Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia, Current Events Part 51: January - June 2009

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May 10, 2006
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of the Princes of Asturias

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Leonor is the most elegant princess! She is so pretty!
It's kind of a tradition now to go during the evening of kings at the letizia's father's!! they did last year as well!
It's kind of a tradition now to go during the evening of kings at the letizia's father's!! they did last year as well!

Yes, it is a tradition in the family of the Princess to spend the "Day of Kings" with Jesus Ortiz, it is the party of Christmas that they celebrate with him, in addition I believe that in these days it is the birthday of Jesús.
what beautiful girls!!:wub:
Oh, little Sofia is more beautiful each day. I think she will become a true beauty in a few years!!!:flowers:
Does anybody know where the Princes are these days?
Does anybody know where the Princes are these days?

They were on tuesday in the Pascua Militar, the Infanta Leonor began the school on thursday and on tuesday they resume their official agenda. With half Spain collapsed by the snow, the most probable thing is that they are in their home enjoying the snow in Zarzuela.
The princes were in Bragança, Portugal on Sunday over a week ago according to this article, that refers to a story in the magazine "24 horas":
Díario de Bragança/Felipe e Letizia estiveram mesmo em Bragança
They were having lunch at a fast food restaurant "King of Kebab", Letizia ate a homemade soup of vegetables and Felipe of crepe kebab", tells one employee. The security guards asked the staff to keep the restaurant's discretion. After the lunch the princes went shopping.

thanks for the info, ladyfinn. it's interesting to know they were quite relaxed and down to earth and visited a fast food place.
It was Sunday that they were seen in the night in Zamora. The Spanish province of Zamora shares border with the Portuguese of Braganza. It seems that they passed the weekend in this zone.
The princes were in Bragança, Portugal on Sunday over a week ago according to this article, that refers to a story in the magazine "24 horas":
Díario de Bragança/Felipe e Letizia estiveram mesmo em Bragança
They were having lunch at a fast food restaurant "King of Kebab", Letizia ate a homemade soup of vegetables and Felipe of crepe kebab", tells one employee. The security guards asked the staff to keep the restaurant's discretion. After the lunch the princes went shopping.

The information in "24 horas" (page 26)

24horas -Jan. 9 - 3041
I fail to understand why it is newsworthy what Letizia and Felipe are eating for dinner. This is just silliness at this point I think.

Although, I suppose I would rather have such things be news, then something more dire. But at the same time, why should this be taking up space when the space could be much better used on the plight of the hungry or homeless?
It's newsworthy for the tabloids who follow the royals' lives. There are threads and threads of royals on holidays here, many posters have also found them interesting and worthy the space.
I fail to understand why it is newsworthy what Letizia and Felipe are eating for dinner. This is just silliness at this point I think.

Although, I suppose I would rather have such things be news, then something more dire. But at the same time, why should this be taking up space when the space could be much better used on the plight of the hungry or homeless?
I guess it is just the same as our "Star" or "National Inquirer" -- they would write the same type of thing. Nothing about the hungry or homeless there either. Just a bit of gossip that people seem to enjoy.
I guess, but seriously, why are we so interested in what these people eat? That just seems to me to be somewhat too curious about their lives.
I guess, but seriously, why are we so interested in what these people eat? That just seems to me to be somewhat too curious about their lives.
Well, I would say that a foreign royal couple visiting a shopping center in a small town of the contryside is newsworthy for:
1. a local paper (first link posted by Ladyfinn)
2. a tabloid gossip paper (second link posted by Lula).

It's not like it was on the national newscast or anything... I'd say many people would also consider a waste of time this royalwatching hobby of us... and nevertheless, here we are ;)
I'd say many people would also consider a waste of time this royalwatching hobby of us... and nevertheless, here we are
Exactly, and probably a few posters are interested also in what the Royals eat. What's wrong?
My opinion, of course!
Well, I would say that a foreign royal couple visiting a shopping center in a small town of the contryside is newsworthy for:
1. a local paper (first link posted by Ladyfinn)
2. a tabloid gossip paper (second link posted by Lula).

It's not like it was on the national newscast or anything... I'd say many people would also consider a waste of time this royalwatching hobby of us... and nevertheless, here we are ;)
How right you are -- most people think that we are rather silly to waste time on reading about royals and critiguing their activities and their clothes when we could be doing something useful with this time. Their opinion is that we are no better then teens idolizing others. People always like to feel that only their hobbies are worth the time.

I rather like to know that some royals just act like normal married couples and are enjoying their time together and don't require all the press and photos 24/7. They are, after all, just human beings.
It's good to see her again!!
she looks great!
PrÃ*ncipes de la utilidad
Princes of the utility

They want to make clear that you can trust them. Don Felipe and Letizia are making project their leadership and personality. And what most matters: slip in the heart of the Spanish.​

They know that both can be useful with their mere presence, and aware of this, they do not wasted an opportunity to listen and respond to each other.But, for some time, they are not satisfied with that.They seem to be more courageous.As if they want to prove that not only is a matter of being present, but to DO.For that reason they don´t miss any opportunity to help.Felipe and Letizia happily complement themself, and it shows, much more every day.​

The Princes of Asturias will inaugurate next Friday the new Hospital Universitario Ortega River in Valladolid.

Further evidence of how their presence can do a decisive finish. They can not imagine how they succeed.

(...)Increasingly, public opinion sees Don Felipe and Letizia to good parents. Slaughtered. Very close and abiding. Convinced that the main thing in life is "the other person". I said: lucky, these guys!​

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