All of a sudden it's Thursday again and Billed Bladet is out.
It's easy this week, there are basically only 3½ DRF stories.
It's not that BB don't write about royalty, they do! Down to Pippa's handbag...
And there is no prize for guessing next weeks main story...
Frederik competing is his boat and Christian and Isabella stealing the show. - I'll write a few lines about that later.
An article about where the Scandinavian royals prefer to spend their summer vacation.
Something about Nikolai and Felix first day in school after the holiday. - That has also been covered.
And this:
Brief summary of article in Billed Bladet #33, 2011.
Her kommer jeg - Here I come.
Written by Anna Johannesen.
Mary was wearing a Boss Orange dress.
Christian's rucksack was from Napapijri.
We already know what was said. There were however a few things missed by the DK networks, and a couple of questions from the foreign media.
To the question as to why M&F had chosen a public school rather than a private, Frederik replied: "Thriwing along with the pedagogics have been one of the reasons".
Will Mary from time to time bake cakes for Christian's class?
- "I would like that very much if it's possible. I'll certainly try".
Will mum and dad pick up Christian from school?
- "Christian: "I think so, but it'll most likely be mother".
To the question as to whether he will stay after class, the GFO/SFO arrangement explained elsewhere in this thread, Christian replied: "Perhaps not every day, but nearly".
There will be two classes of 0 graders at Tranegårds School, one with 24 pupils and another with 25 pupils.
The new 0 graders were recieved with flags and singing, all that being organised by the 5th graders, who will act as buddies for the new pupils until they themselves start in 5th grade and become buddies of the new 0 graders.
The schoolmaster, Torben Lind, welcomed the new pupils in the great hall. The 5th graders and the 0 graders were introduced to each other and after an hour and twenty minuttes Christian's first day in school was over.
The day before Christian had dropped by the school, along with his future classmates to have a look at the after-school activities, which they can attend along with other pupils from the younger classes. (But in the eyes of a six year old, they are nevertheless "the big".)
Mary, as you probably know, went to school in Hobart, Tasmania, after having attended preschool in Houston, Texas.
Frederik was homeschooled along with Joachim and they started together in 3th grade at Krebs School. Not only was there a lot of attention and photographers, which Frederik hated, but due to traffic they were also ten minuttes late.
Joachim and Frederik however did not go in the same class. - It must in every respect have been frightening for a shy boy.