 - Aug.2008

Welcome to Part 15 of the thread to discuss the current events of Princess Caroline and Prince Ernst August. You can find the old thread here: Princess Caroline & Prince Ernst August Current Events Part 14

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Happy Posting!
Here's an extremely nice pic of Caroline, taken last week at a garden party in France, the party was in honour
of a man she knows - I don't have any more information, I'm sorry :)

Caroline last week
Thanks Ice, looking at that pic, no one would believe that she is already 50 years old. She looks really great, like that natural look on her.
love this two lifestyle! they live so well! quite inspiring!
Thanks Ice, looking at that pic, no one would believe that she is already 50 years old. She looks really great, like that natural look on her.
You are welcome, tbhrc :flowers: I like the last pics you've posted too, it's always nice to see Caroline and Ernst enjoying their freetime with friends and I like that casual yellow dress, perfect for a day at the sea..:)
these two never seem enough of vacations :) Caroline looks nice in her dress.
Well, if you don't have a regular job, why not enjoy the summer....I might do that too...but I will work all the summer....
The Italian weekly magazine “Panorama” says that Caroline , while walking on the dock in the small island of Panarea (Sicily) lost a bracelet, made of gold and diamonds, but she was very lucky because a young boy, Dario D’Arrigo, found it and ran to her. Caroline was very surprised and thanked him so much, because she said that bracelet was very important for her, a “family jewel”, and then gave the boy the only thing he wanted in return: a kiss on his cheek.:flowers:
The Italian weekly magazine “Panorama” says that Caroline , while walking on the dock in the small island of Panarea (Sicily) lost a bracelet, made of gold and diamonds, but she was very lucky because a young boy, Dario D’Arrigo, found it and ran to her. Caroline was very surprised and thanked him so much, because she said that bracelet was very important for her, a “family jewel”, and then gave the boy the only thing he wanted in return: a kiss on his cheek.:flowers:
Wow, nice. Boys will be boys. That's what I would've asked for too. Lucky Caroline.
The Italian weekly magazine “Panorama” says that Caroline , while walking on the dock in the small island of Panarea (Sicily) lost a bracelet, made of gold and diamonds, but she was very lucky because a young boy, Dario D’Arrigo, found it and ran to her. Caroline was very surprised and thanked him so much, because she said that bracelet was very important for her, a “family jewel”, and then gave the boy the only thing he wanted in return: a kiss on his cheek.:flowers:
you have preceded me!however Caroline have been a very polite princess.another noble wouldn't have done it.for me she is the princess the most "simple".
Yes Noirfabi, Caroline was nice and polite but I think that also the boy was nice. I mean, he ran to her and didn't want a real reward, though the bracelet was worth a lot of money.
The pictures from Portofino are a pleasure to see. It gives the lie to the idea that Alex is their only common bond anymore. Alex is nowhere, yet her parents are together as ever before. I admire the mature relationship between these two people. They aren't all kissy and stuff in public because they have a truly mature relationship. They are no longer kids. While they must have their problems, as everyone and every couple has, they are old enough to handle it as adults and not get all selfish about it. They know, after all, what is important, and above all, they are loyal to each other. That is what is most inspiring about this couple. Yes, their lifestyle is tremendous, and it is what everyone wants. But more than that, their relationship is the picture of maturity, grace, class!
The pictures from Portofino are a pleasure to see. It gives the lie to the idea that Alex is their only common bond anymore. Alex is nowhere, yet her parents are together as ever before. I admire the mature relationship between these two people. They aren't all kissy and stuff in public because they have a truly mature relationship. They are no longer kids. While they must have their problems, as everyone and every couple has, they are old enough to handle it as adults and not get all selfish about it. They know, after all, what is important, and above all, they are loyal to each other. That is what is most inspiring about this couple. Yes, their lifestyle is tremendous, and it is what everyone wants. But more than that, their relationship is the picture of maturity, grace, class!

Although one never knows what goes on behind the scenes, I tend to totally agree with you. I think they have a real commitment and devotion to each other. Ernst tends to be more demonstrative than Caroline, and he seems to be as smitten as on the first day of their relationship. I am sure they must have worked hard at creating this (at least wonderful appearance of) harmony, another model of inspiration for the rest of us... I've always liked their couple, I always thought it brought a lighter quality to Caroline's personality, which she had as a teen, kind of lost after her divorce, regained (but with the gravitas maternity gives) with Stefano, lost again after her widowhood, and recaptured again in the early years of her marriage to Ernst. Ernst' s disease, Rainier's death, and Lord knows what other problems or disappointments she has experienced since then, have taken the sparkle off her demeanor at times, but Ernst seems to be the rock she can always count on. I hope this goes on forever.
Thank you, rchainho. They look smashing in the last Salzburg attendance. Ernst, ever so stylish, even matches Caroline with the color of his suit. What a synchronized (edit/correction: synergized) couple they are. :flowers:
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Pics 28.8.2007

The pics are extremely small, but here they are nevertheless :)
Caroline and Ernst August yesterday in Salzburg again:

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
The pics are extremely small, but here they are nevertheless :)
Caroline and Ernst August yesterday in Salzburg again:

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

Terrific pictures! Caroline looks like the spitting image of her grandmother Charlotte in that light and pose. Ernst looks quite handsome in these photos too.
Here's a german article translated with google:

Übersetzte Version von,geo=2468292.html

Hanover - the flogging process against prince Ernst August of Hanover (53) is again rolled up!
Nearly three years after its condemnation because of dangerous bodily injury. By it the previously convicted Welfenchef has the resumption of the procedure vorm higher regional court Celle (OLG) firstrode, reports „the mirror “.
Becomes obvious now also his wife, princess Caroline of Hanover (50), as a witness quantities.

The original article can be found right here:

Prinz Ernst August: Neue Runde im Prügel-Prozess -
Here's a gallery from Olycom with vacation pics from July, but those havn't been posted before. So enjoy:

those are great... i love the picture of the men on the float... ernst seems to have had a great time!
Nice and new pictures. Thanks tbhrc.
:ohmy:Princess Caroline with her fingers on her tooth!!!!!!
Pics 6.10.2007

New pics from today - Caroline looked fantastic!

Prince Ernst August of Hanover and his wife Princess Caroline of
Monaco pose on the red carpet at the Herbert-von-Karajan award
ceremony in Baden-Baden, southern Germany, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2007.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **
Thanks for the pics Iceflower!:flowers:
We haven't seen them for a while!
Caroline looks great, though I don't like very much her dress but the earrings and the pursue are great.
Ernst seems to have changed his hairdo or, maybe he just had his hair cut shorter.
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I know this is not part of this thread, but I think Prince Ernst August of Hanover sons are hot!:wub: :)
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